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Everything posted by pandacoder

  1. Not to mention the large quantity of money and effort needed. MOBAs are not easy to make.
  2. Not sure what that is supposed to mean. 0x2558
  3. Again, that's the wrong number. 0x2556 (or for those of you unwilling to learn hexadecimal, 9558).
  4. Since you guys already miscounted, **0x2554** . Let's count in Hexadecimal now instead, before I suggest Octal, Quarternary or Binary, but never Ternary. P-0x1BC.
  5. pandacoder

    Android Dev

    Also involves money (and don't forget the screen and other ports).
  6. pandacoder

    My Phone

    Have they actually tried to _run this on a phone_? I would imagine you would need a .NET capable OS beneath what you guys are doing, and the Winform you SSed would just be an emulator version. Oddly enough, I doubt that either of those things are true, so you should probably get some more information from your coder. Writing a brand new operating system from scratch (I would assume this is the case based on your SS) is hard, and the fact that you are writing a _mobile_ system supposedly makes it even more difficult.
  7. pandacoder

    My Phone

    Again, not quite sure how you expect to build a mobile operating system with a _Windows Form Application_. Care to explain?
  8. pandacoder

    My Phone

    This looks suspiciously like a Windows Forms application… not sure how you are building a "mobile OS" with this.
  9. As I said in my original post, every language was created for _different purposes_. There is no "god among men" language, at least not to any decently open minded and intelligent programmer. There _are_ bad languages (I would lump in VB.NET into this category), and there are _stupid_ (which can be justified to be called bad) languages (meant to be stupid and challenging), such as Whitespace, Brainfuck (that's the name of the language, seriously, don't get mad at me for saying it), etc.
  10. There isn't such a language. The language is only as powerful as the programmer and the tools used. Less errors and more options will only come with more time invested, a better code structure/design, and simpler code (which should inherently come with a better design). If there was such a language that would do as much work as the programmer, I'm fairly certain Eclipse wouldn't be using VB6 anymore.
  11. I never said don't learn anything Microsoft, I said don't learn anything -Basic, it's just a time waster. C/C++ may be industry standards for large professional games such as Guild Wars 2 or Final Fantasy XIV: ARR, but Android games are typically Java (or C# if using MonoGame), and I believe iOS uses Objective-C and again C# + MonoGame and I believe there is now some Java support (unofficial like with MonoGame). Aside from that you have the slew of games using XNA, Unity, LWJGL (e.g. MineCraft) So no, C/C++ really is not the end game industry standard any longer. C/C++ is a dangerous animal in the wrong hands, and if people have a simpler solution (C#/Java) they should use it, even if its not permanent. C# and Java are both good ways to ease into programming if your final destination is for example, C++, because garbage collection and pointers are handled for you. And remember, I'm not speaking from a C#/Java perspective. My preferred language is C++. I also know what hyenas lie in the C++ plains just waiting for a newborn antelope to just waltz in. Learning a step language when available is always better than scaling the wall, and C# and Java are both really good step languages if learned properly (VB family languages aren't step languages to C++ at all). P.S. I'll edit the post when I get to a computer instead of my phone to improve clarity and organization.
  12. > I've thought about learning Ruby and making custom systems for RPG Maker. How's that for a start? If you want to make systems for RPG Maker that's a start. If you want to learn how to _program_, no that isn't really a start at all, considering RPGM uses a specific Ruby script variant of Ruby – a.k.a. a waste of time. Quite frankly, if you think I'm being harsh, I'm not. You asked for our advice and then picked one of the languages that none of us suggested. In fact, I'm the only person who actually acknowledged you bringing it up and I said it's not for what you obviously want to do -- desktop game applications.
  13. I use tho as short for though, and sometimes I accidentally type thou and forget the -gh (note: tho sounds like thoh as does though, but thou sounds like "thow"). That being said, unless my sentence is supposed to end with though (e.g. I get cut off), I don't use it at the end of a sentence that it has no place in. One big thing that irks me is when people use a word in a very wrong context. Widespread epidemic for example when referring to a supposedly popular slang term. Anyway, what irks me the most (and typically after saying something else of equal stupidity) is yolo, y'all, rilly (which is what people say and write instead of RE ALL EE (really)), 'murica/'murca, anyways, like, y'know/ya know, and quite a lot of other stupid or entirely incorrect or contextually inappropriate terms, phrases, or word sandwiching.
  14. Every language was created for a purpose, and every language will fit one niche better than another will. If you are just starting out, and you are interested in cross-platform programming but don't want to get your hands too dirty, I suggest using one of the following: Java - Pros: Large user base, quite a bit of support online on sites like stackoverflow, has browser applets, relatively easy to learn, plenty of snippets online to learn from, has decent OpenGL support through LWJGL - Cons: Currently missing things like lambda expressions (being introduced last year), doesn't have operator overloading, kind of messy coding conventions in the JVM, not always easy to integrate with native binaries, only has signed integers C# - Pros: Fairly large user base, has more features and organization than Java, has MonoGame (open source, cross platform XNA reimplementation), plenty of snippets floating around the web, pretty good for Windows development, supported on Windows because it was made by Microsoft, supported on other platforms by Mono (open source) - Cons: Terrible OpenGL support in comparison to the other desktop application languages I will list, is not equally supported among all platforms for all versions of .NET and the language itself JavaScript (or CoffeeScript which compiles to JS) & HTML(5) - Pros: In the browser