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[paid]pixel artist for hire


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this is my own made work i can work for everybody
i made this stuff in like 3-20 seconds

my logo i made:

just ask me 2 make something and i will make it for you

20 items = 1$ (or install or make and install a script in my game)
100 items = 5$ (or become a host for my game[http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,77882.0.html](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,77882.0.html))
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Honestly, I wouldn't even spend $ 0,01 on your service. It's not a matter of 'I don't like you' or 'You suck'. You are either courageous, joking or not very smart. And you should not take that personally.

It's more because there are a few things wrong:

* **Your grammar**. It may seem folly, it may seem childish but if you want to be taken seriously, you should make sure it doesn't contain any mistakes in it. Especially in your case because you want to be paid for your service, you need good grammar to show people you're professional.
* **Your work**. Let me round it up in five words 'It's not good at all'. Honestly everyone can make that. Your logo's are simply made in paint, what you did in 1 hour I can do in one minute. Copy picture on paint and put text on it. The Pixel Art is not good at all, it doesn't even have shading or anything remotely close to it.
* **Your time**. You were nice enough to tell us how much time was spend in your work, but Pixel Art is not something you can spend a few seconds in it and be satisfied with it. If you're serious about being a Pixel Artist you will be constantly trying to improve your work and spend maybe hours in perfecting it or developing your own style. You're not even remotely close to that.
* **You**. Who are you? Once again if you're serious about wanting to get paid for your supposed work, give some information about you. How old are you? What's your name? What do you like? Why do you want to be in a team? Why should I even want to hire you and not someone else?
* **Your experience**. I suppose you have little to none or no experience with working in a team at all. Spend some time working for free first, improve your 'skill' and allow people to know you, so they can trust you enough to spend your time on their game.
* **Your motivation**. Seeing you like to get things done fast, would I be incorrect to assume you aren't that motivated to spend more time on your work? If so, you're better of not going in a team at all because you need to be willing to spend your free time on the game or any other project you were hired to work on.

Please read [this](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,35274.0.html) before posting, it could save me and you a lot of trouble.
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As much as I love the image used in your bottom logo, you need to remember that a logo is more than just some text on a background. It's a combination of images and text made to look as part of a single item that makes a logo.

I don't think grammar matters much, aslong as your skill is obvious. I would wipe the slate on your introduction post and dont unveil any images until you have spent a good amount of time on making something presentable. Unfortunately, I'm not much of a banner maker, but when making signature blocks, I actually spend almost an hour on the most simplest, cutting out my own renders and trying to come up with a workable design; thus, this is the best advice i can give.
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Don' t be so awefull…
Thats creepy :(

do you like this items or the logo?
i like the items0 (0%)i like the logo
1 (12.5%)i like the logo and the items
1 (12.5%)i hate the logo
1 (12.5%)i hate the items0 (0%)i hate it all
5 (62.5%)
Total Members Voted: 8
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> Well, life is brutal.


> Don' t be so awefull…
> Thats creepy :(
> do you like this items or the logo?
> i like the items0 (0%)i like the logo
> 1 (12.5%)i like the logo and the items
> 1 (12.5%)i hate the logo
> 1 (12.5%)i hate the items0 (0%)i hate it all
> 5 (62.5%)
> Total Members Voted: 8

thanks for all the new replies i will delete the logos i dont like them to
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  • 4 weeks later...
1.) Everyone here has been very rude except Captain Wabbit and a few others.
2.) Obviously, 100 items for $5.00 is not bad.
3.) His pixel art may not be the best, but, so far he is one of the few to actually try to make pixel art. Also, it is better than a lot of pixel art I have seen on here.
4.) Mr. Sean, you’re a nice guy! Why be mean? Because everyone else is?
5.) Also Santa dear, you may want to get more known around here like they suggest before they start paying for something and wind up not getting it? We all just take precautions around here because we know how "Brutal" everyone can be here. We don't like to get cheated on things we work hard for. Your art work isn't bad but what probably made them all mad is that you said you only made those in 3-20 seconds. There is no logical way with computers being slow, some graphical design programs delaying a bit, and the fact that you had to draw each one and color them. There is no possible way. I am not saying your pixel art is bad but, you may need to shade and add more detail to them. Because so far what I see is brilliant. Now don't let this get to your head, you must work harder for you want. You just can't expect people to hand over cash for "3-20 second" art work. It takes more time to perfect a skill. I hope this helped you. ^^

Also a good way to get known here is to put up a few pieces of free pixel art in bundles for people. So they can try it out on their sprites and in their game.
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> 2.) Obviously, 100 items for $5.00 is not bad.

Try telling that to somebody who actually takes time on their work. I would charge well over $5 for 100 items. Try $25-$40… But then again, his art isn't worth even $5, so thats a rip off in itself.

What I'm getting at, is you get what you pay for.
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If it takes you such little time to produce this kind of work, perhaps heed everyone's advice and offer a package of some sort for free. Basic (yet unique) weapons/items and perhaps some blank logo templates to get your foot in the door, and allow people to get to see what you can do.

I'd also recommend spending more time with your work, because no one is going to want to pay for any kind of graphics that took such little effort or care. Once you have done that, I'd re-evaluate your situation, then decide if it's a good time to start offering a service for a fee.

$5 for 100 items isn't bad at all either, but people will always expect top-notch work before paying any form of currency.
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> If it takes you such little time to produce this kind of work, perhaps heed everyone's advice and offer a package of some sort for free. Basic (yet unique) weapons/items and perhaps some blank logo templates to get your foot in the door, and allow people to get to see what you can do.
> I'd also recommend spending more time with your work, because no one is going to want to pay for any kind of graphics that took such little effort or care. Once you have done that, I'd re-evaluate your situation, then decide if it's a good time to start offering a service for a fee.
> $5 for 100 items isn't bad at all either, but people will always expect top-notch work before paying any form of currency.

I think he may have quit the forums.
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  • 1 month later...

> 1.) Everyone here has been very rude except Captain Wabbit and a few others.
> 2.) Obviously, 100 items for $5.00 is not bad.
> 3.) His pixel art may not be the best, but, so far he is one of the few to actually try to make pixel art. Also, it is better than a lot of pixel art I have seen on here.
> 4.) Mr. Sean, you’re a nice guy! Why be mean? Because everyone else is?
> 5.) Also Santa dear, you may want to get more known around here like they suggest before they start paying for something and wind up not getting it? We all just take precautions around here because we know how "Brutal" everyone can be here. We don't like to get cheated on things we work hard for. Your art work isn't bad but what probably made them all mad is that you said you only made those in 3-20 seconds. There is no logical way with computers being slow, some graphical design programs delaying a bit, and the fact that you had to draw each one and color them. There is no possible way. I am not saying your pixel art is bad but, you may need to shade and add more detail to them. Because so far what I see is brilliant. Now don't let this get to your head, you must work harder for you want. You just can't expect people to hand over cash for "3-20 second" art work. It takes more time to perfect a skill. I hope this helped you. ^^
> Also a good way to get known here is to put up a few pieces of free pixel art in bundles for people. So they can try it out on their sprites and in their game.

Ok tnx im working very hard at the moment.
And all the rest i don't answer that crap!!!
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