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  1. thanks for the help, but my tiles still dont work. i put a "Scritped" Attribute and select #1\. Place it and step. and i just noticed my End If tags, where are they supposed to be
  2. This Is My Code ``` ' Executes when a player steps onto a scripted tile. Sub ScriptedTile(Index, Script) Select Case Script Case 0 Call PlayerMsg(Index, "This scripted tile has no apparent use.", WHITE) Exit Sub ' Scripted Tile Town Case 1 If GetPlayerLevel(Index) < 20 Then TOWN_ID = Int(GetVar("Scripts\charextras\" & TownID & ".ini", "TOWN", "MAX_ID")) + 1 Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Thank You For Purchasing A Town", WHITE) Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Here Is 200 Town D0llars To Start.", WHITE) Call PutVar("Scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(Index) & ".ini", "TOWN", "LEVEL", 1) Call PutVar("Scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(Index) & ".ini", "TOWN", "ID", TOWN_ID) Call PutVar("Scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(Index) & ".ini", "TOWN", "MONEY", 200) Call PutVar("Scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(Index) & ".ini", "TOWN", "MAX_HOUSES", 1) Call PutVar("Scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(Index) & ".ini", "TOWN", "MAX_SHOPS", 3) Call PutVar("Scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(Index) & ".ini", "TOWN", "OWN", 1) Call PutVar("Scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(Index) & ".ini", "TOWN", "SHOPS", 3) Call PutVar("Scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(Index) & ".ini", "TOWN", "HOUSES", 1) Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Your Town ID is" & TOWN_ID), WHITE) Call PutVar("Scripts\charextras\" & TownID & ".ini", "TOWN", "MAX_ID", TOWN_ID) Exit Sub End If Case 2 ID = GetVar("Scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(Index) & ".ini", "TOWN", "ID") If ID < 0 Then Call CustomMenuShow(Index, "Profile", "\GUI\CUSTOM\PlayerProfile.gif", 1) Call CustomMenuLabel(Index, 0, "Name: " & GetPlayerName(Index), 10, 95, 10, 0, 2, 400, 20) End If Exit Sub Case Else Call PlayerMsg(Index, "No tile script found. Please contact an admin to solve this problem.", WHITE) Exit Sub End Select End Sub ``` Nothing Happens When I Set The Tile To The Script And Step On It. Is There Anything Wrong With My Script? And what is greater than ""
  3. no problem was trolling the questions lol and i had the same problem when i started noticed it was ur first post just now, welcome to the community hope you enjoy your stay
  4. Okay go to your "Server" folder then go to "Classes" Open whatever class it is. You should see something like this ``` [CLASS] Name=Thief MaleSprite=2 FemaleSprite=1 Desc=This is a test class. STR=0 DEF=0 SPEED=0 MAGI=0 MAP=100
  5. I am currently scripting a town system into my game and i am puzzled. i want to set a variable to +1 of something in a separate INI file. Ill show you what i mean. ``` Call PutVar("Scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(Index) & ".ini", "TOWN", "ID", 0) Now i want it to be instead of 0 something like "Scripts\charextras\" & TownID & ".ini", "TOWN", "MAX_ID", + 1 ```would i do this? ``` TOWN_ID = (GetVar("Scripts\charextras\" & TownID & ".ini", "TOWN", "MAX_ID") + 1) Call PutVar("Scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(Index) & ".ini", "TOWN", "ID", (TOWN_ID)) ```Thanks to anyone that can help Ok i also want to add one to the ini so the ID changes each time. This is what i've come up with ``` TOWN_ID = Int(GetVar("Scripts\charextras\" & TownID & ".ini", "TOWN", "MAX_ID")) + 1 Call PutVar("Scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(Index) & ".ini", "TOWN", "ID", TOWN_ID) Call PutVar("Scripts\charextras\" & TownID & ".ini", "TOWN", "MAX_ID", TOWN_ID) ```
  6. oh well i think i'll stick to scripting then. I'll think of a way
  7. would it be easy to script a system do you think?
  8. In my game i want to be able to make played housing. I place the Player House attribute. Create the item and make the map a house morality. When i buy the house it does't let me use any of the commands(/houseeditor). I dont mind this because i am admin so i can just use map editor but other players wont be able to. basically when i "Buy" the house it does not get bought no currency is deducted, i was wondering if anyone could help me with my problem?
  9. I was wondering if anyone could tell me a free place to host the Triad patcher .tpp files for my game. i dont have much money so i cant host em alone and the simple file uploader marsh made dosent support .tpp files.
  10. I'd play this game. sounds fun and exciting, an online sims lol
  11. is there a limit to how many files you can update because i gte an error every time i try to run it
  12. astgenator


    k thanks that helped alot
  13. astgenator


    so i can just copy my npc and maps and tilesets?
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