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Everything posted by saadhamza

  2. dg1423, will u help me plz.
  3. its not that it doesnt work, its that the link isnt working. i want the one from baron but it wont work. i can handle this peice of trash game maker but i need something better. maybe. i just need alot of help and people like hailblazer to not criticize. i only want help.
  4. didnt put the time in to it. u must be thinkn i dont care about this but this is my life. i put every second in to it. the paperdoll sheet on the main site doesnt even work.
  5. hey hailblazer, how did u make your hame sidescrolling. and u dont need to be a b****. this is one of the reasons im quiting. people like u make me want to. i wqould make a game very succecsfull but im to young for this. maybe in a year. maybe not. maybe ill continue.
  6. i wasnt expecting a big thing when im leaving. i just wanted some sugestions to a new game maker. u dont have to be a idiot u know. im only 12 years old. my cpu is 15 years old. the system barely works. just shut it seba. nad they need to change the name of this site. i went on touchofdeath.com by mistake it it wasnt pretty. u can check it out if u want. but i dont suggest it.
  7. im quiting on this game making system. i have plenty of reasons to, nothing personal marsh. first of all, its to hard for me, i cant do this kind of stuff. second, it doesnt make the game like i would like it. and not enuf people help. more criticize. i know a lot of people do help but uselly its just a link. no offense godlord,marsh,soljah, and alex lenton. u guys got me very far but i still wasnt good. i was hoping if someone can send me a link to a game maker that make a sidescrolling game like maplestory or a click text game like battleon(adventurequest). and if anyone can prove me wrong about this i mite change my mind. ty
  8. this is the 1 2 3 way to do it. basicly wat they just said.: open the folder you downloaded the game. when it opens it will say eclipse or it mite say clientand then server. open up the server. then click on the server in side of the server. it should open up another page. click on player tabs wile u r on your game. it should have you username. from there u can set the access. hope this helped =D
  9. hey bobus, you know u have that little pikachu thing that says "fan games= fail". how do u get one like that. i see a lot of people with that kind of thing.
  10. lol, sry, i wanted to see how everyone would react. seems everyone likes u. =D. i sent u a pm. when r u going to answer?
  11. ok, so on my game i want to make a currency, how do i make one. and i need a paperdoll sheet and a sprite sheet. the ones on freemmorphg dont work. could u send me one on my email. it [email protected]. ty. and how do i put my game on the web so other people can download it. i really need help. and godlord, if your readin this, u really shouldnt have locked the question thing. the one called" if u have a question ask here". it was really helping. i think it mite have worked. :angry:
  12. hey gaming ace, did u make that epic stick fite thing. and if u did, wat system of stick animation did u use? likeā€¦ pivot?
  13. u know something, if u want to ask a question just ask both places. cuz on this the guy that made this topic is going to try to answer but on the "questions" forum thing u mite end up with a noob like me aswering and they mite be rong. and squiddles, ty for not being on anyones side. i apprecite it. lol.
  14. omg, this is for questions, not random stuff, but still, can u answer me. and to heck with the kittens
  15. how do u make a currency?
  16. can some people post some links to a sprite sheet and a paperdoll template.
  17. question:Why did you make this thread when there is a forum for Questions? answer: cuz on the questions topic thing to many questoins are left unreplied. and on this it will be easier to find aswers, hopefully
  18. saadhamza


    hey, can u send me a link to a really good paper doll tut. for noobs.
  19. it says that i need directX 7 or higher with compatible graphix. it was error desc: 53 or somethign. wat is it. does it mean my cpu sucks?
  20. i dont know wat te is but ee 2.7 is really good. just i think its kinda hard to get used to. but u should try it first if u can. its pretty good.
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