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  1. Hi ! I've got a problem with a "Packet Flooding". Everytime when player go first time to map, shows him HackingAttempt "Packet Flooding", but when his go to the same map second time didn't shows him that. Everyone help me ? Edit\\ I resolve it, error is in map freezing. :)
  2. Hi i got a problem with display the Name of Guild above the name of a player, this is screen : ![](http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/6013/guildt.png) Anyone can help me ? I tried do it in Sub BltPlayerGuildName, but don't working.
  3. Hi, i've got a question about a Image of Character like in Super Mario Mod, how make thing's like this in Eclipse ? In super Mario Mod by Miguu, is an option, when i add new char, i've select a color of Mario, how i make this ?
  4. Kimimaru, thanks. Now, game is working, but my command don't work. Now is only exp x2 ! But I good add a function. This is my Declarations : ``` ' Premium Public Const IS_PREMIUM = 1 Public Const IS_NOT_PREMIUM = 0 ```When I Add : If GetpPlayerPremium = 1 Then, or If GetPlayerPramium(index) = 1 Then don't work. Edit. I resolved that i post comand``` If GetpPlayerPremium(Attacker) = 1 Then ```And it work. Thanks for all.
  5. Zesh, This doesn't work If i add : Dim index as Long, show an RTE 9 Byval index as Long, show an RTE 13 This is my Sub AttackNpc, if i add my code. ``` Sub AttackNpc(ByVal Attacker As Long, _ ByVal MapNpcNum As Long, _ ByVal damage As Long) Dim Name As String Dim Exp As Long Dim N As Long, i As Long, x As Long, o As Long Dim MapNum As Long, NpcNum As Long ' Check for subscript out of range If IsPlaying(Attacker) = False Or MapNpcNum MAX_MAP_NPCS Or damage < 0 Then Exit Sub End If ' Check for weapon If GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Attacker) > 0 Then N = GetPlayerInvItemNum(Attacker, GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Attacker)) Else N = 0 End If ' Send this packet so they can see the person attacking Call SendDataToMap(GetPlayerMap(Attacker), "ATTACKNPC" & SEP_CHAR & Attacker & SEP_CHAR & MapNpcNum & SEP_CHAR & END_CHAR) MapNum = GetPlayerMap(Attacker) NpcNum = MapNpc(MapNum, MapNpcNum).num Name = Trim$(Npc(NpcNum).Name) MapNpc(MapNum, MapNpcNum).LastAttack = GetTickCount If damage >= MapNpc(MapNum, MapNpcNum).HP Then ' Check for a weapon and say damage Call BattleMsg(Attacker, "Zabiłeś/aś a " & Name, BrightRed, 0) Dim add As String add = 0 If GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Attacker) > 0 Then add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Attacker, GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Attacker))).AddEXP End If If GetPlayerArmorSlot(Attacker) > 0 Then add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Attacker, GetPlayerArmorSlot(Attacker))).AddEXP End If If GetPlayerShieldSlot(Attacker) > 0 Then add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Attacker, GetPlayerShieldSlot(Attacker))).AddEXP End If If GetPlayerHelmetSlot(Attacker) > 0 Then add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Attacker, GetPlayerHelmetSlot(Attacker))).AddEXP End If If GetPlayerLegsSlot(Attacker) > 0 Then add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Attacker, GetPlayerLegsSlot(Attacker))).AddEXP End If If add > 0 Then If add < 100 Then If add < 10 Then add = 0 & ".0" & Right$(add, 2) Else add = 0 & "." & Right$(add, 2) End If Else add = Mid$(add, 1, 1) & "." & Right$(add, 2) End If End If ' Calculate exp to give attacker If add > 0 Then Exp = Npc(NpcNum).Exp + (Npc(NpcNum).Exp * Val(add)) Else Exp = Npc(NpcNum).Exp End If ' Make sure we dont get less then 0 If Exp < 0 Then Exp = 1 End If If IS_PREMIUM = 1 Then Call SetPlayerExp(index, GetPlayerExp(index) + Int(Exp * 2)) Call BattleMsg(index, "Dostałeś/aś " & Int(Exp * 2) & " doświadczenia.", BrightBlue, 0) Else Call SetPlayerExp(index, GetPlayerExp(index) + Exp) Call BattleMsg(index, "Dostałeś/aś " & Exp & " doświadczenia.", BrightBlue, 0) End If For i = 1 To MAX_NPC_DROPS ' Drop the goods if they get it N = Int(Rnd * Npc(NpcNum).ItemNPC(i).Chance) + 1 If N = 1 Then Call