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War of the Roses Beta


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Register for the beta now nygguhs. And do it from this [link](http://www.waroftherosesthegame.com/?ref=f4a8d259564). Not from any other link. From this [link](http://www.waroftherosesthegame.com/?ref=f4a8d259564). Why? Because then I will get access the the said beta… thanks in advance.

And if you don't know what War of the Roses is, it's a medieval third person combat game. Think Battlefield with swords, bows, horses and tons and tons of iron junk... or actually decent Mount n' Blade combat section.

Ze trailer:

>! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhtMlZsxVpE

Ze alpha gameplay

>! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_zXOQI7qFE
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  • 2 weeks later...
Combat is to slow for me lol.  I know they were talking about how it feels like your actually swinging a heavy weapon because of speed.  But thats not my style.  In COD I just ravage rooms and kill everyone in one feel swoop.  Doesnt appear that id be able to do this.  I do like however that when you lower your visor there is no chance of a head shot from arrows.  Real innovative.
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