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Everything posted by Rithy58

  1. Rithy58

    Eo on Mac?

    It's not the OS. You can always dual-boot Mac OSX and Windows, which mean when you turn on your computer, you have a choice between Mac OSX or Windows. It's just you can't run windows application directly in Mac OSX. Sincerely, Rithy
  2. @Robin: > Then go ahead and do that. Nothing wrong with it. Just keep in mind you're going to get a hell of a lot more done than I did because I needed to program an entire engine in that time. xD I did say it will be easier but honestly, I don't think I will. I don't have a lot of experience making a game, especially making map and balancing. This will be like officially the first time I work on the game content. And also writing. I am horrible at it. Overall, it's going to be a small game with 30 minutes of gameplay or less. I'm not even sure if it's worth playing. I just want to make something :D Sincerely, Rithy
  3. @Robin: > -snip- Ahh, so you mean in 24 hours, make a game by programming and writing content, and everything. I was thinking in 24 hours, make a game by making content(and a little programming when needed). I don't really want to program in a limited time because I know what will happen. I just want to make map, items, monsters, spells, etc. I want to focus on in-game development because I never really done that. That's all. Sincerely, Rithy
  4. Rithy58

    Eo on Mac?

    @Exvayate: > Replace Mac OSX with Win7\. Have a godly… pc? Made of mac parts! WITH WINDOWS! I think it's stupid how Mac isn't a PC. I mean, isn't a Mac a computer for personal use? Anywho, I work on EO on a Mac all the time, using Virtualbox. That's one of the easier way than Multi-Boot OS. Sincerely, Rithy
  5. @Robin: > Using the engine I made in _my_ 24 hour challenge (not to mention months worth of debugging and optimisation) is cheating. If you're going to do this then do it properly. I want to use CS:DE because it would be more challenging and everything would be new to me so that would keep me going. I work on my game like 3 hours every month or so. The reason being, I get bored out of it. And really, I'm not competing against you or anybody. I simply want to use your engine for like a week before school start. Once I'm done, I'll move on and go back to my game. I don't plan on continuing developing whatever I finish once I'm done with it. It's more of a temporary toy to play with. That's why I'll use CS:DE, not EO. Sincerely, Rithy PS : I never really work with the In-Game Development. I'm more of a programmer and all I've been doing is coding EO so when I'm using CS:DE, it'll be more In-Game Development than Coding since most of the code are already done in CS:DE. Like I said before, I just want to try something new. That's all.
  6. Rithy58