SpawnItem(Npc(NpcNum).ItemNPC(i).ItemNum, Npc(NpcNum).ItemNPC(i).ItemValue, MapNum, MapNpc(MapNum, MapNpcNum).x, MapNpc(MapNum, MapNpcNum).y) End If Next ' Now set HP to 0 so we know to actually kill them in the server loop (this prevents subscript out of range) MapNpc(MapNum, MapNpcNum).num = 0 MapNpc(MapNum, MapNpcNum).SpawnWait = GetTickCount MapNpc(MapNum, MapNpcNum).HP = 0 Call SendDataToMap(MapNum, "NPCDEAD" & SEP_CHAR & MapNpcNum & SEP_CHAR & END_CHAR) ' Check for level up Call CheckPlayerLevelUp(Attacker) ' Check for level up party member If Player(Attacker).InParty = YES Then For x = 1 To MAX_PARTY_MEMBERS If Party(Player(Attacker).PartyID).Member(x) 0 Then Call CheckPlayerLevelUp(Party(Player(Attacker).PartyID).Member(x)) End If Next End If Call TakeFromGrid(MapNum, MapNpc(MapNum, MapNpcNum).x, MapNpc(MapNum, MapNpcNum).y) ' Check if target is npc that died and if so set target to 0 If Player(Attacker).TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_NPC And Player(Attacker).Target = MapNpcNum Then Player(Attacker).Target = 0 Player(Attacker).TargetType = 0 End If Else ' NPC not dead, just do the damage MapNpc(MapNum, MapNpcNum).HP = MapNpc(MapNum, MapNpcNum).HP - damage ' Check for a weapon and say damage Call BattleMsg(Attacker, "Zadałeś/aś a " & Name & " " & damage & " obrażeń.", White, 0) If N = 0 Then 'Call PlayerMsg(Attacker, "Zadałeś/aś a " & Name & " for " & obrażeń & " hit points.", White) Else 'Call PlayerMsg(Attacker, "Zadałeś/aś a " & Name & " with a " & Trim$(Item(n).Name) & " for " & obrażeń & " hit points.", White) End If ' Check if we should send a message If MapNpc(MapNum, MapNpcNum).Target = 0 And MapNpc(MapNum, MapNpcNum).Target Attacker Then If Trim$(Npc(NpcNum).AttackSay) "" Then Call PlayerMsg(Attacker, "A " & Trim$(Npc(NpcNum).Name) & " : " & Trim$(Npc(NpcNum).AttackSay) & "", SayColor) End If End If ' Set the NPC target to the player MapNpc(MapNum, MapNpcNum).Target = Attacker MapNpc(MapNum, MapNpcNum).TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER ' Now check for guard ai and if so have all onmap guards come after'm If Npc(MapNpc(MapNum, MapNpcNum).num).Behavior = NPC_BEHAVIOR_GUARD Then For i = 1 To MAX_MAP_NPCS If MapNpc(MapNum, i).num = MapNpc(MapNum, MapNpcNum).num Then MapNpc(MapNum, i).Target = Attacker MapNpc(MapNum, i).TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER End If Next End If End If 'Call SendDataToMap(MapNum, "npchp" & SEP_CHAR & MapNpcNum & SEP_CHAR & MapNpc(MapNum, MapNpcNum).HP & SEP_CHAR & GetNpcMaxHP(MapNpc(MapNum, MapNpcNum).num) & SEP_CHAR & END_CHAR) ' Reset attack timer Player(Attacker).AttackTimer = GetTickCount End Sub ```
  6. No, it's server side. Because I post this in "Sub AttackNpc".
  7. Don't work you'r code, is an error (Variable not defined) Call SetPlayerExp(Index, GetPlayerExp(Index) + Int(Exp * 2))
  8. Hi i add to game new Function : GetPlayerPremium and SetPlayerPremium, and I want to do Exp x2, but doesn't work. This is a code : ``` If IS_PREMIUM = 1 Then Call SetPlayerExp(Attacker, GetPlayerExp(Attacker) + Int(Exp * 2)) Call BattleMsg(Attacker, "Dostałeś/aś " & Int(Exp * 2) & " doświadczenia.", BrightBlue, 0) Else Call SetPlayerExp(Attacker, GetPlayerExp(Attacker) + Exp) Call BattleMsg(Attacker, "Dostałeś/aś " & Exp & " doświadczenia.", BrightBlue, 0) End If ``` Anyone can help me ? Sorry, for my english. I'm from Poland.
  9. I still rip, but this didn't works.
  10. Hi, can you tell me whether you can do such a thing, that as you click on the player it shows a table with information about him. for example, which is the level of what is class? Sorry for my English.
  11. I have change some source code, but i don't think it happens by that.
  12. Hi i got a big problem, betweenwhiles i got a RunTime error 9 in server, and i debug that and stresses me this line : ``` Function GetBootMap(ByVal Index As Long) As Long GetBootMap = Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).BootMap End Function ``` Please help me, and sorry for my english.
  13. Hi, i got a big problem, Sub Hp in spell doesn't work. Please help me.
  14. But i had many quest, and i have one quest like this, but don't working. And i must had quest like this !
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