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How to take upon the role of Lore Mastering (WIP)

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Lore Mastering

So you want to make a story? Well you’ve come to the right place because this part of this guide will teach you how to start out.

First things first will be to write down ideas; such as main plot, characters etc. but wait! Don’t do it too quickly or things will indeed get messy!

Let’s get organized! Get out some paper and pencil or open up a new page in Microsoft word. For those who prefer paper, get multiple sheets of paper. For those who prefer to type, open up some Microsoft word pages.

In order for this to be completely organized you will have to create folders for them :). For writing just use a folder or a binder, and for typing just right click on your desktop and make a new folder.

Every game designer has the ability to build up a history of his/her game. They are granted with this ability every once in awhile and must then take upon themselves to use this ability to their advantage.
The Game Designers that have the skill of story telling and scribing are usually called Lore Masters. This select group of people group together to tell one story that will back up another story.
If you have ever gripped an Xbox 360 Controller in your hand and experienced the power of Halo then you should understand completely that there must be Lore Masters on the back stage finding all the strings necessary and pulling them if needed.
Lore Masters can also control a character’s growth. This growth is very essential in keeping a stable realistic atmosphere and possibly building emotion in the player. Some players can be emotionally attached to certain Characters; maybe it resembles them, resembles a relative that died, maybe a friend that died or something of that sort that would bring about emotion. This gets the players involved with the character’s life and if that character dies the player will feel some sort of emotional pain.
I have seen the most cliché stories, history back drops and other events in a story that probably were taken from a Disney movie. You cannot call your game good unless you have a good story to back up your game.
During this tutorial I will teach you how to take control of the Lore Master deep within your very core.

Lore Master’s skill set

Lore Masters have a specific skill set in which they can use them to his/her advantage. The skills take practice to get right and sometimes even when you have practiced so much and you seem to be getting it but you end up creating some sort of crappy story then this means you must scrap and start over because that crap would count as a practice story.
The Skills will be set in alphabetical order and will have a detailed description accompanying each of them.

The Heroes Journey-
            The Heroes’ Journey is a layout that shows a character’s travels throughout his/her story. Their story can be emotionally set in themselves, it can be out to fight a dragon and save the princess (or prince) or their whole life could be their journey.
            The heroes’ journey has five main steps which will help you keep track of your Character’s journey.

A call to adventure- This is where the hero can choose to take the quest. If he says no then usually there is something that happens that pushes him towards doing the quest.
Threshold- This is a line where the hero may pass over but not turn back and cross over. At the threshold there will be Guardians there helping him. More likely a father, mother, mentor, friend or girlfriend. 
A road of trials- Throughout the Heroes’ journey the Hero will face multiple challenges that will affect him emotionally and physically. Emotionally meaning that his character will probably change from point A to point B because of so many things pushed him in that direction.
Abyss- This is the bottom of the journey. Something goes terribly wrong and leaves the character in a hole full of doubt and pain. This Abyss is where the dragon (final Challenge) is usually held and upon defeating it the Hero will be set free of the abyss.
Slaying the Dragon- This part of the Heroes’ journey will have the Hero fighting the Dragon and hopefully defeating it. The Dragon is the final boss, the final challenge and the final wall blocking the Hero from achieving victory.
 Transformation/Rebirth- This is when the Hero transforms into something new. His/hers view of things has changed and he is a better and or bad person because of it.
Atonement- This is when the Hero makes amends to himself and realizes his change and that his journey is finished. He/She will finally obtain peace.
Returning- This is the final step in which the Hero returns home and begins to live his life. He may get married, have children, and write a book. But what ever decision he makes it will be greatly affected by how he is transformed.

