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Everything posted by Aydan

  1. Aydan

    Robin's maps

    I love it you sexy bitch!
  2. Well, I've had the honour to be able to test out the latest of "origins" with its autotiles and RPGMAKER format for sprites and it's real good. Somethings need a minor fix here and there but it works. I grabbed some random chipsets to test things out and I decided to mess about with some SoM tiles. Ignore the water its something that needs to be fixed with the autotiles, the water in the chipsets seems to be the only problem when making them auto at the moment. anyway, the map sucks yadda yadda, it was made to just test the features out and "show off" i guess. Also the fact I'm not a good mapper doesn't help ;D ![](http://img203.imageshack.us/img203/3518/testjf.png)
  3. @Mikekan13: > I already knew you wouldn't. No big deal. Ill do it myself, But Panoramas and animated tiles seem more "flowery" than player housing which is actually a gameplay function and not an aesthetic. That is THE single most stupid thing I have ever read on this forum. Well, other than GFX PLX HALP GAYM PLX? yadda yadda. Animations on a map help bring a nice visual nich'e to the game and make the world feel dynamic and 'alive' not boring flat and static. As for autotiles it now means people have EVERY SINGLE RPG Maker chipset usable to have fun creating games without doing pointless work of trying to convert it all and getting frustrated, especially for newer hobbyists who may not have the experience of abilities to know how to convert them using smart techniques with PS etc.
  4. Aydan

    ASCII Art

    heres my contribution. \ \ \ | | | | ) ) c== ) ) | | | | | | SUPRISE BUTTSEKZ.
  5. GO MARILL! ![](http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/4/42/183Marill.png)
  6. Tested it out a few mins ago. Works great, very simple to use and just feels 'right' and 'clean' if you can understand what I mean. Everything about the source is fantastic. When some of the more difficult features are added in and things finished it will be THE source/engine to use for your game. I can't wait to see what people make using this. I've already started working on a small hobby game with it already. For the first time in a long time I'm enjoying playing with it. A shame not many people have made a game with it yet anyway, it's pretty much usable for a game minus advanced things like quests which will come sooner or later. Anyway enough talking, good work Robin and I'm sure I speak for everyone here when I say thank you for your hard work and giving us such a great piece of software for FREE.
  7. I've looked into it and tried. Managed to get NPC's damage ot blit for others but for some reason it works on one client and not another. It sure is confusing. Hmm… Hope someone can work it out or at least point me in the direction :) I am trying myself haha
  8. Ok so when attacking npcs and players you can see the damage you do right? Well if someone else is on the map they cannot see the damage you do and you cannot see the damage they do (same with npcs on you and them). I'm assuming it shouldnt be hard since all the blitting is done but somehow needs to be sent for all players. Can anyone work out how to do it? It's a simple thing but will make games so much better if you ask me :) Thanks in advance for any help you guys and give!
  9. I tried adding it in but I had an error server side with this line SendPlayerNewXY(index) Any ideas? I'm using 2.7 as well so… thats the only error I have.
  10. Okay excuse the double post just clarifying that I have managed to get it working myself. I guess there aren't many coders here or at least those to offer help. Thanks anyway.
  11. \ \ \ | | | | ) ) c== ) ) | | | | | | Me raping your sorry ass.
  12. Yeah I know that but I don't know what sub controls the npc's damages. I've checked the source out but cant figure it out. It's not as straight forward since there are so many subs for npc attacking like checking they can attack and so on. Any help if anyone knows would really help me out!
  13. Hey guys can anyone work out how to add basic damage ranges for npc? So when an npc attacks a player it isn't the same damage all the time. MrMiggu made a script for the players but not npcs. I've had a look but can't quite figure it out. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  14. Hmm it was jumpy for me too. It's not a smoothe transition at all. Was it like that originally?? or as you said Mr Miguu made it a lil worse on accident?
  15. Aydan

