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Everything posted by Devogen

  1. Heres my second entry… ![](http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo282/devogeninteractive/EXL1Sss.jpg)
  2. Its not really that big a deal, and the whole 'thats illegal this and that' doesnt really mean much either. The fact the RMXP tilesets are being used at all in any other engine than RMXP is a no no - yet we do it anyway. After all, you always need something to learn off.
  3. Please give me any room for improvement… No plug-ins used. Everything here is plain geometric shapes with a few boolean operations for the cutouts, even the glass. ![](http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo282/devogeninteractive/pwarz-1.png)
  4. @AkselJ: > I did not say that 3D games are generally all better than 2D games, but the best ones are usally 3D. But you are probaly right. The best games Ive ever played are 2D, and Ive been playing games for 25 years :embarrassed: 3D games keep me interested for about an hour unless they are an MMO… I 'oooh' and 'aaahhh' at the perrty graphics but in the end the content, plot and atmosphere make a game for me.. hell i even play Starflight on the megadrive emulator every now and again... hmmm. Starflight... mmo... hmmmm got me thinkin now...
  5. @Kreator: > Use a normal topic name please. > > Also. please provide some more information on your game, so any interested members will know what they are up for. And thats being really nice.
  6. @Sean: > its a problem with a music file. without actually seeing the debug info, its hard to tell what it cant find - but i think youre right, theres not many files it loads when the frmMirage loads up… and everything is there that i can think of but.... i cant hear the music in a jpeg file :) I think seans got it.
  7. There is nothing wrong with your script. hmm.. Is there a possibility your porting to a tile thats scripted? like a map warp tile?
  8. Can you attach your main script please? this looks like a scripting issue.
  9. @Kreator: > Which is sad, because why didn't he just use his own 'patterns'? > > Also, he said he wasn't the creator of them. Right you are… So i guess we should be directing this at the '3 magnificent pixel artists' who didnt use their own patterns. Im not one to pick and poke, honestly... but he said these were '100% custom' and clearly they are not.
  10. This is gonna be sweet.. The sprites remind me of ultima online… which gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling in my tummy.
  11. @Hairo: > Who would want to join a team with someone who cant spell the word "the" and uses teh. Please, learn to speak. I thought that was just how the cool kids spoke :cool:
  12. @DrNova: > People, GIVE IT A REST. > > Not only are non of us, as far as I'm aware, professional graphics designers, but also the time it would take (even IF any of us had that kind of skill) to make a quality graphic from complete scratch (and a desktop must look good, face it) would take a while. > > Brushes and plugins and stuff look good yeah, but face it, if you want any actual ITEMS in it, chances are most if not all of us here are going to need to find outside image sources. > > There is nothing wrong with it. > If someone just takes a good image and does little else with it, yeah it'll look good probably, but it would be obvious that little was done by the maker, which should end up reflecting in the voting/deciding, whatever. > > So QUIT COMPLAINING, please. Theres nothing wrong with shopping for images from google. I agree, I use alot of reference textures etc from google, i'd be lost without them - however i chose not to for this competition as the rules were pretty clear - and besides creating something from scratch is far more rewarding than using even one small portion of someone elses work. The only criticism I had of Chief is that he _attempted_ to copy a few methods I employ, which he admitted to - therefore my grudge is over.
  13. @Anna: > The grass patterns, the rock patterns, they are all different. Of course RMXP was a major reference, but that isn't a bad thing either; RMXP tiles are versatile and easy to use, and have a perfect scale for these sort of games. I thought that also until I looked a little closer in paintshop. The rock patterns are made from the RXMP rock, same with the grass and sand. He obviously did do a good job if no one can else can see it, so kudos to him.
  14. It looks to me as if you took the RXMP tilest, pulled apart each tile, merged tiles and re-made them into your own tileset. Would be nice if we could see the initial idea/design for all of these, ie - your original outline work.
  15. Devogen

    New GFX Showoff

    @Anna: > Mushrooms look pretty neat, although the really big one doesn't look right; it seems that it's too big to fit in the cavern. I think the big mushroom looks cool! i like mushrooms… Overall i think the sprites are nice, but there is just no defining lines in the tileset, i can understand the desire to blend graphics, but they all blend a little too much - i feel uneasy when i look at it for more than 10 seconds straight.
  16. @Dimx: > I replaced the Xp User32 with my vista user32 and no luck still have the flicker. > > I read somewhere that it might be my .Net framework i think it is outdated so i will update that next and see what happens > > Edit: Updating my .Net Framework didn't fix anything. Im using dotNet2.0 on vista…im loading up winxp and win98 on a couple of laptops... im gonnga play with this bug and see if i can iron it out
  17. @justinlee999: > What do you mean? > I work for people in projects… LOL? jesus… you need to get outside more kiddo...
  18. I look at computer screens all day and that white is pretty bright yeah.. but in saying that after having my entry on my desktop for a few days so is mine, the lensflare is retina burning…
  19. @Ninja-Tech: > kewl kewl ;) > could you possibly make me one? > ill just work off it Ill do one thats the same style as yours just a bit more modernish.. and then ill tell you how i did it all so you might learn some tricks if u wish
  20. Devogen

    New GFX Showoff

    Im having a really hard time focusing on anything… I havent had any beer yet so im not pissed.... Im just having trouble finding definition between objects - between trees overlaying grass, the grass versus the cliff face... its just a all a bit pixelated.
  21. @Ninja-Tech: > lol i take that as an insult :( > lol jk jk > yes plz so i have sumthin to work up to > im just messin around > buildin skills Lol sorry man… i didnt mean it like that... well i guess i sort of did, but not in a nasty way mate. I dont think its that bad - I can make out that its a skull in the background .. a bloody skull... TBH if I was just looking at it to rate I would just say to maybe make the font a little larger, and if its a banner - it needs to be a bit bigger, like 500x150 I should have given you some constructive criticism than just assume that I could have done something you would have preferred more - it is nice to do things for yourself, i know.
  22. Would you like me to do one for you Ninja?
  23. @Chief: > lolz… you guys are jerks... but yeah, i did draw inspiration from yours but I dont think youc aould call it copying... whatever... i dont even carea nymroe... this is just turning us (everyone) against eachotehr... Spell check is your friend. I said Im flattered… I didnt say it was turning me against anyone. If someone wants to attempt to copy something Ive done kudos to them. I didnt say anything about his piece except it was plagueristic. Hope your other entries are more original.
  24. @Dimx: > I found the problem I think that it was my computer because I just tested it on my vista and it does not flicker. I don't know why it would do that. Yeah im using vista too.. possibly its the new msdn library they wrote for vista
  25. @Marsh: > You going to enter devogen? I did.. lol its thew pic chief used for his inspiration @Chief: > it wasnt copying at all… I dont see a sun and the moon in yours! sure, I amde the text reflect but thats nothing! this does not count as copying... im flattered.
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