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The Oracle

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Everything posted by The Oracle

  1. before you restore, you back it up. so when they return it, you just double click and everythings back to normal
  2. just restore it before you take it in. they have now way of knowing
  3. goddie, but you tend to stick to yours longer, so its a tie
  4. really? gimme sauce and name
  5. 3.0 had c/p (copy + paste, not child pornz, you pervs!)
  6. what firmware? try and get 3.0 firmware if possible
  7. ill take the god of pronz and fap and be on my way kthxbai
  8. the 8 gig is too small, and the 32 gig is too expensive. the 16 is just right
  9. God of "you're an idiot"? :rolleyes:
  10. get a 16 gig 2nd gen touch
  11. @Marsh: > neither have you? Unless you cant that time mellowz and you was taking and i happened to be there half listening. but marsh, I DID call you, remember? it was superbowl sunday… i might call you again, just for teh lulz
  12. oh yeah, once i stalked fred, yeah thats right, and i found his address. XD. i found it cause one of his shirts had his school wrestling team on it, and they were JKL productions (he must be one of those), and i knew who J and K were, so i looked for an L on the wrestling team. Turns out, there was only one. Fred.
  13. fred = homosexual - awesome people that are gay / 0
  14. marsh. we arent allowed to tell you his last name or tha pic or he'll break out the BANHAMMER
  15. i have called him actually. it wasnt long though so i wasnt able to see the true thought proccess of his mind. Knowing him, it's probably just like you described
  16. the way i see it, we have a few options: 1) Robin is a bot 2) Robin doesn't exist 3) Robin is marsh in disguise 4) Robin fastforwarded the video x 500 and is someone else in disguise 5) Robin is really batman in disguise
  17. the legs look like hes not picking up his legs off the floor, just kinda sliding (lol @ what im picturing). i like it otherwise
  18. Server: What is your username? The Oracle Server: What is your password? Server: Server: VitinhooxD is currently King of the Hill oracle@oracle-laptop:~$ kill Server oracle@oracle-laptop:~$ echo The Oracle is now King of the Hill Server: The Oracle is now King of the Hill
  19. @Kimimaru: > I don't believe the shopkeeper behavior works because Admiral Refuge told me that. Your best option would be to do The Fleshlightman's second suggestion. On the other hand, you could always script an NPC that brings up a shop when you talk to it. It's a very simple script. shopkeeper isnt meant for doing shops. its meant for standing still, although you could easily script a "real" shopkeeper. Case X Call GoShopping(1,index) End Case I'm not sure if thats the correct order though. (1,index)
  20. ![](http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll56/theoracle811/Screenshot.png) discuss (hint, look how many posts there are in the Questions Board)
  21. have the NPC set as a shopkeeper (on the right side, its a drop down list, should also have Guard, Attack on Sight, Attack when Attacked, Friendly, and Shopkeeper in it.) If you want it to make it so when you go to it, it makes you go shopping, just make a counter in front of it and place a shop tile in front of the counter
  22. you can learn. you just need a little bit of time
  23. yeah, but there's no rock, so it looks like he's choking or something. XD
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