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Party Only Chat


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Okay this is my first tutorial or whatever you can say because this is just a little change from some code :P

*tested on eclipse the final frontier

*difficult: Very Easy
(deathkeeper said :lol: )

**Client Side**

open **modEnumeration** and add this






then find in **modClientTCP**


Public Sub SayMsg(ByVal text As String)
Dim buffer As clsBuffer

' If debug mode, handle error then exit out
If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

Set buffer = New clsBuffer
buffer.WriteLong CSayMsg
buffer.WriteString text
SendData buffer.ToArray()
Set buffer = Nothing

' Error handler
Exit Sub
HandleError "SayMsg", "modClientTCP", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext
Exit Sub
End Sub

below that add this


Public Sub PartyMsg(ByVal text As String)
Dim buffer As clsBuffer

' If debug mode, handle error then exit out
If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

Set buffer = New clsBuffer
buffer.WriteLong CSayParty
buffer.WriteString text
SendData buffer.ToArray()
Set buffer = Nothing

' Error handler
Exit Sub
HandleError "PartyMsg", "modClientTCP", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext
Exit Sub
End Sub

then open **modInput** and search for


' Say message
If Len(chatText) > 0 Then
Call SayMsg(MyText)
End If

below that add this


'Party Message
If Left$(chatText, 1) = "~" Then
chatText = Mid$(chatText, 2, Len(chatText) - 1)

If Len(chatText) > 0 Then
Call PartyMsg(chatText)
End If

MyText = vbNullString
Exit Sub
End If

**Server Side**

open **modEnumerations**

then below



add this



open **modHandleData**



HandleDataSub(CSayMsg) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandleSayMsg)

add this


HandleDataSub(CSayParty) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandlePartyMsg)

still at **modHandleData**, search for this sub


Private Sub HandleSayMsg

below that sub add this sub


Public Sub HandlePartyMsg(ByVal index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long)
Dim Msg As String, s As String
Dim partynum As Long, i As Long
Dim buffer As clsBuffer
Set buffer = New clsBuffer
buffer.WriteBytes Data()
Msg = buffer.ReadString

' Prevent hacking
For i = 1 To Len(Msg)

If AscW(Mid$(Msg, i, 1)) < 32 Or AscW(Mid$(Msg, i, 1)) > 126 Then
Exit Sub
End If


If Not TempPlayer(index).inParty > 0 Then
PlayerMsg index, "You need to be in a party to talk in Party Chat!", BrightRed
Exit Sub
End If

s = "[Party]" & GetPlayerName(index) & ": " & Msg
partynum = TempPlayer(index).inParty
PartyMsg partynum, "[Party] " & GetPlayerName(index) & " : " & Msg, Blue
Call TextAdd(Msg)
Call AddLog(s, PLAYER_LOG)
Set buffer = Nothing
End Sub

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There is a tutorial for this. But since this a first timer, keep up the good work!

And also, just a suggestion: To make your code look a bit more neater, you could group together variable declaration. 


dim var1 as string, var2 as string
dim num1 as long, num2 as byte

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> ```
> Dim Msg As String
> Dim s As String
> Dim partynum As Long
> Dim i As Long
> ```
> can also make bit shorter like
> ```
> Dim Msg, s As String
> Dim partynum, i As Long
> ```
> Thanks for tutorial ;)

You cannot and should not do that.

All variables in VB should be declared with a type. It is not a necessity by a coding efficiency. It also prevents logical errors from taking place. In Domino's "example" his Msg and partynum variables are not string, longs but rather variants. 

It should be

dim msg as string, s as string
dim partnum as long, i as long

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> Saw one of these earlier on, but it's nice to see you come up with a useful tutorial! Keep up the good work ^_^

> There is a tutorial for this. But since this a first timer, keep up the good work!
> And also, just a suggestion: To make your code look a bit more neater, you could group together variable declaration. 
> eg:
> ```
> dim var1 as string, var2 as string
> dim num1 as long, num2 as byte
> ```
> etc

my mistake, sorry.. :(

> ```
> Dim Msg As String
> Dim s As String
> Dim partynum As Long
> Dim i As Long
> ```
> can also make bit shorter like
> ```
> Dim Msg, s As String
> Dim partynum, i As Long
> ```
> Thanks for tutorial ;)

i think that will cause an error, if i'm sure that is vb.net script :huh:

but thanks for everyone who tell me to simply this code :wub:
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> ~~Umm isnt there already a party chat, with "/p" ?? o.O~~
> lol, i though eo had party chat xD But if not then this is helpful. :)

just like what i said, tested on eclipse the final frontier :lol:

in this engine there is no party chat with /p command ;)

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