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Everything posted by KillerRazor

  1. Get Photoshop CS2 Pirated from the PirateBay, I think it is much better than GIMP. Just go into the layer and then go to the color overlay option, set as color: ![](http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/2926/slymy.png) - Gold - http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/2926/slymy.png ![](http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/2926/slymy.png) - Blue - http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/2926/slymy.png Try doing simple edits yourself in future. EDIT: Lol didn't see it already there. Now you have two to choose from xD.
  2. I'd also like some trees.. I can do EVERYTHING, but trees. To match HFI graphics if you can. Bushes - Few types, your choice Trees - 2 trees, your choice. Not too bothered about specifics.
  3. Don't be surprised at offers… EVERYONE wants team members :P I would like to have you onboard shading.. My tileset is hopelessly.. MSpainty xD. It would basically be a one off job. You do the Tileset, I give you items, GM status e.t.c in Final Ignition. I am UK timezone. My game is a spinoff of Halo, so futuristic.. Contact me if you're interested.
  4. Yeah. I was thinking of making this the benchmark on Final Ignition. Give the game a rating when it is released, with a game cover with the Eclipse banner or something..
  5. I agree. I could make a content type of template. I mean, word filters would filtrate any foul language, if it were for younger ages, but for older, maybe it wouldn't have one, more gory content or something.
  6. That is dead.. 3 games! IMO, I think we should start up a new one. One from scratch.
  7. Well. I came up with the idea to make some case art for Final Ignition. Then I came up with the thought "Hey, why don't we rate the games?". Basically, I'm suggesting we rate all dedicated games with a category. For instance: 3+ (Child) - Very mild violence, NO adult content 7+ (Junior) - Mild Cartoon Violence, NO adult content 13+ (Teen) - Mild Violence, Mild Language, No sexual or drug related content 16+ (Mature) - Bloody Violence, Mild to medium language, Mild sexual content, No Drug related content 18+ (Adult) - Gory Bloody violence, Heavy language, Medium to Heavy Sexual Content, Drug related content By; Eclipse Ratings Community. Most professional games have ratings, either by PEGI or the ESRB or some other ratings. It informs the player of it's content. This is just a suggestion for those that want to do it, and could come under "Game Reviews". There could also be an Eclipse Game case, a template for people to put their cover art onto, with the rating in the corner. Thoughts?
  8. Right, that should work. Wanted a neater method, but that is all I have for now.. I'm removing the spells panel, so I guess that will be a use for it.
  9. No, because a particle system would be WAY to complex. I've seen engines with them in, but I'm talking about an animation to be placed like a paperdolled item, over the weapon.
  10. I looked at this a long while ago. Looked nice, but, really, not great for making a true game. Fun to mess around with though.
  11. Ok. What I'm looking for is a code that will create a spell animation over the front of guns in the game, so that I can implement different muzzle flashes and effects. It also needs to incorporate sounds which can be set to a certain folder. The code needs to be able to incorporate all the new weapons I add. If you complete this for me, I will have no problem with adding credit to the credits, and giving you a special item when the game is up. Thanks, -KGB
  12. I got ODST. My overall thoughts: Campaign - The city, was beautiful, I wanted it to be an MMO xD, but unfortunately, I cannot say the same for the storyline. It felt… Repetitive, and not very interesting. It didn't have the epicness of the last few levels of H3\. I did like the gameplay, creeping up on brutes, hitting them down, taking the weapons e.t.c. But overall, it was.. Meh. Firefight - Firefight, was the best thing about the game IMO. It is a fun, bash up match game, not a 5 minute job, but I don't think it is hell of a lot of fun on your own. Theater - Same as in H3. So, Overall: Campaign - 3.5 Firefight - 4.5 Theater - 4.5 I give it a rating of about 4/5 The multiplayer disk was pointless, although nice to have considering my H3 disc got scratched.
