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Everything posted by minipimp

  1. Whats Wrong here? I did everything it asked me to make, but this is till red. I created a picbox named it what it told me to, I put the labels it told me to . I dont understand what went wrong.
  2. Okay. How's this look besides the chat text . Are the gold and ping labels okay being gradient? ![](http://www.eldrum.com/2.png)
  3. Will this work with EO 2.3?
  4. Updated the buttons. You like? :D
  5. Added new pic, Do you guys like that color better? buttons are next on my list.
  6. I lack skill with photoshop but wanted to create a gui for my project. I would love to hear from everyone , and their opinions. Do not flame.. Tips / pointers or suggestions are welcome and I encourage them. Tell me what you think. Thanks - Sinnix
  7. Whats wrong with this code? I attempted to change it to see if it will work, on the client side. I get a compile error : Case else ousite of select case. heres a screeny
  8. minipimp


    Look at your System tray( where your clock is) , There is already a server running. Click the small Icon to maximize it.
  9. I have been putting random short c/p tutorials in to the server and client and Everything was fine until I tried to save an item. Note I have been pretty much staying away from editing anything in the itemeditor. I Undid the few tuts ive put in and I still get the RTE. Ive deleted all the files in the Data folder Heres a Screenshot of what line. I have no idea whats wrong.
  10. Compile error : End case without select case :/ Im probably putting it in wrong?
  11. Now only problem is , unless the checkbox is checked the player cannot move.
  12. Im getting the Variable not defined error. on the line " X = GetPlayerX(MyIndex) "
  13. Okay. So I Added all the code to this tutorial, fixed all the errors then compiled a client. Heres the problem- When logging in to the game on the compiled client, it terminates the program. When I run it in debug mode in vb6 its works perfectly fine. Anyone know what might be going wrong?
  14. I know its source, but im not going to post the code right away so people can use. not trying to sound like a jerk but yeah. Paperdoll Fine when: on non scrolling maps Problem : When map starts scrolling , items that are paperdolled stay at the end cords while player sprite keeps moving forward on the map. Its like they wont render to the player out of the defaulted map size.(non scrolling) If anyone could help me, ill pm a screenshot of the code, but the code seems to be fine,( confusing). Screenshot of what the problem is below.
  15. [Options] Game_Name=Game Name Username=tyler Password= SavePass= 0 IP= Port= 8000 MenuMusic= Music= 1 Sound= 1 Debug=0 noAuto= 0 render= 1 …..... I also used the external , still nothing
  16. I'm on my phone. But. Ip= 216.320.238.44. Port= 8000. And no the server is on its own machine. In still connect to it using the 192 ip.
  17. Its still not connecting. That's what I mean. I tried that and I got rejected of the connection. And I'm just connected throught the wall.. I'm not sure.
  18. Okay , so I have just opened up port 8000 for my server on the machine I will be running it on. What's the next step for people to beable to connect to my server? I've done this in the past but I'm not very knoldgeable about this .my i p is still a 192.168 number. I don't know how or if I have to set up my external ip . Please could someone help me . I've read a few tutorials but they are confusing. Any help is very appreciated.
  19. Yeah I see it. I have a version of WN with autotiles working. but I want them in a custom edited version I have. I copied the codes needed to be copied, they work, but when I try to "fill" the layer with a tile and when i try to change map size and click save it gives me an RTE error 9. and goes to this line of code ``` Sprite = NPC(MapNpc(MapNpcNum).num).Sprite ``` Anyone know what I could do? I mean, there was only a little bit more code that I copied that wasnt in this tutorial , so its pretty much on this topic of the thread, but any answer would be great!
  20. It has ResourceCache, but I dont see anything for map animation.
  21. Is there an actual tutorial on how to add the auto tiles correctly? That would be more helpful then the junk code in this thread I bet for alot of people. Ill search for one, but if you know a tutorial please could you give a link if you would , I sure would appreciate it.
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