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Everything posted by Kimimaru

  1. Is it okay if I move the player name up so that I can fit the bars? It doesn't look good with the bars above the name, and from looking at the code, the spell timer bar is drawn under the player.
  2. Those are pretty good ideas. I've seen other people wanting the HP and MP bars, especially, so I think I'll take those as idea #1. EDIT: I may also make the speech bubble and include it within idea #1, but I'm still debating on that.
  3. You can just create a Public Sub inside that module and then call the Sub. Add a "Script" value to the SpellRec and then pass the Script value of the spell through the parameters of that Sub. Divide the different scripted spells using a Select Case statement.
  4. Hey, everyone! Post on here what you'd like to see in Origins, and if I see a popular idea, I'll make a tutorial for it and post it on the Source Tutorials board. I'm willing to take up to two features/ideas and make them into tutorials at the moment; I don't think I'll be doing any more than that. So, what do you guys want? Accepted Idea #1: Create mini HP and MP bars that appear above players on maps. I've also added the option for players to customize their mini HP and MP bars, thanks to Mr.Miguu's suggestion. - Completed! Check it out here: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,61990.0.html Sorry, idea #1 took me a while only because I'm not very familiar with Eclipse Origins. Accepted Idea #2: Display names and a mini HP bar above NPCs. - Completed! Check them out here: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,62258.0.html http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,62257.0.html
  5. You can make the Server time match your computer's time, and it's very simple to do, but you'll need Visual Basic 6 so that you can edit the source code.
  6. Kimimaru


    @Robin: > It's too restrictive. The only real use it has is pixel art, but even then pretty much every other program outdoes it with layers and more than 3 undo's. > > It's the kind of program bad pixel artists swear by until they actually get enough skill to pass their stuff off as art. You're correct when you say every other program outdoes it with layers, but you're only partially correct when you say that it doesn't have more than 3 undos. The Windows 7 version of Paint offers better zoom options and a lot more undos than the Windows XP or Windows Vista version of Paint. I personally like Paint, and I think it's great for pixel art because of its very simple layout. It's easy to get a few basic colors from the pallette to start off, and you can also access whatever you need quickly, especially with the Quick Access Toolbar. I also use Photoshop, but not for pixel art.
  7. You can just re-download the engine and then replace its list with yours.
  8. I think you may be able to get away with it, but only if you add the new tile at the very end of the TileRec. I'm not very familiar with Origins, but knowing it, you'll probably be able to.
  9. Okay, thanks, but how would I go about doing that? I know how to initialize textures and stuff like that, but how do I create a texture that serves as text?
  10. Hey, everyone! I'm currently converting my game to use DirectX8, and I'm having some difficulty. I'm starting out with changing the way the Client draws out text, also known as Sub DrawText. I have everything set up well, but the only thing stopping me from testing out what I've done is a 'Type Mismatch' error in Sub DrawText. Here's my Sub: ``` Public Sub DrawText(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal Text As String, color As Long) Dim TextRect As RECT TextRect.Top = y TextRect.Bottom = TextRect.Top + 20 TextRect.Left = x TextRect.Right = TextRect.Left + Len(Text) + 10 Direct3DX.DrawText MainFont, D3DColorRGBA(255, 255, 255, 255), Text, TextRect, DT_TOP Or DT_CENTER End Sub ``` It's giving me a type mismatch error on **TextRect** in the Direct3DX.DrawText statement. Any suggestions on why this is happening? Thanks in advance.
  11. Everything looks good, but I've spotted out a few things that could use some improving, and maybe they will solve your problem. First, try using Trim$ instead of Trim. Second, use vbNullString instead of open quotation marks ("") to cut down on wasting a few bytes of memory. Also, check out this line: ``` maxdata = UBound(Data()) ``` I don't think this will make a difference, but I usually UBound my arrays without the **()**, so try that.
  12. When you click a button or want to get information from the Server, send a packet like so: ``` Call SendData("info" & END_CHAR) ``` In the Server modHandleData, you have to handle the packet, hence the name, so make a new case like this: ``` Case "info" Call Packet_Info(Index) Exit Sub ``` At the bottom of modHandleData, add Sub Packet_Info: ``` Sub Packet_Info(ByVal Index As Long) Dim Text as String Text = GetVar((file directory here)) ' Send the data back to the Client Call SendDataTo(Index, "info" & SEP_CHAR & Text & END_CHAR) End Sub ``` Since the Server is now sending data back to the Client, it only makes sense to need to handle the data somewhere in the Client, and that's modHandleData, so we need to create a new Case there as well: ``` Case "info" ' code here Exit Sub ``` That's really all. Use the GetVar command to retrieve information from your Scripts folder, and then do whatever you want with the information in the Client.
  13. Use the same steps as I mentioned in my first post. However, type mismatch occurs when you assign a variable to a different and incorrect type. For example, setting a String equal to a number, or setting an Integer to equal "hi" would give you this error.
  14. This is a scripting error, so you'll have to fix some error in your scripts. Unfortunately, scripting errors are not very specific, so you'll have to try to figure out what makes the error come up, then you can look at the code for it and try to figure out what's wrong. Since it's a subscript out of range error, you most likely entered an invalid Index.
  15. Also, when you're using String packets, you use a variable to separate the data, and at the end, you use another variable to declare the end of the packet. When using byte arrays, none of that exists; you just get straight to the data, and it stops handling everything when there is no data left. ``` Dim Buffer as clsBuffer Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteLong "packet" Buffer.WriteLong Index Call SendDataTo(Index, Buffer.ToArray()) Set Buffer = Nothing ``` That's sending a basic packet with Index as the only data besides the packet name on Eclipse Origins. There are no variables used to separate the data here. On other Eclipse versions, the same thing would be sent like this: ``` Call SendDataTo(Index, "packet" & SEP_CHAR & Index & END_CHAR) ``` It is much simpler, but it has a variable separating the data as well as another variable that serves to indicate the end of the packet. Because of this, more bytes are packed into the packet, making handling them slower.
  16. Kimimaru

