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Everything posted by achap89

  1. Here is what you do… get up and turn the lights on. Look around and nothing will be there. If you believe in god pray, honestly knowing he was there made mine stop.
  2. I used to be afraid of the dark, and when I started seeing thing, i was ussuallly high XD but I would pretend they were spongebob characters… and Pray
  3. What are we supposed to be doing to help. Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.
  4. My first time they laced it with somthing because I was litterally talking to my dishwasher for 3 hours
  5. I get his error :( Does anyone know how I can fix this?
  6. very nice! The character could use a little work but as of now I really like that images.
  7. try ``` If IS_PREMIUM = 1 Then Call SetPlayerExp(Index, GetPlayerExp(Index) + Int(Exp * 2)) Call BattleMsg(Index, "Dostałeś/aś " & Int(Exp * 2) & " doświadczenia.", BrightBlue, 0) Else Call SetPlayerExp(Index, GetPlayerExp(Index) + Exp) Call BattleMsg(Index, "Dostałeś/aś " & Exp & " doświadczenia.", BrightBlue, 0) End If ```Since the attacker is who you want then it is still index, because index will check to see if that player is premium. Let me know if it works ;) O btw You Exp variable has not been dimmed or set. Dim Exp Exp = Whatever you want
  8. hybc hiring your best botox consultant
  9. Please use the edit button instread of triple posting.
  10. achap89


    My guess would either be that you have it accessing somthing wrong… check your files to make sure you didnt erase anything that you need
  11. achap89

    Learn VB6

    Thats how i am learning… I looked at a "tutorial" but basically all it did was teach me how to do loops and if statments... and i messed around with sources and I learned a lot more, although I still cant figure out how to bring another window up XD
  12. You realize you can just alter your source to allow a .gif and I know for a fact that gif has transparency.
  13. @DDunit: > It's funny that no-one said this was the wrong section Gamma did.
  14. achap89

    A delay command

    I use this for a lot so it is useful ``` Public Sub Delay(dblSecs As Double) Const OneSec As Double = 1# / (1440# * 60#) Dim dblWaitTil As Date dblWaitTil = Now + OneSec * dblSecs Do Until Now > dblWaitTil DoEvents ' Allow windows messages to be processed Loop End Sub ```just place it in ur ModMain and use call Delay(5) How long you want it to wait in seconds
  15. achap89

    How do i…?

    Ok So how would i make a source edit to get case # from a file called "0.txt" "1.txt", ect…? Thank you.
  16. achap89

    [EO] Scripted NPC

    Ya i just got it to work for me. I acidently left part of the other script in there, and I was just thinking about that.
  17. achap89

    [EO] Scripted NPC

    Doesnt work for me.
  18. Ok I must have this source :P
  19. I must have this script. lol I will be using as soon as it comes out. ROBIN RULES!
  20. achap89

    EO quest help

    Ok i'll check out tuts board more… Thanks robin.
  21. achap89

    EO quest help

    Ok so could you give me an example of how to make a scripted tile? and where to put? Sorry i just got vb6 a couple days ago so trying to learn cuz i love origins but ouldnt use it for fact i didnt have vb6 at \first
  22. achap89

    EO quest help

    So how do i program extras like that it what files would i have to open?
  23. achap89

    EO quest help

    ok I need to know 2 things. 1\. where would i being on scripting a quest in EO? 2\. How would i make a button in EO that makes a new window that gets all quests and completion from an ini file quests.ini looks like >! [Quests] DragonSlayer=1 Test=1 and it goes to the newly opened menu to look like >! Quests DragonSlayer-Started Test-Started I want the green text to change from Not Started if "thequest"=0 If it equals 1 I want it to say started. But if it equals 2 then i want it to say completed. I am using eo and not sure where I would put this stuff where?
  24. O ok XD i feel dumb sorry got it and it works ty
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