  13. All this does is spam your mail IMO. I would like to see full SOLID proof these work. I did see about what you said about the spam account, but I doubt it will be worth it in the end…
  14. Nice pixeling :P I can only do outlines, never been able to shade that well.
  15. Hey. If you are one of those people who are ready to get on your boots and set yourselves ready to drop, then this is for you :P Today I'm out looking for a shader to complete some sprites I have created in basic form. I don't really have time to do them myself (I would like to..) because I have homework, a storyboard, PS Graphics and some other game related stuff to do, and I am not the greatest pixel artist at the best of times. All you will be assigned to do, is to complete a set of sprites using a colour pallete that already exists for the game. If you can fill these, then I think you might just fit the bill: **Sprite Shader** * Able to copy a shading style and colour pallete and make attractive looking edits to fit the game style. * Can create large quantities of shading within a certain time. * Will be availible most of the time they are needed. * Has had experience with sprites before and has some examples to show. If you can do those, you are the man (Or woman.. Possibly.. Hopefully :P) for the job in hand. So, if you are all set, SMGs and Assault Rifles locked and loaded and you're ready to dance, drop in a PM to my inbox ;) As a team member, you will be issued special items for the final games, mentions in the credits and other features within and outside the game. NOTE. I am NOT accepting newbies right now. I am growing impatient of people coming to my inbox, sending me a message about "how much of a good spriter i am", me asking for your previous work (Usually isn't any >.>) and then no response. I myself am a newbie to the forum, but at least please listen to the details. I like to put as much effort as possible into the game, those messages are a waste of time. Thank you for reading this, and I hope to have some applications and results very soon! Thanks, -KR!
  16. My original Halo game. That never even got anywhere xD. Not surprising. Honestly.
  17. Yes, just do what Rithy said and select a paperdolled Armour sprite to do it. And what Rithy suggested would do what you want. It would show a spell animation from the sheet, infront of the weapon, to create the effect of a sword slash, but not fire a spell. Just a mask really. You'd need to select the animation you want, or create one I suppose.
  18. Meh suppose. I don't know ANY coding, so don't be surprised if I say something stupid, but I admit, that is pretty obvious. Just IMO it would be cleaner. But using an existing module would do. It works :P I wouldn't excpect the project lasts long anyway, but no pointing fingers.
  19. Maybe create a new module that will do it?
  20. I'm no expert in scripting or anything, but when you do ask for the script, maybe make it more specific. I believe you should have a solid plan for your game, before you jump into asking for scripts. Tell everyone what you want specifically and then someone is more likely to post. If you aren't that bothered, than that is your choice, just make sure someone's time isn't going to waste. Not sure what you mean by "Attack Graphics".. Good luck ;)
  21. Ok. I am NOT switching browsers. I said that. No matter HOW many things you throw at me, I won't. I can use it if I want to. Almost everything I need works. One component on this site was broken. Now it is fixed. I don't like big arguements. Now let's end it.
  22. Not quite certain of what an internet point is.. And if it is browser based, I really don't care about getting Firefox, or whatever browser you may use, because really, people should make the forum work for ALL browsers. And if there is more than one person complaining, then, y'know, it is really a problem… Not trying to be an asshole, but people brag about "How much better firefox is than Internet Explorer", but I couldn't care LESS. It works, it is functional, it does the job. I don't care if it gives me a slightly better speed, I use it, WHY don't you make it compatible. This isn't pointed at you Godlord whatsoever. It is what I feel when people tell me that I MUST use their browser because it is better. And I don't know the situation. But if you do have a differnet browser to me, and obviously the other people that have complained in the Shoutbox, and been ignored, there should be a fix for it..
  23. Ok.. Then why are images as small as Numb's signature being crushed, if it is only about wide images..?
  24. Yeah. Didn't think I'd be the one to post a topic about it (Tell me if one has been made..) but I am. I think most people have noticed lately, the problem with the images on the forum. When the page fully loads, they squash, to tiny parameters. It is pretty irritating, I think we can all agree, but Admins, does anyone know what caused this?
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