The heroes’ Journey can be found anywhere. I will show you an example; You should have already witnessed the alpha and Omega which is known only as Star Wars (if you have not seen this then I have nothing left to tell you except stop reading and go commit suicide I’m just kidding please don’t do that ). During the episode 4 when Luke Skywalker is introduced he is called to go on a Journey with Obi-Wan.  Luke refuses and decides to stay with his aunt and uncle. While away from his home Troopers storm in his home and destroy everything which forces him to go on his journey.
So far it’s the first part of the Heroes Journey; The Call to Adventure, The Refusal and then the Force to journey. It goes on and on but I doubt you want me to tell you an overview of the movie when you could go watch it yourself.

Pencil and Paper-
            Pencil and Paper are probably your best friends and if not your only really good friends. These two guys come hand in hand to write down notes and to keep important things written down so important information doesn’t get lost in the vast space in your brain that is clouded with different things. Pencil and Paper is the old fashion keyboard and computer screen. It is much more reliable and will not crash on you for some certain reason. The only problem you will possibly interact with would be the result of failing to fully organize your writing/Lore (thus the name Lore Master).

Character = Writer-
            Sometimes relating yourself to the character can help you better understand your character thus realizing something hidden in your own life and then reflecting on it through your writing. Not really though. It’s probably a rare thing that would happen when writing a story because sometimes our imagination would get in the way of what is realism and what is fantasy.
            Maybe you made a decision in life in which you wished you could take back. In your writing you can put your character through a similar situation and then go about the decision differently than you had done in real life.

            This is a MUST for any story. If a story has no emotion in it then it is even harder to read or take part in as a reader or as an editor or player. He is a list of Emotions and a small definition of them to help you out in your story.

