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Everything posted by Warconn

  1. Warconn


    sorry for the delay, here is mine, but i am currenly downloading something, so it might bring it down a bit i dont know [![](http://www.speedtest.net/result/316966888.png)](http://www.speedtest.net) Thanks
  2. Warconn


    yea, i guess if you guys need that, but i wont be able to like reload anything, im gone on sundays, but i can leave my computer on… So yea i can host
  3. Warconn


    hmm i have a pretty good comp, and connection, i could host for you guys, i think like 20/6 i can host on sunday… but i could try if that gets in the way. Thanks
  4. Warconn


    yea i know, i just didnt no if anyone saw the post lol your right though, i dont want another 5 page debate with angry mods lol
  5. Warconn


    so did you guys need me, sorry i dont think anyone saw this post, its at the end of one of the pages lol so ill repost it @Warconn: > Player Develoment as in to get your Strenght up, you need to use a sword, when you use a spell your magi goes up, and when you use a bow, your dexterity goes up. The way your skills goes up is up to you, its just adding a call sub, it is almost done, just having some problems with it though, but it should be fixed in the next couple of days. > > Thanks > Warconn
  6. Warconn


    @Niko: > Thanks balliztik, Dont need examples from you buddy. If you want to your in. > Warconn - ummm… Player development scripts? Player Develoment as in to get your Strenght up, you need to use a sword, when you use a spell your magi goes up, and when you use a bow, your dexterity goes up. The way your skills goes up is up to you, its just adding a call sub, it is almost done, just having some problems with it though, but it should be fixed in the next couple of days. Thanks Warconn
  7. Warconn


    @Niko: > @warconn - what do you think the most difficult script you have made is? > @Miguu - Whats your past excperience with the source code? How good are you at working in vb6? Any example features you have programmed in vb6? Hmm i am currently working on a Player Development Script which is pretty difficult, and i have made helped with some of the Baron Skill Improvments, so i dont no. I can also help with testing if you need any
  8. Warconn


    hey i can help out where ever you need me, i can script pretty good, but nothing like baron or DG, i have msn, and can help test out the game for what ever new ideas, or designs you add.
  9. hmm alright, i dont have a VB6, i only have VB5 express, i cant find VB6 anywhere. But i can still modify some code, and just have someone else compile it for you…
  10. lol i think he means, like you can be lv 500 in a day, it will take a while, looks like a good game, why are you using EE1…
  11. hey all, i am having more problems with my player dev system that noone can figure out, here is my onattack sub ``` Sub OnAttack(Index, Damage) Dim npcnum Dim Target npcnum = GetPlayerTargetNpc(Index) If Int(Damage) > 0 Then If Int(GetPlayerTarget(Index)) > 0 Then Target = GetPlayerTarget(Index) Call DamagePlayer(Index, Target, Damage) Call Warconn_PlayerDevSystem(index,"str") Else Target = GetPlayerTargetNpc(Index) Call BattleMsg(index, "Workz1.", 13, 1) Call DamageNPC(Index, Target, Damage) Call BattleMsg(index, "Workz2.", 13, 1) Call Warconn_PlayerDevSystem(index,"str") Call BattleMsg(index, "Workz3.", 13, 1) End If End If End Sub ```I run that, and all i get is workz1 and 2, but 3 doesnt show up, here is my sub… ``` '|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Sub Warconn_PlayerDevSystem(index, PType) '|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Dim counter1 Dim x Dim counter2 Dim overall Select Case PType Case "str" Call BattleMsg(index, "Workz4.", 13, 1) overall= int(GetVar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini", "PlayerDevSystem", "overall")) Call BattleMsg(index, "Workz5.", 13, 1) counter1= int(GetVar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini", "PlayerDevSystem", "str")) + 1 Call BattleMsg(index, "Workz6.", 13, 1) If counter1 < overall Then Call PutVar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini", "PlayerDevSystem", "str", Int(counter1) ) Else overall= overall + 3 Call PutVar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini", "PlayerDevSystem", "overall", Int(overall) ) Call SetPlayerSTR(Index, GetPlayerSTR(Index) + 1) Call BattleMsg(index, "Your strength has increased due to frequent practice.", 13, 1) Call PutVar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini", "PlayerDevSystem", "str", 0) End If End Select End Sub ``` The main idea of the script is to get the overall from a var which is 20 right now, and then once there strengh increases, the overall goes up by 3. I first thought that it was the overal that was messing up the script, but works4 at the beginning doesnt even come up… Does anyone have any idea what is wrong. Thanks
  12. in source or where, i would like to have like 4 animation cycles…
  13. lol nice job on the GUI, i want to make something like that with the log in on the mainmenu, but all i have is VB5…. all i want is VB6 lol Nice Job though
  14. Warconn

