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Small Button Request


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I'm looking to get the Main Buttons for EO/EN/ED replicated with a few minor changes. I would ask for something different, but I'm not actually looking to make a game, just add things to the current engine(s). I have zero artistic abilities, and even doing something like this renders horrible results xD

Here's the list, anything you can do would be appreciated:

1\. A Button Main "mail" button, same differences as the vanilla buttons, plus a mail_new which would be a darker red. I've attached the icon below.

2\. A button main "~null~" button. Same as above, text centered with no icon.

or if all else fails would it be possible to get a completely blank set of 3? (_norm , _hover, _click) In which case they could be slightly different than the original. Don't want to step on anyone else's toes D:
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I've already had a shot at making graphics, for years. The only thing I am even mediocre at doing is pixel art (to an extent).

It's not like I couldn't learn, it's that I have 2 jobs and going to school, on top of many other things. My free time involves skimming over forums and programming. IF by chance someone could make these buttuns, I'd be THAT much happier.

If not? Then I'd still release my product, with icons that look like a pokemon pooped them out xD
Either way, doesn't really make a difference to me.

PS: thank you for that resource though, it looks really helpful and I will make sure to keep it bookmarked for later reading.
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> I've already had a shot at making graphics, for years. The only thing I am even mediocre at doing is pixel art (to an extent).
> It's not like I couldn't learn, it's that I have 2 jobs and going to school, on top of many other things. My free time involves skimming over forums and programming. IF by chance someone could make these buttuns, I'd be THAT much happier.
> If not? Then I'd still release my product, with icons that look like a pokemon pooped them out xD
> Either way, doesn't really make a difference to me.
> PS: thank you for that resource though, it looks really helpful and I will make sure to keep it bookmarked for later reading.

It takes literally 2 minutes to follow that tutorial. I've got it down so I can do it in 20 seconds.
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It probably took you longer to advertise yourself to me than it would to just have completed my request too. What's your point?

We all have our circumstances, and I was nice enough to appreciate the help you did. You're being condescending now and I don't like it.

Your tutorial is very basic, and doesn't even produce the level of authenticity that I'd like from my product, which is why I haven't done it.

If you want to prove something to me, then do it. Otherwise you're wasting both of our time.
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> It probably took you longer to advertise yourself to me than it would to just have completed my request too. What's your point?

My point is that I'd like to enable you to further your knowledge and skills. It seems you're adamant about this, but I predict that in a few days if no one has commented you'll try out my tutorial, realize that you can use it to make the buttons exactly like how they are in CS, then make a decent looking button.
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> My point is that I'd like to enable you to further your knowledge and skills. It seems you're adamant about this, but I predict that in a few days if no one has commented you'll try out my tutorial, realize that you can use it to make the buttons exactly like how they are in CS, then make a decent looking button.

I've already tried your tutorial, and I did make a decent button.

The original buttons were made by robin (or someone closely related to). I'm NOT LOOKING for decent. I also know that nothing I could do off some half-assed tutorial 4 dummies is going to compare to his work. Especially since it was only over a portion of how the button was made.

AS I SAID PREVIOUSLY, I'll live without the request. But it would help if you'd stop bothering my thread.
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> I've already tried your tutorial, and I did make a decent button.
> The original buttons were made by robin (or someone closely related to). I'm NOT LOOKING for decent. I also know that nothing I could do off some half-assed tutorial 4 dummies is going to compare to his work. Especially since it was only over a portion of how the button was made.
> AS I SAID PREVIOUSLY, I'll live without the request. But it would help if you'd stop bothering my thread.

Give a man a fish, and you will feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you will feed him for a lifetime.
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