Accepted - regarded favorably
Accepting - open or welcoming
Agitated - troubled or nervous
Alarmed - anxious or frightened awareness of danger
Amused - entertained or laughing
Angry - feeling or showing anger
Angst - profound feeling of generalized anxiety or dread
Annoyed - pestered; harassed; attacked repeatedly
Anticipating - looking forward or expecting
Anxious - experiencing worry or unease; very eager to do something
Apprehensive - anticipating something with anxiety or fear
Apathy - not interested or enthusiastic
Aversion - strong dislike or disinclination
Awed - feeling of great respect mixed with fear
Bitter - feeling anger, hurt and resentment
Bored - feel weary and uninterested by being dull and tedious
Bewildered - perplexed or confused
Betrayed - involving treachery, disloyal or break of trust
Calm - peaceful and not showing nervousness, anger or other emotions
Cautious - careful to avoid potential problem or danger
Close - connected; united; bound together by strong relationship and common interest
Comfortable - enjoying physical comfort
Compassion - concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others
Complete - whole; doesn’t need anything
Contented - in a state of peaceful happiness or satisfaction
Confident - feeling certain in oneself or about something
Confused - bewildered; having difficulty to understand
Constrained - compel or forced towards a course of action
Courageous - brave
Depressed - feel utterly dispirited or dejected
Disappointed - sad or displeased because one’s hopes or expectations have not been fulfilled
Discontented - lack of satisfaction
Disgusted - strong revulsion or indignation
Desire - strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen
Delightful - very pleased
Determined - resolute; having firmness of purpose
Distressed - extreme anxiety or suffering
Doubtful - uncertain
Drained - tired or used up completely
Elated -
Euphoric - intensely happy
Embarrassed - feeling awkward, self-conscious or ashamed
Empathetic – Characterized by empathy
Enjoying - taking pleasure in
Ennui - listless and dissatisfied arising from boredom
Enthusiasm - intense enjoyment, interest or approval
Envious - resentful longing aroused by another’s possessions, quality or luck
Ecstatic- subjecting to mystical experience
Fearful - afraid
Friendship - feeling of having a bond of mutual affection but not sexual
Frustrated - unfulfilled
Glee - great delight
Glad - pleased; grateful
Gratitude - thankful
Greed - intense and selfish desire for food, wealth or power
Grief - intense sorrow especially caused by someone’s death
Guilty - feeling of being responsible for a wrongdoing, fault or error
Hate - feeling of hatred or intense dislike towards
Happy - having pleasure or contentment
Homesick - feeling upset because one is missing one’s home
Honored - feeling of pride and pleasure from being shown respect
Hope - feeling of expectation and desire for something to happen
Horror - intense feeling of fear, shock or disgust
Humbled - modest or low estimate of one’s own importance
Hurt - mental pain or distress
Impatient - lacking patience or tolerance
Inadequate - unable to deal with a situation or life
Indignant - annoyance provoked by what is perceived as unfair treatment
Interested - wanting to know about something or someone
Irritated - annoyed
Isolated - remote; lonely
Joyful - feeling of great pleasure and happiness
Jealous - resentful of someone regarded as a sexual rival; fiercely fighting for attention
Lonely - sad because one has no friends or company; solitary; unfrequented and remote
Love - intense feeling of deep affection; deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone
Lust - strong sexual desire
Mad - extremely foolish or ill-advised; very enthusiastic about something
Melancholy - deep and long lasting sadness
Modest - unassuming in the estimation of one’s abilities; relatively moderate; decent
Misunderstood - fail to be understood correctly; misjudged
Naive - lacking experience, wisdom and judgment
Nervous - apprehensive; easily agitated or alarmed
Negative - pessimistic; undesirable; denial; unwelcome; expressing disagreement or refusal
Nostalgic - sentimental longing or wishful affection for the past
Pain - mental suffering or distress
Panic - sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety; informal frenzied hurry to do something
Patient - having or showing patience
Peaceful - free from disturbance; calm; inclined to avoid conflict
Phobia - irrational fear of something
Pity - feeling of sorrow and compassion caused by sufferings of others
Pleasure - feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment
Proud - deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from achievement, qualities, possessions; excessively high opinion of oneself; Rage - violent uncontrollable anger
Regret - express sorrow, repentance or disappointment
Remorseful - deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed
Resentful - feeling of bitterness or indignation
Sad - unhappy; feeling sorrow
Satisfied - met expectations, needs or desires
Self-pity - excessive concern with and unhappiness over one’s own troubles
Shame - feeling of humiliation caused by awareness of wrong or foolish behavior; loss of esteem
Shy - timid in the company of others; slow or reluctant to do; specified dislike or aversion
Shock - feeling caused by sudden upsetting or surprising event or experience
Suffer - experience something bad or unpleasant
Surprised - mild astonishment caused by something unexpected
Suspense - feeling of excited or anxious uncertainty about what may happen
Sympathetic - showing sympathy or approval of an idea, action, sentiment or opinion
Terrified - feel terror or extreme fear
Tired - exhausted the patience or interest of; feeling drained; bored
Troubled - worried of inconvenience; problematic
Trust - firm belief in reliability, truth, ability or strength of someone or something
Understanding - sympathetically aware of other people’s feelings
Vulnerable - feeling exposed to being attacked or harmed
Wonder - feeling of surprise or admiration caused by something beautiful, unexpected or unfamiliar
Worried - anxious or troubled over actual or potential difficulties
Wrathful - intense anger
Yearning - intense feeling of loss and longing for something
Zestful - great enthusiasm and energy

            You should notice very well that there are so many different Emotions that it may be hard to keep track of them all. But that doesn’t mean you can tremble before the amazing power of emotion. You need to put so much emotion in it that will make the reader feel the pressure of emotion upon them. Make them feel like emotion just slapped them in the face and the only possible result of the action is to cry and suck your thumb. Not really though.

Protagonist and antagonist-
These two main characters will determine majority of the challenges the Protagonist will face. It will also help with creating twists, events, and emotions. For example; The Protagonist and Antagonist could have some sort of bond. Say they were brothers and maybe one had more ladies liking him than the other brother. So the brother with no ladies ends up becoming evil and destroying his brother (I know this is far fetched but it is just an example). That was just a small example. You can go along with that and branch off. These two main characters could be married, friends, and brothers. And what could bring them apart could be the way they look at things, distance, jealousy, and emotions ECT. . For all the readers know, you could put the Antagonist in the Protagonist personality for awhile until you feel like bringing out his true nature. This will more likely cause some shock to some readers if they really liked that character being good.


