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[RPG] Ancardia: The lost Kingdom


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Those are some very steep wishes for a free job. Most of it can be done with Eclipse, some of it can't and you'd be best off to write a custom engine. But honestly? You'll never make it with this attitude/method. Nobody with the skills and mindset to make all that happen will do it for free just like that, especially since you have "no bank account" which makes me assume you're under the age of 14\. How trustworthy does that seem? And with the hours required to get your stuff functional, it'd take more than a bit of "I can't pay" to convince people, and then you'd need to make a lovely legal contract (which you, being underaged can't sign) that you can't sell any of it, nor own any of it. And should you sell or make a profit of it in any way the programmer would get a fairly large chunk of the proceeds, because trust me. We're not cheap.

So basically, start with what YOU are capable of doing, and keep it simple. Then as you go, draw interest and get more people on your side. But never expect people to jump into an unknown project of an unknown person with steep demands and no payment.
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> Those are some very steep wishes for a free job. Most of it can be done with Eclipse, some of it can't and you'd be best off to write a custom engine. But honestly? You'll never make it with this attitude/method. Nobody with the skills and mindset to make all that happen will do it for free just like that, especially since you have "no bank account" which makes me assume you're under the age of 14\. How trustworthy does that seem? And with the hours required to get your stuff functional, it'd take more than a bit of "I can't pay" to convince people, and then you'd need to make a lovely legal contract (which you, being underaged can't sign) that you can't sell any of it, nor own any of it. And should you sell or make a profit of it in any way the programmer would get a fairly large chunk of the proceeds, because trust me. We're not cheap.
> Ā 
> So basically, start with what YOU are capable of doing, and keep it simple. Then as you go, draw interest and get more people on your side. But never expect people to jump into an unknown project of an unknown person with steep demands and no payment.

**For the record, I'm 15\. Yet,I'm beginning to learn pixel art, but I can't learn 3 things at the same time (programming, pixel art, highschool), and yet, I want to make a good game. Also, I am not intending to sell it, or to make any money off it, if someone would get money, I would gladly put a donation link to the programmer (donations, etc), yet I don't want to be a game with itemsexclusively for those who pay, and the ones who just want to play for free, get low tier items/weapons.**
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You're a good artist, try exchanging your skill in exchange for help. Maybe they wont make the full engine for just some art, but they'll probably help you with "here and there" type things. If you're looking for a single player engine, I'd really suggest you start with rpg maker, learn some Ruby? It's a very good engine if you know how to code in Ruby.
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> You're a good artist, try exchanging your skill in exchange for help. Maybe they wont make the full engine for just some art, but they'll probably help you with "here and there" type things. If you're looking for a single player engine, I'd really suggest you start with rpg maker, learn some Ruby? It's a very good engine if you know how to code in Ruby.

**Thank you, but the problem is, I don't have a license for that. And I find it's lack of graphics customization disturbing =]]**
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