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Texting gone wrong


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Aight, so i get off work and get this text from a number i dont reconize saying "I want your dick love" so its not from a number where that would make any sense so im not sure if its a joke so i respond with "Ahuh who the fuck is this." getting no response ( and being the person i am ) i later send them a picture of my dick. So im texting my other buddy from working and he let me know it was another guy from work. So i just sent my coworker a picture of my cock. Apparantly his response was "holy fuck do you know what he just sent me" XD

I guess it was more epic when it actually happened and less epic in story. Still some good times of a prank gone wrong.
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> You sure love showing off your dick.


> Haha. One of my friends was going to send me a picture of his stick before school one day, but before he hit send, he knew that if it woke me up, I'd be pissed enough to forward to everyone in my contact list. I have well over 120 people. I told him I would have done it in a matter of seconds.

Why would people send pictures of there package over text messaging. If anyone sent me a picture, I would send it to everyone just for making me look at it.
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> You don't have to be desperate to send pictures of your stick to people. My god, I'd send stick pictures to people for the hell of it. I don't care if they look at it and say eh. I don't care to be naked. It's a body part not like they are saying SUCK IT PLEASE VIRTUALLY SUCK IT.

I was like lol'd for a few minutes not kidding…
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> @Absolute:
> > I would send it to everyone just for making me look at it.
> It's a dick. Get over yourself.

I would see it from your point of view but I'm not able to get my head that far up my ass.

I'm interested in hearing about how people react at your job tomorrow.
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