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"Your Game."


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Ok well this thread is quite the read!

I've seen three distinct debates in here:

1\. thread topic; good old custom-made vs. existing resources argument
2\. coding/engine/gameplay core mechanics vs. presentation aspects (gfx sfx etc.)
3\. um, not sure, I guess the commercialism of games and the type of genre/realism

About topic 1: I think this is somewhat overstated. I mean we talk about the local sports teams as "our" teams, so why complain about Eclipse users? Considering even if someone puts in as minimal work as possible, they still have done something to make a unique Eclipse game it it's own right. It is their _Eclipse_ game. Since we are in a community centered around Eclipse, saying "My Game" is correct as the _Eclipse_ aspect of the game is already known.

2\. I think this topic started when Fred was mentioning that even with your own graphics, it's still X engine you're using. I think this is an unneccesary distinction as Eclipse and game engines are tools; if someone makes a BMP in Paint, does it mean Paint has claim to the work as much as you do?

Even if you make your own engine, you're using pre-existing libraries, and using a pre-made language architecture as well; so you can keep digging down and say that you're not fully "custom" either.

3\. Yeah I dunno WTF happened with this topic. Ok the first part was about realism in games. Realism can be good, games are about escapism but realism and escapism are not mutually exclusive. Simulations are the prime example, they are based off simulating real environments (or in the case of the Sim____ games, simulating stylized versions of real scenarios). And look how popular those games are! I mean a game about controlling people living their daily humdrum lives was the best selling game for many years!

But there is a point too, most FPS games are stagnant cookie-cutter gritty rail shooters and it's getting old; and it's true that they still seem to sell so that's the easy mode for "mainstream" developers. This isn't really because games are now commercial and weren't before, it's because video games are a larger market and taken more seriously than before. Games always were commercial to a point, the main difference is back then the technology allowed a single person or a few people to design and create a game from scratch.

Because of technology, especially with graphics, that is now no longer the case; so the small games are now obvious and placed into the "indie game" category. About Adventure games as a genre, I dunno what to say about that, I didn't like the genre as a whole that much, the gameplay of those games by the late 90s were getting really really old (sort of like the rail-shooter FPS is getting now).

Anyway I dunno where I was going with this; but Goddie I think you're ranting was getting sort of off topic (like the post stating the discussion was about the Soviet Union now!).
:P :huh: :cheesy:
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> (like the post stating the discussion was about the Soviet Union now!).

If you don't know how metonymy works, then please ignore it. If you consider that off-topic then I suppose you don't know what a metonymy is, wherefore I suggest clicking the link I provided and reading the article. Not in an offensive way, it's possible that due the modern world, nobody knows what a metonymy is, as well as alliterations, metaphors, chiastic structures, etc.

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