    Compiling Help

    hey i just got myself a VB 2k5 Express Edition, and i want to compile the code that i have changed. Instead of compile, there is a button called "Build", so i clicked on that, and it says i have 107 errors, and the majority of them are "Error 1 Name 'LenB' is not declared. " and there is one of those in ever .vb in the project I can compile my code unless i get this fixed, and i no LenB in variable, so how do i fix this Thanks
  15. hmm maybe a better housing system, like a furniture system or something. Some of the scripts now are to hard to understand and implement. and a better battle animation would be cool to, like a two sprite attack instead of a 1
  16. hmm im still a novice at this stuff, but i think you have the wrong format… i think this is what you want ``` Sub ScriptedItem(Index, Script) Select Case Script Case 0 *insert beer script here, don't want the maker to be mad it's in here* Exit Sub Case 1 Call SetPlayerHP(index, int(GetPlayerHP(index)+int(int(GetPlayerMaxHP(index)/100)*10))) Call PlayerMsg(index, "You drink the potion and feel a bit better!", 7) Call Take_Item(index, number, value) Exit Sub Case Else Call PlayerMsg(Index, "No item script found. Please contact an admin to solve this problem.", WHITE) Exit Sub End Select End Sub ``` All i did was rearrange your code, and add the take_item so that the potion will disappear after they drink it Warconn [EDIT] I was looking around my main, and found this Call Take_Item(index, number, value) The number is the item number you want to take so if the potion item is number 3 then the number would be 3 This is the amount you want taken, so if you want to take 2 potions when they drink it, the value would be 2 **If you dont have the take_item sub in your main at all, add this at the end of your main ``` '******************************** Sub Take_Item(index, number, value) '******************************** Dim slot Dim taken Dim initial Dim final slot=1 taken=0 Do While Int(slot) < 25 If Int(taken)=0 Then If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index,Int(slot)) = Int(number) Then If Int(GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, Int(slot))) >= Int(value) Then initial = Int(GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, Int(slot) ) ) final = Int(initial) - Int(value) If Int(final)
  17. yea, thats what i mean, it doesnt explain what the numbers and things are….
  18. hey i was searching the commands list for 2.7, and i saw ``` Call SetTile ``` the example that was in it wasnt the most explanitory on how to use it. Can anyone else explain it to me i would really like to use it in my game Thanks
  19. wtf, look who i got, i dont even no who it is, but it cant be good lol ![](http://www.tk421.net/character/quark.jpg)
  20. hey thanks a bunch, it finally works good now. ive been working on this for weeks Thanks btw FSshadowwulf was helping me out with some of it, so i give him alot of the credit Thanks again
  21. ``` '|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Sub Warconn_PlayerDevSystem(index,"str") '|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Dim counter1 Dim x Dim points counter1=GetVar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini", "PlayerDevSystem", "str") counter1= counter1+1 Call PlayerMsg(index, "this should be working", 13) Call PutVar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini", "PlayerDevSystem", "str", Int(counter1) ) Select Case script Case "str" If counter1 < 20 Then Call PutVar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini", "PlayerDevSystem", "str", Int(counter1) ) Else Call SetPlayerSTR(Index, GetPlayerSTR(Index) + 1) Call BattleMsg(index, "Your strength has increased due to frequent practice.", 12, 1) End If End Select End Sub ``` thanks
  22. hey i have a sub with a "str" case that i need to run i am using``` Call Warconn_PlayerDevSystem(index,"str") ``` in my onattack sub when i attack it is suppost to say "this is working" at the very beginning, but nothing comes up. do i have the right commands, or what should i put the name of the sub is Warconn_PlayerDevSystem thanks
  23. Warconn

    Space Stuff!

    alright, just wondering if anyone was interested…. sorry
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