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I have a major Problem -.-


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Ok, I have done the following:

- I have port forwarded Correctly
- I have let it through my firewall
- I am using the 7001 Port like I should.

I have downloaded everything like I need to. I even checked to see if my port was open and it is. Also yes, my server is online. But I continue to get this message:


>! My server keeps doing this as well:
>! ![](http://i44.tinypic.com/4v5mib.jpg)
>! I even tried doing this:
>! [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,78406.0.html](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,78406.0.html)
>! But I have 2wire router. A 2701 HG-B from AT&T. Which I followed the instructions from Robins tutorial from the portforwarding link.
>! I have been through this several times but I want to figure out my problem instead of having to open it through VB6 to get into game.

Any help would be appreciated! I have Teamviewer, skype, and MSN! So any information as to how to help me asap would be nice! Thank you ^^
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Annahstas, if you have a dynamic IP you should get a DUC. Register at no-ip.com and download their DUC. Set up a free domain there and edit the IP in your config.ini file to your no-ip domain. Everytime you boot your computer you will have to start the DUC, but atleast you won't have to send out a new version of your client or tell people to edit their config.ini file everytime you reboot.

The other option is setting up a static IP, but that didn't work for me. Or well, it did for about 20 minutes, then I had to set a new IP, so yeah…

What a DUC does is it checks your IP every now and then (No-IP's DUC checks and updates every 5 seconds) redirects your domain towards your IP.
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You have to use your own IP, which you can get [here](http://whatismyipaddress.com/) or [here](http://www.whatismyip.com/) or [here](http://lmgtfy.com/?q=What%27s+my+ip+address%3F).

You can only use that IP after you portforwarded. The IP (localhost) is only used to connect to your own computer, so it's logical that it works for you, but for others (who are not on your computer) it won't work.
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> So even though the works for me I have to get another IP?

Depending on how the client is connecting depends on which IP they use. Since your on your own computer which has the server on it, and you do NOT have to connect over the internet or any network, you'll use your local IP address. Others who connect to your server over the internet have to use your public IP address.

Your public IP address (depending on your internet service provider) could either be dynamic or static. Dynamic means it changes regularly (often daily). Static never changes. The problem with dynamic IP addresses is that even if you give your client the public IP address, the next day it might change and the one you gave them might not work, thus setting up a static IP is crucial.
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you have LAN IP address, and WAN IP address.

When you connect to your own computer, or a computer in your home, you use your LAN IP. If it's your own computer, the IP can be set as "localhost" or "".
If it's another computer on the same network, "192.168.0.x" where x = a number designated to that computer.

When you are connecting to a server not in your home or on your local network, you use the WAN IP address which you can find here: http://www.whatismyip.com
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Hey i have the same problem ,
At first it works perfectly but when i
go to
and check my IP
It changed , so i change it
And make another zip file with
the latest IP i had
But still the Status Viewer of Eclipse says OFFLINE
And clients can't connect

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2 type of ip, the static and dynamic

Static IP addresses are the same every time you connect.

Dynamic IP addresses may change each time you connect to the Internet.

Dynamic IP addresses are the normal customer access method used by most ISPs or Service Providers. When using dynamic IP addresses, even if you are permanently connected (always-on) some ISPs/Service Providers change dynamic IP addresses every 24 hours, others change less frequently (monthly or even longer in certain cases). Check your local ISP's policy on IP address change frequency. The change of IP address is typically carried out between your ISP/Service Providers network and your local (on-site) DSL or other modem using the Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP). You will see no operational effect when the IP address changes - but neither will you be able to stop the process.

Note: Even if, by observation, a dynamic IP address does not change frequently it still can at any time solely at the discretion of your ISP. For example, a change of network policy or installation of new equipment. You do not control the IP address change policy, your ISP/Service Provider does.
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