    ES problems?

    This is a problem with the source code, so you'll need to edit the source code with Visual Basic 6 to fix this problem. Before you begin work, I'd suggest you wait for the debugged version of Eclipse Stable to come out, which should hopefully be fairly soon. The bug you are experiencing now will be fixed in it. Debugged Stable: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,60786.0
  17. Kimimaru

    Non-moving npc

    If you're using Eclipse Stable, I believe you have to make the Server send the Npc Behavior through the "updatenpc" packet.
  18. @Cyprien: > Ps. Kimimaru Origins is worth dumping eclipse 2.7 … >.> It is worth it, and as Robin told me, it's much better to work with a good base and expand upon it than to work with a poor base and try to fix it, but I'd have to basically remake my entire game, which I'm not willing to do. By the way, I can probably consider my source code my own engine because of how much I've changed it. I've not only done countless bug fixes, but I've also done so many code optimizations/rewrites that helped improve my game's performance and stability drastically. Still, it has its faults and is not as good as Origins, but I think I can still further improve it enough to make it a solid engine. I would've definitely used Origins if it came out either before I started development or while I was in the very beginning stages of development.
  19. Robin, would you happen to know if there's an easy way I can use Origins but keep the same graphical layout (the look of forms, editors, etc.) as I do now with Eclipse Evolution 2.7 (I don't know if I can really call it that anymore, lol)? I really would like to use Origins, but re-creating all the forms, editors, etc. to look how they currently look would halt my game's development for over a month. Even after I do all of that, I still have to add in all of my source edits, get a little familiar with the engine, and then convert the code to fit Origins. Any suggestions?
  20. Kimimaru


    antho3000, how do you make the combinations? Those sprites are amazing!
  21. @SmackAHobo: > Now, Does eclipse provide the ability to time various things for each individual user (Eg, currency for working in a job, time of day). These timings could be for thousands of people and I'm wondering if it could support so many people. Yes, this is possible using ScriptedTimers; however, it'd be much better to make your own timers in either the Client or Server game loop using GetTickCount and variables in the PlayerRec. I doubt that Eclipse could support thousands of players, but if you manage to set it up so that the game uses multiple servers, it may be possible. Unfortunately, though, no Eclipse game so far has been even close to having a thousand players on at once, so it's pretty unlikely that you'll be able to achieve this many players.
  22. @Mikekan13: > making the inventory slots transparent would also make the items in the inventory transparent although I guess I could switch visible on and off when an Item is put in or taken out of the slot. Guess I have a workaround. You could also copy your image, click on a PictureBox, and then press CTRL + V to paste the image onto it. Do this for each PictureBox in the inventory.
  23. I changed the CheckSecondWind Sub because it wasn't coded very well, and many of the commands were wrong. Add this Function and this Sub to your source by copying and pasting them at the bottom of modGameLogic: ``` Sub SecondWind(ByVal Index As Long) Call SetPlayerHP(Index, GetPlayerMaxHP(Index) / 2) Call SetPlayerMP(Index, GetPlayerMaxMP(Index) / 5) Call SendHP(Index) Call SendMP(Index) Call MapMsg(GetPlayerMap(Index), GetPlayerName(Index) & " has gained his second wind!", 15) End Sub Function CanHaveSecondWind(ByVal Index As Long) As Boolean Dim Randomize As Integer Randomize = Int(Rand(1, 5)) If Randomize = 1 Then CanHaveSecondWind = True Else CanHaveSecondWind = False End If End Function ``` Now, head over to your Sub AttackPlayer. Find this: ``` If Map(GetPlayerMap(Attacker)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Attacker), GetPlayerY(Attacker)).Type TILE_TYPE_ARENA And Map(GetPlayerMap(Victim)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Victim), GetPlayerY(Victim)).Type TILE_TYPE_ARENA Then If Damage >= GetPlayerHP(Victim) Then Call SetPlayerHP(Victim, 0) ``` Right under that, add this: ``` If CanHaveSecondWind(Victim) Then Call SecondWind(Victim) Exit Sub End If ``` That's all you need to do. By adding this code in the right spot, you've prevented the effects of death from occurring if the player is able to have a second wind.
  24. Well, do you mean for real hours, or in-game hours? It's possible both ways, but I don't think you'd like to do it for real hours. Also, preventing you from dying can also definitely be done; you'd just have to edit the source as well.
  25. Do you mean you want to make it so that your character will get stronger when low on health? If so, it's definitely possible; you'd just have to edit the source code to accomplish it.
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