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How do I move Stat Buttons


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Hi…. well.... I want to move Stat buttons on EFF.... but, the code for rendering stats is:


If GetPlayerPOINTS(MyIndex) > 0 Then
' draw the buttons
For buttonnum = 16 To 20
x = GUIWindow(GUI_CHARACTER).x + Buttons(buttonnum).x
y = GUIWindow(GUI_CHARACTER).y + Buttons(buttonnum).y
Width = Buttons(buttonnum).Width
Height = Buttons(buttonnum).Height
' render accept button
If Buttons(buttonnum).state = 2 Then
' we're clicked boyo
Width = Buttons(buttonnum).Width
Height = Buttons(buttonnum).Height
'EngineRenderRectangle Tex_Buttons_c(Buttons(buttonnum).PicNum), x, y, 0, 0, width, height, width, height, width, height
RenderTexture Tex_Buttons_c(Buttons(buttonnum).PicNum), x, y, 0, 0, Width, Height, Width, Height
ElseIf (GlobalX >= x And GlobalX <= x + Buttons(buttonnum).Width) And (GlobalY >= y And GlobalY <= y + Buttons(buttonnum).Height) Then
' we're hoverin'
'EngineRenderRectangle Tex_Buttons_h(Buttons(buttonnum).PicNum), x, y, 0, 0, width, height, width, height, width, height
RenderTexture Tex_Buttons_h(Buttons(buttonnum).PicNum), x, y, 0, 0, Width, Height, Width, Height
' play sound if needed
If Not lastButtonSound = buttonnum Then
PlaySound Sound_ButtonHover, -1, -1
lastButtonSound = buttonnum
End If
' we're normal
'EngineRenderRectangle Tex_Buttons(Buttons(buttonnum).PicNum), x, y, 0, 0, width, height, width, height, width, height
RenderTexture Tex_Buttons(Buttons(buttonnum).PicNum), x, y, 0, 0, Width, Height, Width, Height
' reset sound if needed
If lastButtonSound = buttonnum Then lastButtonSound = 0
End If
End If

' draw the equipment
End Sub

What do i have to edit for moving it? thanks X_X this is DX8 btw
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