Scrapping, scrapping and more scrapping- 
            This is indeed a normal thing and is very important. It is okay to drop a project and start a new one. It's normal but you should save the past project just invade you want to go back to it. Sometimes something doesn't play right and sometimes you just describe to much. This is when you must scrap some description. A good writer knows how to explain a point in a 1 to 2 sentenced paragraphs.

Important Key Notes-

It is important to ask yourself questions so you can better understand your imaginary world and to better understand you’re perceptive of your own world. You will have to take these questions into some consideration before beginning to write your story.

1.      How many characters?
2.      Should the characters have a goal?
3.      Do the characters need human traits?
4.      When exactly should they die if they die?

Environment -
5.      What is the environment like?
6.      What is the temperature like?
7.      How is the economy?
8.      How is the government? If yes, then describe their political views.
9.      Is there a caste system? (Commoner, peasant, noble etc.)
10.  Are women treated equally? If No, then describe what they can’t do and what life is for them.
11.  Is there gangs? If yes then describe them.
12.  Is the world safe? If No then describe why.
13.  Are there creatures? If yes, then describe them.
14.  Are there mountains? If yes, then describe them.
15.  Are there deserts? If yes, then describe them.
16.  Are there plains? If yes, then describe them.
17.  Does magic exist? If yes, then describe how it affects your world.

18.   Was this character originally Evil? If yes, then describe how evil and what he did and what was he tried to accomplish.
19.  Does he have any living family members? Father, Mother, Sister, Brother, cousins, uncles, aunts etc.
20.   Does he work at all?
21.  What is he doing before he goes on his Heroes Journey?
22.  What is the supports personality?
23.  What kind of traits does he have?
a.       Is he funny
b.      Is he mean
c.       Does he get mad easy
d.      Does he laugh a lot
e.       Does he cry
f.        Is he strong
g.       Is he weak
h.       Is he small
i.         Is he tall
j.        Is he a male or female
k.      Is he fat
l.         Is he skinny
m.     Is he smart
n.       Is he dumb (these are just examples)

24.   Was this character originally good? If yes, then describe how good and what he did and what was he tried to accomplish.
25.  What is his goal as the antagonist?
26.  Does he have anyone he loves?
27.  Does he have a sidekick?
28.  What is the supports personality?
29.  What kind of Traits does he have?
a.       Is he funny
b.      Is he mean
c.       Does he get mad easy
d.      Does he laugh a lot
e.       Does he cry
f.        Is he strong
g.       Is he weak
h.       Is he small
i.         Is he tall
j.        Is he a male or female
k.      Is he fat
l.         Is he skinny
m.     Is he smart
n.       Is he dumb (these are just examples)

Support Protagonist-
30.  Does the support have a romantic relationship with the protagonist?
31.  Does the support want something?
32.  Why does the support help (or not help) the Protagonist?
33.  Does the support die? Why does the support die?
34.  What is the supports personality?
35.  What kind of traits does the support have?

Money Sentences-

The powerful word “And”-
And is often considered over used. People probably hve told you to not start a sentence with the word And. Well they are wrong. You can start a sentence with And, but you MUST not do it on a regular basis. If there is something important in a sentence that you want the reader to see then place And at the beginning of the sentence. This is kind of a "look at me" word. It grabs the attention of the reader because of it's position and pronouciation.

Thesaurus is your friend-
Sometimes when writing you are often using the same word to describe things (especially if you have a low vocabulary). This is when the thesaurus comes in handy. It can help you replace a word with another one that  means the same thing. But becareful. Sometimes the words that you choose might not fully fit in the sentence you place it in.

Reading Helps-
It helps to read. Reading builds imagination and helps your writing skills and grammar skills. To test your reading ability read bigger books.

Details, Details, No More!-

First Impressions are key-

Introductory Techniques-

Writing Templates-


List of Emotions-

Heroes Journey-
            My English Teacher Ms. Gill

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