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Power! character designs and ideeas.


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I'm also thinking of making not one principal character, but 10 , and make the story circle around each one, Like the Heroes series if you've seen that.

Thanks for the liking Thorn XD, You can add more than one you know.
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Name: Ray (Calls himself Psidiver)

Looks: At one point was apparently going for a quasi-goth look, but didn't have the money to keep it up. He usually wears a tattered trenchcoat and has unkempt, shoulder length hair. He has a lanky build, and a naturally pale complexion.

Abilities: Due to his background, he has some strange abilities. The foremost of these is being able to project his mind into the minds of others, causing anything from puppet-like control to simply overloading their nervous system. He has very limited combat training, and mostly relies on turning enemies against each other and breaking their brains as opposed to fisticuffs.

Suggested background: Ray was a pretty normal, introverted gamer, spending his days in front of his bizarrely modified PC. He had tweaked it in every way possible, from overclocking the processor to actually soldering in chunks from other machines.
As such, the computer did not react well when a solar ray, like some divine lance, shot from the sun and hit it with laser precision.
The result was that it drastically altered the young man's DNA, and warped his introverted personality. Where he was once so good at looking inside himself, he found he could now look into others in a similar way.
Nothing would likely have come from this, if he didn't have a total comic book nerd as a best friend.
His buddy insisted that he had superpowers, and had to go use them to fight crime. Dumb though the idea was, he argued the point and eventually made it seem pretty appealing.
Things did not go well. Psidiver, as Ray now calls himself, hasn't been killed yet, but he's finding out that things aren't as black and white as he thought they were. As he sees into more people's minds, he begins to wonder about his own and question his own sense of morality. He's trying to be a force for good, but his moral compass isn't pointing as true north as it once was.
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