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My Humble Suggestions


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Hello everyone!

I realize I'm the most junior person here to walk along these shores.  However, if you could humor me a moment, I have a suggestion that may very well benefit everyone (well, only frustrated newbs really).

So, like a good newb should, I'm trying to go through the tuts, resource guides, and indexes before bothering people with inane questions that have probably been answered a thousand times to the point of ad naseum - and I'm noticing something kind of… challenging to my research.

A lot of it is no longer applicable to the current version of EO.  I basically have to read every post in every thread to find out something went from "omg this is teh uber!! THANK YOU" to "Link dead", back to "thnx fur da fixes dude!", and then finally "It doesn't work anymore, use Google."

20 minutes later, I let out a sigh and go back to my "search results" page and go to the next thread.  I believe that I am probably not the first one to do this and I'm willing to bet that this probably makes a lot of newbs like me frustrated and quit.

> Quick Note 1: First of all, mad props to Anthony, the index king!
> Quick Note 2: I am in no way deluding myself.  The suggestions below are massive undertakings and tedious time burners.  Anyone who actually tries to do them should get a serious “atta boy” from the community and a ham sammich mailed to him straight away as a thank you prize!

My Humble Suggestions:

* Tag Guides / Resources / Tut's / Scripts / etc… with an Eclipse version in the subject line.  If the OP doesn't do it, the assigned moderator of that specific board could.
* Do the same in Index Threads.  Tag the line item with the applicable EO version.  Strike out broken or non applicable to current version line items in the indexes.
* Create a Forum Category called "Thanks for the memories, but these no longer work!" or something like that, and move broken material to that board.  Retain the original posts there for historical reference purposes.


I guess I’ll stop writing now.  Like I said, I do understand this isn’t a five minute undertaking and wouldn’t help anyone already here… but it might help your newcomers and motivate them to maintain their involvement.

If I offended anyone by sounding too judgemental, that was not my goal and I truly apologize.

Thanks for your time!
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I'm sorry… what is:

t l ; d r

Finding tutorials is not the problem Rob.  It's wading through all the tuts to make sure you are using one that is applicable to the current version.

As I said, I am not trying to offend or anger anyone, I'm only "thinking out loud" really.
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No actually, I am reading them and will continue to do so.

I'm only saying that it is not condusive, productive, or motivating to read threads only to find out 20 pages later that it is no longer applicable. 

That's the actual point.

If you guys are angry at this post, I'm sorry.  Like I said, I was only trying to make a suggestion.
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You misunderstood me. I was asking if that was what you were saying. Writing a small essay on the matter is all very well but you didn't make your point clear at all.

There was actually a stickied thread requesting people tag their posts properly with the engine type but it was lost in the forum change.
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Okay, first, don't double post. Believe me, you don't want to learn it the hard way.

Anyway, I know what you mean and most people DO tag their topic in [EO] and [ES] and [EE 2.7]. Some even do [EOXMAS] which is EO Christmas Edition(1.2.0?)

I understand what you want us to do and I totally agree.
I hope the stickies will be recover soon and provide more info regarding tagging. Engine Type isn't not enough info, Version should be included as well.

Oh and another thing is, people don't read stickies. I don't know why cause I do but after years on the forum, I realized that most(if not all) new members doesn't read them.

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> Oh and another thing is, people don't read stickies. I don't know why cause I do but after years on the forum, I realized that most(if not all) new members doesn't read them.

They generally learn after their 2nd or 3rd warning.
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Actually, it doesn't take that long to learn if you are willing to learn(and I have a feeling you do).
It took me about a month to understand how everything work and then maybe a year to learn the language and the engine structure(excluded DirectX7/DirectDraw that I'm currently learning).
You learn more by playing around with it and getting some experience in coding.

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