    GUI Sample

    @[G2D: > УVO link=topic=41543.msg415362#msg415362 date=1238799367] > Looks like you went backwards from your WIP… no more transparent windows? tbh your WIP in-game shot was much better. The old WIP was based from Mirage Source. I could try porting the code over but I'm not sure if Eclipse would run it fast enough. I was thinking of waiting for V3 and implementing it back in. @Xavi: > The actual gui is great, but it doesn't go with the 8-bit game… at all... Go back and learn about game generations. There's a huge difference between this and 8bit. @Tyr: > this is what a GUI should be imo… sadly you stole the idea from ZoSo (yes i read your entire post) > still, 7/10 I wouldn't say "stolen" but yeah I know what you mean. The thing is how many other games have you seen the similar idea in? Same with even the default GUI for Eclipse. It's not like a million other games don't use one similar. If anyone want's to try the game out a little bit (pretty much nothing to do but test some junk) feel free to PM me.
  16. Aydan

    GUI Sample

    Eclipse obviously. Otherwise I wouldn't have posted it on an ECLIPSE forum XD Thanks for the comments guys got some stuff coming soon hopefully. Just a bit busy with life at the moment but if there are those who really will play it and all that I'll try my hardest to get something done soon.
  17. Aydan

    GUI Sample

    Ahh yes the old version :D Heh good days them. I was still hoping to one day use the transparent chatbox however I won't bother trying or testing with that kinda stuff till 3.0 since in DX7 it's a little laggy. When 3.0 comes out I have some huge idea's and plans for the game however since it probably won't be out for some time I figured I'd start with 2.7 and just upgrade. rofl sorry, I did say by a good friend, didn't mean for it to seem that way. Lemme edit it :) First post Changed. Chief FTW.
  18. Aydan

    GUI Sample

    lol I wasn't being defensive in anyway!! :) sorry if it came across that way :D Anyways yeah, I have been working on a game in the shadows. I just need to get some more work done with the engine's core code before I start mapping properly and doing other in game stuff. Hopefully I can get something very basic done soon and just release it for people to try out. We'll see :) I just hope I can get a decent fan base for it, since it's the old school style. Many people seem put off by the old school RM2K looks since most people here are RMXP Whores.
  19. Aydan

    GUI Sample

    The GUI is actually original in terms of the colour/wood theme. I spoke to Zoso about using the old GUI as a template for my game with changes here and there to make it my own style and taste and he was more than happy to let me since he has a new GUI coming up and you can't really say no since millions more games use the same GUI style no doubt. The only GFX I used were RM2K. However the icons on the GUI are actually for RMXP. Found them on some japanese rmxp site before haha. thanks for the nice rating though :) I'm looking for ways to improve it too if anyone has ideas.
  20. Aydan

    GUI Sample

    Hey everyone. My game's been kinda quiet the last few weeks since I've been busy but thanks to help from a good friend **(CHIEF)** I have been able to get a small basic GUI done. As most of you may see it is based off another GUI ;) **Before anyone moans I have had a thumbs up from ZoSo himself and he's cool with it all.** Again this is only a simple GUI for now. Who knows what might happen in the future or how it will change. Here's a tiny sample of what it looks like so far. Just figured I'd share it. .PS. lay off the "not original" comments since no one's game is original since they all use other peoples graphics and buttons. Thanks for your time. ![](http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/2920/guiyay.png)
  21. still though even if there was stuff there I'd still be like "urgh" about the grass. With a different pallete it would look WAY better. At least I think it would :)
  22. it looks good although I don't like the pallete used. The grass is VERY bright and kinda hurts to look at, or at least it would after some time of playing and seeing it.
  23. I'm Aydan like the username says. 20 years old. I'm currently studying towards my diploma and degree in music and plan to become a music teacher at highschool/college. I also teach private guitar lessons to many students. I also play live 4 times a week. I love music in almost every area (except rap because it's just fast talking with rhymes. Not MUSIC in the sense of compositions and melodies etc). I also love to make games in my spare time since gaming is one of my biggest hobbies outside of music.
  24. LOL I hope that's a joke XD It's supposed to be totaly messy and ugly like that… o_O
  25. it's so bad it's awesome. Seriously. I think that by making the most awful game in history you could be making one of the best. At least in the lulz dept.
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