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Human Inner Power


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>! Inner Power its my game name  ;-d
I was searching about some superior than normal people can do and I found this.Really cool  :kiss:

**Google Translate**

Thich Quang Duc, born 1897, was a Buddhist monk vietnamitaque sacrificed himself to death on a busy street in Saigon From June 11, 1963\. His act was repeated by other monks. As his body burned in the flames, the monk remained> completely immobile. She did not scream, even made a small ruído.Thich Quang Duc was protesting against the way that asociedade oppressing the Buddhist religion in their country. After his death, his body was cremated according to Buddhist tradition. During the cremation his heart remained intact, it was considered almost as holy and seucoração was translated to the attention of the Reserve Bank of Vietnam as a relic.

look this  :cheesy:

what's your opinion?
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> Why would they need to cremate him? ;D

maybe because he was half-baked. XD

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> That's just your opinion. Believing that something can become holy could be capable. You can't just blow it off as people being morons. Enlighten yourself.

But why would anyone believe that setting themselves on fire could accomplish that? Most of the religions I hear about frown upon suicide.

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It's been a while since this has happened to me…
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> @Robin:
> > Why would they need to cremate him? ;D
> maybe because he was half-baked. XD
> Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.
> @SoiWilliamSoi:
> > That's just your opinion. Believing that something can become holy could be capable. You can't just blow it off as people being morons. Enlighten yourself.
> But why would anyone believe that setting themselves on fire could accomplish that? Most of the religions I hear about frown upon suicide.
> Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.
> It's been a while since this has happened to me…

lol… really? because it happens to me all the time
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> Because all religions differentiate from one another. That's why they all have different teachings.

Hmmm… I haven't bothered to read up much on the Buddhist region... do they do it because they want some sort of liberation? On what grounds can they say that anything will happen to them besides death?
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