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Recruitment code.


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Hey so i was wondering…Is there a way to make a chancing code so for example:
in a pmd game, Recruit rate is +34
which would mean you have a chance out of 34 to recruit it..
Is there a way to do that and if so, could someone tell me how?
I know i ask too many questions >.<
I also don't know a lot about coding DX
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> Hey so i was wondering…Is there a way to make a chancing code so for example:
> in a pmd game, Recruit rate is +34
> which would mean you have a chance out of 34 to recruit it..
> Is there a way to do that and if so, could someone tell me how?
> I know i ask too many questions >.<
> I also don't know a lot about coding DX

yes, for a recruitment code you will need to think of how this engine works, and also how pokemon games work. Now when a pokemon dies, it will see if you can recruit it. So you will want to look for the code in the npc death. And you will want to call a sub you will have to create to manage the actual recruitment. As for the percentile chance, you can do a random select of cases. like case1=exit sub case2= exit sub case 3= call recruitment code… so then its a 1/3 chance. As for the recruitment code you will have to experiment with that.
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> I am new to the whole coding thing >.<

Then you shouldn't just right into coding things if you dont understand them. Take a look at components of the engine and see how it works. Then pick pieces from certain things and put them together to try to create what you want.
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