and thus supported by most platforms (really just browser dependent here), much smaller learning curve, plenty of documentation and support on the internet, can write code in CoffeeScript (Google it for more information) - Cons: In the browser and most certainly **not** as 'equally supported' among browsers and platforms, performance between platforms can vary greatly, scripting language (not compiled at all), much more difficult to secure your intellectual property than the others, even with obfuscation techniques If you want more control over the aspects of your application, and are prepared to learn a lot in order to write clean, efficient and _safe_ code: C - Pros: Nice to use, extremely large user base, gives you down to the metal access (almost) and control, easy to use OpenGL/AL/etc, feature set is pretty much set in stone (if you want Object Oriented functionality, use C++) so implementations are pretty standard (byte ordering e.g. Little and Big Endian is not standardized however, that is system specific), supported in Visual Studio 2012 (very nice IDE) you just need to create an empty C++ project and tweak some settings - Cons: Requires memory management, no OO, no generics iirc, small standard library, not updated too terribly often (not that it needs to) C++ - Pros: All of the pros of C, has OO, has generics, large standard library, everything in C is supported in C++ (note: _C++_, I know nothing about Visual/Borland/Bloodshed/Dev/w.e.), generics, operating overloading - Cons: Requires memory management, has a steep learning curves for people who don't know anything about programming (anyone who is asking for help on where to start are in the category of "don't know anything"), not as easy to manage multiple platforms (but is definitely possible), not updated too terribly often (not that it needs to) Languages I know are used for games and other applications but I don't use myself (Warning: somewhat opinionated, not a whole lot of information like the others): Python - Similar syntax to CoffeeScript, not terrible, somewhat popular and has bindings for some of the more popular media/game development libraries and toolkits Ruby - I wouldn't use this for desktop application games and I think the syntax sucks Erlang - Nothing to say, I read an article about how it simplifies concurrency yesterday (if that helps) Scala - Nothing to say, I don't know what it looks like, but I have heard (from _actually_ reputable sources) that it is useful for sever-side programming Lua - Look at Love2D Languages I use but don't really think apply to game development, but may be useful alongside it: PHP - Awkwardly similar to Java/C/C++ in syntax/functions, good for web back-ends (however almost nobody uses it right) Perl - No comment Languages that I think you are wasting your time on: Any and all variants of Visual or otherwise Basic, F anything (Microsoft's stuff), J# or J++ (more Microsoft junk) If you want to be in a world of _**pain and danger**_, try Assembler (aka ASM). My preferred variant is NASM, for Netwide Assembler, and I have also used MASM (Microsoft's ASM ;3) and I have seen other variants such as TASM. In summary, for beginners I recommend C# and/or Java, and after heavily investing time in one of those two, you might be ready to transition to something like C/C++ (my preferred). I personally use Java for quick little things, typically for browser-rendering type stuff (3D for example) or quick 3D programming or testing, and naturally for Minecraft modding/plugins, and for 3D I use the LWJGL library. I use C# and Monogame together, generally for 2D games though, and I also use C# for programming at work, and small GUI applications. I use C and NASM/MASM for really low level things, but I also use C in my computer science classes for various purposes and assignments. I use C++ when I want to create something to stay or when I do something _extremely serious_, and I always use OpenGL with it. I generally use a combination of GLEW, GLFW and FTGL when doing OpenGL programming. Note: I recommend utilizing the language for its purpose. If you use Java or C#, write OO code, and static/procedural where it is necessary. If you use C++ you can mix OO and procedural however way you want, as that's what it is meant to be able to do. Unlike Zesh and genusis, I do not recommend just jumping into C or C++ if you don't know anything about programming, which is obviously the case if you are here asking advice on how to _start_ programming. You need to understand the fundamentals of programming before you move onto something as expansive, unrestricted and powerful as C/C++, or you'll end up causing more issues than you can handle.
  15. Two 'Get' properties with different purposes, needs fixing.
  16. If you tell me how you are rendering/updating and what you are using for rendering and whatnot I could potentially give you suggestions on how to improve your code and both make it more efficient and consistent.
  17. pandacoder


    If there is a configuration file, just edit the port number in the configuration. If there isn't and it is a closed source engine, I have no suggestions without you telling me what engine. If there isn't and it is an open source engine, I would suggest if you have the ability to, edit the port and compile the server/client pair for both games. Also, remember to port forward both ports 7001 and 7002 (if those are the ports you use).
  18. pandacoder


    Two servers running on one port? Not unless they use different protocols. Two servers running on multiple different ports? Possible. Just start up two instances on two ports. Will they work together as parallel-computing systems? No. Eclipse doesn't implement the use server sharding like you are probably thinking of (from MMOs). It just has a single monolithic server.
  19. I would have posted a screenshot but the game window kept crashing while the rest of the game hogged up my entire processor. The game coding must be horribly inefficient, since what I was see on screen was not as demanding as the client was. FYI, I was getting >2K FPS on my crappy laptop.
  20. Good luck finding someone capable of doing it well that would be interested without you giving a price range ahead of time.
  21. Beethoven, Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67, "Fate": III. Allegro (attaca) - IV. Allegro
  22. pandacoder


    You are setting it to 1 every time. If this is valid syntax in VB10, use: Views += 1 Otherwise use Views = Views + 1
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