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My GFX (Need Advice!)


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Hi guys so.. Me and a friend is currently developing a game and I decided to wait abit with making a WIP But I want some tips about the graphics so I've have some photos here. Please tell me what you think about it!  :P

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Going to be honest here and save you some time, I'm sure others will just say "looks good" or whatever.
I wouldn't play a game with these sprites.
The rats don't look like rats; they're hard to sprite because they're small, so maybe consider scaling everything up. Even the people look very small, it's going to be impossible to fit any sort of decent detail on there.
The wall and floor tiles don't really loop very well and are low-contrast, they look bland.
Same with the rats and people, everything is low-contrast with not much shading and it doesn't look very appealing.

Sorry to burst your bubble but I'm just telling you how I, as a player, would see it if I were to play this game. Consider practicing more before working on an entire game with these, and at the least use more shading (in the right way, learn to shade. Don't pillow shade or over-shade.) and also I'd suggest making everything bigger to fit more detail in.

Hope you appreciate I'm giving honest advice rather than just telling you it's good enough when it isn't.
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> Going to be honest here and save you some time, I'm sure others will just say "looks good" or whatever.
> I wouldn't play a game with these sprites.
> The rats don't look like rats; they're hard to sprite because they're small, so maybe consider scaling everything up. Even the people look very small, it's going to be impossible to fit any sort of decent detail on there.
> The wall and floor tiles don't really loop very well and are low-contrast, they look bland.
> Same with the rats and people, everything is low-contrast with not much shading and it doesn't look very appealing.
> Sorry to burst your bubble but I'm just telling you how I, as a player, would see it if I were to play this game. Consider practicing more before working on an entire game with these, and at the least use more shading (in the right way, learn to shade. Don't pillow shade or over-shade.) and also I'd suggest making everything bigger to fit more detail in.
> Hope you appreciate I'm giving honest advice rather than just telling you it's good enough when it isn't.

he is right they are small, I would recommended making the sprites bigger, unless it has to do more with the style you are going with. If its more of a retro style then the smaller guys are fine. Thats going to have to be your call. The rats tho I think are fine. Rats are generally small and if they are in a dungeon and some low level meaningless creature then they are fine. But the shading on the disk could be a bit more, try different ways of making it look like more of a wood grain. You can google different types of wood for example. But the rat is very similar to the rat from Zelda Link to the Past, google it as well. ;).. But I've already told you that. For your 1st attempt and coming from the stuff you were making a few weeks ago I give you a 100% improvement. But on the grand scale I'm going to give it a 3.5/10\. On a rating scale were the GFX in my game are a 5\. If that gives you an example of where I think you are at atm. Post the frog as well. I think someone might be able to explain to you what I was saying about the back view.
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Well yes I know they're small they're supposed to be small… And yes Im still learning, and I WILL fix the rat
and I won't change the style this is the style I want and I will keep it that way :P And I don't care if you wont play it! I mostly make the game too learn and because its fun :) And Grizzy I maybe will post the frog when Im done with it ;) And I think I know how to make it now. Anyways thanks for letting me know what you think.
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I think I was a bit harsh there. I'm just trying to push you in the right direction rather than just say "good".
Your work isn't bad, but it's important to stick to some amount of theory. There are tons of great spriting tutorials out there if you look for them, and trust me it will help to stick to what's told in tutorials.
Keep up the good work. Everybody starts somewhere and you definitely have potential, just look at your work and each time you're done a piece just think what you can improve on. That's the only way anyone learns.
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I have looked up some tuts and you should have seen my first pics.. haha they were really sucky :P
Anyways I have figured out how to fix the rat. I just realised I have painted the rat from above.. Will post the new rat soon :P
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