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Getting your server online with Hamachi2


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Getting your server online with Hamachi2
In this tutorial you will find out how to get your server online with the new version of Hamachi.

1\. Getting Hamachi
First to get Hamachi you need to visit the LogMeIn website and download the unmanaged version of Hamachi2\. Here is a [link](https://secure.logmein.com/US/products/hamachi2/download.aspx). It only takes a few minutes to install. Once it is done installing open it up.

2\. Powering up
Now that you have got the program and opened it, you need to turn it on. Press the blue button with the power sign on it.

3\. Choosing a Nickname
Now a box should pop up asking you to choose a nickname. It does not matter what your nickname is so I recommend using your first name. It doesn't matter if it is already taken.

4\. Loading…
The program will create your account and load a few things. This only takes a couple of seconds.

5\. Create Your Network
Now you should see two blue buttons. Click the one that says "Create a new network". A new box will pop up now asking you for a Network name and password. For your Network name I suggest using your game name. It has to be simple, easy to remember and unique. No Network name can be used twice. For the password it doesn't really matter what this is as you will have to give it out to people who want to connect to your network. 123 works well. Once you have finished here click Create and your network will be created.

6\. Your Finished
The series of 5 numbers separated by dots at the top of the program is your Hamachi IP. This is what you will need to put as your client IP. The one shown will be different to yours. To get people to be able to connect they must have Hamachi and be connected to your network. With the details you picked in step 5.

If you found this tutorial helpful please vote for it here: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,56294.0.html
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  • 4 weeks later...
.bmp uses 3 bytes of data per pixel to define what color the pixel is, hence the term 24-bit Bitmap.  3 bytes of data doesn't sound like much, until you have a 800x600 image, which is 480,000 Pixels, and 3.84 MB in size.  4 megs is a LOT for an image that size, when a .png would only take up a few kilobytes depending on how complicated the image is.  Even a totally blank white space as a bitmap still consumes 24 bits per pixel.  It is generally decided that uncompressed images are bad business when bandwidth or processing speed is an issue - hence why I hate SNMPc so much, but that's another rant.

On the other hand, only use JPG images when quality isn't an issue.  If you want to preserve edit-ability, or using a mask color is an issue, use PNG.  PNG is a good workhorse format.
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