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[EO] Mystery Boxes!


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Mystery Box System 1.0

At the end of tutorial it should look like this:


**Client side**

In frmEditor_Item add new frame fraBox and in that frame add label lblBox and scrollbar scrlBox

It should look like this


In scrlBox code add:

If EditorIndex < 1 Or EditorIndex > MAX_ITEMS Then Exit Sub
lblBox.Caption = "Box: " & scrlBox.value
item(EditorIndex).CBoxNumber = scrlBox.value
Exit Sub

Now in cmbType List at the end add "Box"

In modConstants add:

Public Const ITEM_TYPE_BOX As Byte = 9

In modEnumerations add:


In modGameEditors in sub ItemInit before End With add

If (frmEditor_Item.cmbType.ListIndex = ITEM_TYPE_BOX) Then
frmEditor_Item.fraBox.Visible = True
frmEditor_Item.scrlBox.value = .CBoxNumber
frmEditor_Item.fraBox.Visible = False
End If

In modHandleData in sub InitMessages add:

HandleDataSub(SMysteryBox) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandleMysteryBox)

In same module add:

Private Sub HandleMysteryBox(ByVal Index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long)
Dim Buffer As clsBuffer
Dim itemnumber As Byte
Dim value As String
Set Buffer = New clsBuffer
Buffer.WriteBytes Data()
itemnumber = Buffer.ReadLong
value = Buffer.ReadString
OpenMystery itemnumber, value
End Sub

Create new module and name it modMysteryBox and add in it :

Public Sub OpenMystery(ByVal itemnum As Integer, ByVal value As String)
Dim itempic As Long
itempic = item(itemnum).Pic
frmMysteryBox.lblItemName.Caption = value & " " & item(itemnum).Name
End Sub

In ModGeneral in sub LoadGUI add:

frmMysteryBox.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\data files\graphics\gui\main_mystery.bmp")

In modTypes in Type ItemRec add:

CBoxNumber As Byte


Create new module and name it modBox and in it add:

Public Sub OpenMystery(index As Long, caseID As Long)
Dim n As Byte
Select Case caseID
Case "0"
PlayerMsg index, "I feel lucky today!", White
PlayerMsg index, "You've obtained Nothing", Red
SendPlayerData index
Case "1"
PlayerMsg index, "I feel lucky today!", White
n = Random(0, 20)
If (n < 1) Then
Call GiveInvItem(index, 1, 100000, True)
PlayerMsg index, "You've obtained 100k $", Red
SendMysteryBox index, 1, "100k"
ElseIf (n < 5) Then
Call GiveInvItem(index, 1, 1000000, True)
PlayerMsg index, "You've obtained 1M $", Red
SendMysteryBox index, 1, "1 Million"
Call GiveInvItem(index, 1, 1, True)
PlayerMsg index, "You've obtained 1$", Red
SendMysteryBox index, 1, "1"
SendPlayerData index
End If

Case Else

End Select
End Sub

In modConstants add:

Public Const ITEM_TYPE_BOX As Byte = 9

In modEnumerations add:


In modServerTcp add :

Public Sub SendMysteryBox(ByVal index As Long, ByVal itemnum As Long, ByVal Value As String)
SendActionMsg GetPlayerMap(index), "I just won " & Value & " " & Item(itemnum).Name, Pink, ACTIONMSG_SCROLL, GetPlayerX(index) * 32, GetPlayerY(index) * 32
Dim Buffer As clsBuffer
Set Buffer = New clsBuffer

Buffer.WriteLong SMysteryBox
Buffer.WriteLong itemnum
Buffer.WriteString Value
SendDataTo index, Buffer.ToArray

Set Buffer = Nothing
End Sub

In modPlayer in sub UseItem before End Select add:

'get box number
n = Item(itemnum).CBoxNumber
Call OpenMystery(index, n)
Call TakeInvItem(index, itemnum, 1)

In modTypes in Type ItemRec add

CBoxNumber As Byte

Now you are DONE!

**Without this system wont work!**

**Download files [here](https://www.mediafire.com/?agukh66lbf1xxgx).**

**Paste main_mystery.bmp in data files\graphics\GUI**

**Inside client source in folder Forms  open  frmMysteryBox . Also paste frmMysteryBox in src folder.**
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Server side:

In modServerTCP in sub SendMysteryBox.

At the top of sub add :

SendActionMsg GetPlayerMap(index), "I just won " & Value & " " & Item(itemnum).Name, Pink, ACTIONMSG_SCROLL, GetPlayerX(index) * 32, GetPlayerY(index) * 32

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Nice work. I read through the code but I found that this only rewards the player with the first item. Why not expand on this idea? Like the game maker can decide which item(s) to give, how many of those items to give, check for inventory space before giving the item and stuff.
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