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Everything posted by onzinho

  1. @Gleech: > I'm having this issue as well. Also, the quest is set so it's suppose to give you money when you accept the quest, but (I'm assuming because it says I don't have inventory room) for some reason it's taking AWAY money. :confused: > > Anyone got any idea on this? I'm still with this problem, it very difficult to find what is wrong with the code for this to happen. :(
  2. Mortal Angels, very good. however I believe it should stay that way. ``` Case vbKeyC If picCharacter.Visible = False Then ' send packet SendRequestPlayerData ' show the window picCharacter.Visible = True ' Render BltEquipment BltFace Else picCharacter.Visible = False End If ``` otherwise the player will not see updates in picCharacter as points …..
  3. DepTa, you need to add the two images to the gui. images Questlog and questdialog. Edit–--- Problem in quest system -> General -> Give item on Start when you click accept quest and she accepted and the following message appears. Message -> You have no inventory space. Please delete something to take the quest. not giving you the quest. Screen: ![](http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/8276/53477688.jpg)
  4. someone could tell me if you how to add face in questdialog?
  5. onzinho

    [EO] Titles 1.2

    untranslated texts. :) Thank you for providing translated. –----- Titulo Editor = Title Edit Lista = List Opções = Data or Options
  6. onzinho

    [EO] Titles 1.2

    iHero, I managed to run the code, is very good. Congratulations.
  7. onzinho

    [EO] Titles 1.2

    iHero, yes I had already deleted everything before you add the code.
  8. onzinho

    [EO] Titles 1.2

    iHero, I'm adding again and compared with their source. the code and very interesting, with a little more than implement is perfect. –---------Edit--------------------------------- in server Run-time error '9': Subscript out of range in Sub JoinGame line: For i = 0 To ResourceCache(GetPlayerMap(index)).Resource_Count
  9. onzinho

    [EO] Titles 1.2

    not work. something is missing in your tutorial, here accuse many errors. add it in a pure engine for you to see both errors.
  10. Anyone know if it works in Eclipse - Nightly?
  11. I erased everything from the server, it worked. Very good, congratulations.
  12. Open Client -> Login error in server Run-time error '9': Subscript out of range Debug -> Sub CheckTasks -> modSvQuests Line: If TaskType = Quest(i).Task(Player(Index).PlayerQuest(i).ActualTask).Order Then
  13. someone already tested the code in Eclipse - Nightly? or e must adapt the code to work?
  14. I just changed this, .y1 = 32 in DrawInventory. in version 2.8 was normal when changed.
  15. jcsnider, after changing the Draw, The Icon of the spell disappears. IMG: ![](http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/9494/asdud.jpg)
  16. MrMiguu, my char in game, http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/1357/orgh.png My Sprite: http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/3696/spritea.png could tell me in what sub do I change the size of the sprites of the players. Thanks in advance.
  17. In Event Editor -> Add Command -> Chance Class Error Run-time error '380': Invalid property value Debug: frmEditor_Events Private Sub cmdChangeClass_Click() line: cmbChangeClass.ListIndex = 0
  18. @Sr_Sirius: > I dont hear any sound or music, and i have all on, any idea? the sound now, so come out once compiled.
  19. ![](http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/5097/11278907.jpg) this happens in picInventory picSpells. someone knows how to take this black background.
  20. but something needs to change, so it can accept the quests in Conversation System. Someone could help. Thanks in advance. Client~~ frmEditor_Conv cmbEvent add "Start Quest" in (list), and ``` Case 4 ' give quest 'set max values scrlData1.Max = MAX_QUESTS ' hide / unhide scrlData1.Visible = True scrlData2.Visible = False scrlData3.Visible = False lblData1.Visible = True lblData2.Visible = False lblData3.Visible = False ' set strings lblData1.Caption = "Quest: None" ``` in scrlData1 ``` Case 4 ' Quest If scrlData1.Value > 0 Then lblData1.Caption = "Quest: " & Trim$(Quest(scrlData1.Value).Name) Else lblData1.Caption = "Quest: None" End If ``` Server~~ modConv -> Public Sub sendChat ``` Case 4 ' Give quest If Conv(convNum).Conv(curChat).Data1 > 0 Then CanStartQuest index, Conv(convNum).Conv(curChat).Data1 ```
  21. General-Pony, Sorry, tidy. –------ jcsnider, same thing. deleted all music and resulted in another problem, xD "run-time error '9': Subscript out of range" frmEditor_Events -> Sub From_Load -> ``` cmbPlayAnim.ListIndex = 0 PopulateLists cmbPlayBGM.Clear For i = 1 To UBound(musicCache)
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