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Everything posted by Sealbreaker

  1. > if there is interest! I definately am interested :) Any new stuff in the older areas aswell? -seal
  2. > and im looking dor something higher then vb6.net As far as I know there is no vb6.net . Prospekt.net is based on visual basic.net which will probably be supported in future windows releases. -seal
  3. I was joking… Because "And many more" is basically what everyone writes who doesn't know what else is a special feature in his game and thinks that the list is too short. Just wanted to point out that your feature-list basically only contains around 50% features. Didn't want to insult you or anything, but like everyone else here I try to guide you into the right direction. I had some eclipse projects and I've seen alot of them and as it stand now: Noone would want to play this (With noone I mean a maximum of 6 players online at any given time). But I think I already told you most of that in your first WIP-Topic. -seal Edit: Btw, the reason why I appear to be so "harsh" is that you don't seem to listen to people giving you constructive criticism.
  4. What makes me want to play your game the most is definately your great ideas on monsters and evolutions. Who doesn't hate it when a Pokemon evolved and just looked shittier? The monsters so far look REALLY great and epic. Can't wait to see more, -seal
  5. I guess everything has been said, except that your feature-list is also a bit funny. > Epic Quest = no feature > Lvl Up until lvl 120 = no feature > Pet = a feature! > More Maps = no feature > Fishing,trees and mining = features! > Dungeon and instances = features! > buying hairstyle = nothing worth mentioning > > Enchanting = a feature! > And many more = like… walking, fighting, monsters? I think you should work out your project alot more and try to understand what makes YOUR game special (or may make it special). Good luck. -seal
  6. Is there no "\n" for new line in c++ ? I think that would make your life easier :D I'm doing C for university right now and don't know too much about c++ but as you can use C in C++, I think that would be possible. Somehow I like using scanf() and printf() way better. The way you did it with cin and cout just doesn't look as clean. I also asked myself why you only print out the result when it is positive, as substraction can easily create a negative result and why wouldn't you show that to the user? It's always fun to make the best out of your learning projects and it might give you a better attitude for later, bigger projects. Anyhow, nice little start (nothing worthy showing off but meh, good that you are motivated ;D) keep on learning! -seal
  7. Wow, it totally surprised me that there are actually people who LIKE eclipse's battle system (Richy you crazy guy :D) I would totally have said "Good combat mechanics". And with that I mean the total opposite of what eclipse has to offer right out of the box. Good combat mechanics and a LOT of different gear pieces make most of the fun for me. Looting&Leveling is what I want from an ORPG. And that in a fun way. I don't care for story at all, because it is kinda hard to feel special when killing the same stuff that soo many others have already killed. Good quests and good party functionality (Or guilds, guild battles etc.) are the cherry on top for me. -seal
  8. That's really cool, I don't know unity but still this must've taken alot of effort to create, good job! Something that I would personally love to have would be support for some sort of split-screen coop. If you could connect 2 controllers and play self-created missions on your home tv, that would be awesome for me. I don't know if that is realistic though. Anyhow, keep on going man! -seal
  9. Looking good for people who just want to have some fun developing stuff in a 3d environment, cool! What I would like to know is: - Did you program it all by yourself? - What language and which libraries are being used? - Is there scripting support ? - What features are planned and how about an open source version (You could monetize this maybe)? Good luck, -seal
  10. I like how the last evolution always looks so badass :P Also cool battle effects you got going there, I especially liked the aoe-effect you showed as the last one. -seal
  11. Good idea. A change that I would definately like to see is more equipment. Until the end on level 7 i dropped nothing but knives and 1 whip which all weren't really that good. I think some more equipment would give the player some more sense of accomplishment. I especially loved the small side-quest-like things like the secret passage in the beginning where you get more hp and the little dialog on fighting a tree :D More of such wouldn't hurt in the future too. -seal
  12. Gamescreen, Y U SO SMALL? I don't even know why I played through the whole thing but black cat is a badass and the humour is strong with this one. Definately playing again when future updates come :) -seal
  13. It doesn't lag but movement feels very unresponsive. Also the collision doesn't seem to be pixel based (yet?) because i walk behind the !square-tiles (those that are not a square… you know what i mean). Destroying the tiles works but seems a bit random with some balls bouncing around and sometimes making blocks disappear. I wish you the best of luck with this and I hope that my feedback can help you in some way. -seal
  14. The old tree looks so washed out. The new stuff is a big improvement actually, good job! -seal
  15. They are kinda cute i guess but don't really seem to fit the overall style for me… Looks too manga-ish i guess? Can't give you any real advice though.. -seal
  16. Yeah the smooth one definately looks better, good job :) -seal
  17. Haha, I followed Omuni's development since the days when they posted animation prototype ideas played out in real life :D Wouldn*t have thought that someone from eclipse is involved, nice :) I wish you the best of luck! -seal
  18. Wow that looks really good, why don't you try a kickstarter campaign? :P -seal
  19. Better, are animations for attacks planned? A must have I think :P -seal
  20. Not so impressive looking… But you'll make it fancy when the basics are done i guess? -seal
  21. Sealbreaker

    DAX Engine

    > it was probably set to that? Exactly my thought… Do you always run your apps on max fps miguu? I just do it for performance testing & debugging purposes... -seal
  22. I have it sometimes, but I can always free myself if I just start to move my fingers first and then more of my body… Never had any halucinations or anything.
  23. Would probably be really cool if someone made a GOOD starwars mmo (the official one sucks), nice share! :) -seal
  24. Sealbreaker


    Since EO4.0 is closed source, there is no probably no way to achieve that. -seal
  25. > it has to be something that has not been done already and work with any engine here Well if I wrote something in the java engine it wouldn't work in any other engine on here, so that really doesn't seem to make sense to me… Also different engines may give people different advantages too if they provide better functions or more functions for doing stuff that your system may need. But it's your contest ofc. -seal
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