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Would You Play A Small-Sized Game With These Graphics?


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Hey my first post at Eclipse so hello to you all. I'm actually currently in the midst of developing a 3D MMO but I've got a month to wait for further funding to complete the project… so I thought what could I do for a month that would be constructive? I thought of 'Arnaria'.

Then I remembered this site from a while ago and felt that it wouldn't hurt to have a little play around with the engine again. Now, I can't develop anything too ambitious because obviously I want something small and easy to complete so the design concept (without going into too much detail because it's not the right place for it) is to have a two-sided faction-based arcade style shoot-em-up with 'flags' to capture. Now there's a mouthful.

Anyway the first problem is Graphics. These are Graphics I produced myself they have been produced in 3D to enable me to do all kinds of weird and wonderful fan art/extra media later. The 'ground' layer of the maps are always going to be in a realistic 'smooth' modern format, whilst characters and any others item that get put over the map have a 'toon' effect applied to them to give the game a wacky arcade-y feel.

>! ![](http://media.arnaria.co.uk/screenie_1.png)
[External Link](http://media.arnaria.co.uk/screenie_1.png)

I'll add more later if you feel it's required, I just don't want to produce to many incase the effect is not desirable.

Once the graphics style has been decided, production will be extremely fast with some basic coding skills needed for 'capturing the flag' and earning money every x minutes for owning y flags and I'll be done. A basic but fun game with limitless possibilities… that's the plan.

Anyway, so I'm asking the eclipse community for  their feedback purely on the graphics/graphic style for which I'd be very grateful for.
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Actually 'Draken' they are produced in 3D and simply 'photographed' at a 45degree angle at a specific height to produce that effect. I have done no pixel art and have no skills with pixel art and don't have time to spend on good quality 3D art.

I apologise it looks like newb pixel art  XD.
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@Anna As above: "The 'ground' layer of the maps are always going to be in a realistic 'smooth' modern format, whilst characters and any others item that get put over the map have a 'toon' effect applied to them to give the game a wacky arcade-y feel." You are to take into account that is intentional, if I believe we are thinking of the same thing.

Here's an early website draft image, although not useful in the same way it shows some more of the assets in a different way: [Click here.](http://www.freeroam.net/media/test.png) Thanks!

Edit: Thank you both for your valuable contributions.
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