    Can't see the code cause I'm on my iPhone but there is a small bug in modEnum. If you go there, you'd see the Public HandleDataSub(…). This was suppose to create an amount of array according to the incoming packets. So for Client, it should be SMSG_Count while Server would be CMSG_Count. Sincerely, Rithy
  7. Assuming you have and know VB6 and EO 2.0: Add the new stuff in Vitals. They're in modTypes(UDT) and modEnum. Add functions that generate or calculate those new vitals. In your client, show those new vitals. Sincerely, Rithy
  8. Google RPGMaker XP Sprite. All you have to do is save them as .bmp and make sure the top left pixel is the transparent color. Sincerely, Rithy
  9. I'm actually doing that soon. I'm studying CS:DE code right now and it's amazing! Once I understand how to use CS:DE(In-Game Development) and how the code work, I'm going to make a game in 24 hours over the course of 48 hours. It will be much much easier than what Robin did because I'm using provided Resources and Game Engine very close to be a complete game. Sincerely, Rithy
  10. I found a problem with the map editor the first day I use CS:DE but Robin helped solved the problem. The problem was, EngineDrawSquare didn't draw the Blue and Red boxes in the Map Editor if given Texture 0 so to solve this, Robin told me to make it use Tex_Blank, which is basically a blank PNG. Client Side, modDirectX8: **Under** ``` Public Tex_Fader As Long ```**Add** ``` Public Tex_Blank As Long ``` **Under** ``` Tex_Shadow = SetTexturePath(App.path & Path_Graphics & "shadow.png") ```**Add** ``` Tex_Blank = SetTexturePath(App.path & Path_Graphics & "blank.png") ``` **Replace** ``` Public Sub EngineDrawSquare(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal w As Long, ByVal h As Long, Optional ByVal colour As Long = 0, Optional lineWidth As Byte = 1) ```**With** ``` Public Sub EngineDrawSquare(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal w As Long, ByVal h As Long, Optional ByVal colour As Long = 0, Optional lineWidth As Byte = 1) ' Top line RenderTexture Tex_Blank, x, y, 0, 0, w, lineWidth, 0, 0, colour ' Left line RenderTexture Tex_Blank, x, y, 0, 0, lineWidth, h, 0, 0, colour ' Bottom line RenderTexture Tex_Blank, x, y + h - lineWidth, 0, 0, w, lineWidth, 0, 0, colour ' Right line RenderTexture Tex_Blank, x + w - lineWidth, y, 0, 0, lineWidth, h, 0, 0, colour End Sub ```_Don't be an idiot and make a stupid move. Replace the WHOLE FUNCTION, not just that one line, with that new function._ I attached my 32 x 32 blank PNG for you to put in your CS:DE Client's graphic folder but you can always make your own. Just a 32 x 32 white PNG file. This solved the problem. However, it wasn't 100% what I wanted. Only 50%. I wanted the selected box in the Map Editor and the TileOutLine in the Map, like how EO use Misc.bmp. I decided to do that, but instead of drawing a box, I render the texture selected instead. Below is the code I converted from my own my game that use EO 2.0 Dx7 so it would work with CS:DE Dx8 ``` Public Sub DrawTileOutLine() Dim Tileset As Byte ' find tileset number Tileset = frmEditor_Map.scrlTileSet.value ' exit out if doesn't exist If Tileset Count_Tileset Then Exit Sub If frmEditor_Map.scrlAutotile.value = 0 Then RenderTexture Tex_Tileset(Tileset), CurX * PIC_X, CurY * PIC_Y, shpSelectedLeft, shpSelectedTop, shpSelectedWidth, shpSelectedHeight, shpSelectedWidth, shpSelectedHeight Else RenderTexture Tex_Tileset(Tileset), CurX * PIC_X, CurY * PIC_Y, shpSelectedLeft, shpSelectedTop, PIC_X, PIC_Y, PIC_X, PIC_Y End If End Sub ``` Not gonna guide you through this. Just call that method in Render_Graphics. Make sure you check for InMapEditor. Sincerely, Rithy
  11. @Kermit: > > Tell your friend to stop sticking his stick in stuff he doesn't understand. I thought it was > Tell your friend to stop sticking his **head** in stuff he doesn't understand. Anywho, that was my favorite because it was accompany by a reply that goes something like: > Robin, your suggestion would lead to the extinction of the human race. Sincerely, Rithy
  12. Still the same thing. Use Blood as a Ref, add another frame to the NPC. When the NPC Die, call the function to blt the corpse, parse in the NPCNum so the method know where to get the texture. Sincerely, Rithy
  13. Rithy58


    It work in a vanilla copy but not my copy, even though there is NOTHING change. I only added 1 Character Sheet, 1 Face, 1 Tileset(RMVX). Anywho, it work now. For the shpSelected(the red one) but not the blue one, which I believe should be on the map, near the cursor. Sincerely, Rithy
  14. Rithy58


    Still doesn't work.
  15. Rithy58


    Tex_Blank doesn't exist. I would make it but I'm not sure what the texture is. Is it just a blank png file? Sincerely, Rithy
  16. Rithy58


    Okay, this is what I did : ``` ' render lower tiles If Count_Tileset > 0 Then For x = TileView.left To TileView.Right For y = TileView.top To TileView.bottom If IsValidMapPoint(x, y) Then Call DrawMapTile(x, y) Call EngineDrawSquare(x, y, 32, 32) End If Next Next End If ```I'm not sure if I was using it correctly but it didn't work. Sincerely, Rithy
  17. Rithy58


    Umm how? Sincerely, Rithy
  18. Rithy58


    I started playing around with CS:DE and I ran into a little problem. There is the code for drawing the shape for Selected Tile(s) and another shape, which is probably for place to put the tile on the Map. However, these codes doesn't seem to work as I don't see any shape around the tile I selected nor a shape on the map where the tile will be. Is it just me or someone else also have this problem? Or what I'm talking here simply do not exist in CS:DE? Sincerely, Rithy
  19. Rithy58

    [CS:DE] Tilesheets

    Exactly! Cut them into smaller texture and then render them together! Seriously, who would try to render a gigantic texture? As for you not using CS:DE, go ahead. Don't use it. In fact, I recommend that you don't. It's more of a educational thing to me because building a game using EO is much more fun because you actually get to code feature yourself. At least, for me anyway. I like to program. Sincerely, Rithy
  20. Rithy58

    [CS:DE] Tilesheets

    CS:DE shouldn't have any problem with large texture. CS:DE isn't the one that handle graphic, DirectX8 is. And why would you need a large texture? I'm really curious. Don't people use small texture together to make a big one? For example, some people use four 256 x 256 to make one 512 x 512, something like that. Sincerely, Rithy
  21. Rithy58

    [CS:DE] Tilesheets

    @Robin: > Don't listen to other people from a dead community, listen to me. Hahaha, true. I haven't use CS:DE yet, only a quick look at the code. I've been looking at Crystalshire, testing it on multiple machine. Trying to break it, etc. And I see YOU use 512 x 512\. Is it because you think now a day, almost all card can support at least that much? Oh and Crystalshire's autotile actually make a bit of a performance decrease when turned on for me. I'm guessing it's because the engine is drawing 16 x 16, instead of 32 x 32? I'm looking into the CS:DE's code right now and saw you have an amazing Autotile System. The animation, the cliff and the fake? What exactly is a fake? Anywho, Crystalshire is great. Everything about it inspired me a lot. The design, the code and everything is really nice. However, as a game, it's still a bit generic game. I'm looking forward to your Big Update with the new GUI. I'm hoping it'll be a new kind of game that I, myself, would like to play, too. Sincerely, Rithy PS: Sorry, look like I'm getting off-topic.
  22. Rithy58

    [CS:DE] Tilesheets

    @Robin: > Whether it works or not depends entirely on whether your video card supports it or not. > > If you don't care about hardware limitations then I suggest you find a new hobby because making video games is _all about_ working around hardware limitations. I'm surprise you're still trying to help these guys. Clearly, they're hopeless. Anywho, I remember from my research way back during OGC when someone posted a Dx8 Class and I wanted to learn more about Dx8 and I found that an optimal size would be 512 x 512 or less, not 256 x 256 or less. So yeah, now I'm a bit confused. Sincerely, Rithy
  23. @Robin: > Pretty much. When I add new packet headers I just copy + paste the enumeration so I don't screw up the order. Must have just copied one line too many once and never realised it. > > Easy fix, though. Should I report it as a bug in the official thread? And yeah, I changed the C to S and everything still work perfectly, not that it wasn't working before but you know, just for precaution. Thanks for the help. Sincerely, Rithy
  24. I see. Thanks for explaining. Comment it out doesn't make any noticeable effect but I'll leave it out. And I'm still wondering about the HandleDataSub. I think it could be a bug made by a drunk developer since the Enum of Packets was suppose to be the same in both Client and Server so the developer simply copy it from the Server and paste into the Client and missed that the C is suppose to be an S. I don't know the exact amount of Client Packets and Server Packets but the reason this hasn't caused trouble yet is probably because there are more Client Packets than Server Packets. Sincerely, Rithy
  25. I understand why **Public HandleDataSub(CMSG_COUNT) As Long** is used in the Server but then it is the same in the Client. I was expecting **Public HandleDataSub(SMSG_COUNT) As Long** to be used. Why is that? I kinda have an idea of what **DoEvents** is and what it does but I don't understand why it is being use. Can someone explain that to me, please? Sincerely, Rithy
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