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Everything posted by Lenton

  1. Do you mean instead of writing the value (checked or unchecked) when you click them. You want it to write the value when you click the "Save settings button"? Sorry if im wrong but i don't queit understand you.
  2. Lenton


    In your players client the IP address should be yours. (the big number on IpChicken.com) If you already have that then you need to re-do the port forward.
  3. Then you must fix your errors, vb is not a hard language to learn.
  4. Lenton

    Server problem

    @monkati: > well this isent that bad of a thing….. just... hmmm...... ki l........cake? sory but its not that bad... Spam… Why did you post this load of crp which aint helpful? He's asking a question, not if it's bad or not...
  5. I think they are just add ons which you can choose to install. I can't really remember what i did.
  6. Would it be a good idea in tutorials there are boards like, Genaral, mapping, GFX, scripting, source…etc? Wouldn't it make it more neater and then you could have all tutorial boards in one place.
  7. Use the SETUP.exe, If you downloaded a torrent then the key would be in Visual_basic_6.txt.
  8. What do you mean No. ¬.¬ There was a topic in WIP which was made using Mirage… I think he would be aloud as it isn't that much different and he using some Eclipse stuff.
  9. Lenton

    Noob Posting

    Do I win? Oh, you want some more… =P . .. ... .... ..... ...... ....... ........ ......... .......... ......... ........ ....... ...... ..... .... ... .. . du di du... lala la la... bedu bedu... Can't be asked any more howz that?
  10. @Desiderium: > You better check with a mod to see if your allowed to ask that here, seeing as it's not made with Eclipse.. Since he's using the Mirage source he would be aloud because Eclipse was a edit of it.
  11. Well, if you wanted to keep both it would be extreamly hard and time consuming… You would have to seperate your 32 x 32 sprites with a 32 x 32 pixel gap between them. If this is confusing just pick 32 or 64..
  12. Mayhem Online is a project that is expected to go far. Therefore we are looking for experienced staff members which are very active and will be dedicated to there job. We are looking for mappers, developers and a website designer. For more information about the game check out our WIP post: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,29865.0.html Please post your job application in this topic or PM me. Thanks. NOTE: Your application will have a better chance of acception if you provide evidence of you work. We are also not looking for any moderators, as the game is not releast to the public yet. Hope to see you on the team!
  13. You can't. Just pick the 64 x 32 sprites, there better in my opinion.
  14. @Oizumi03: > Ya, don't bother with the recommended one. Use 2.5 or 2.7.. >.> 2.5 is crap and 2.7 is the recomended version.. X_X
  15. Lenton

    EE or ET?

    @Oizumi03: > Actually so far, 2.7 and 2.6 had a MAJOR downgrade in stability, I'd use 2.5 or TE. Are you sure that's true.. Last time i used 2.5 it was VERY buggy, 2.7 is better than 2.5.
  16. Lenton

    Noob Posting

    Etc means "eating cat tigers". Regards, Godlord. =P
  17. You need to script the quests, tutorials and scripts can be found in the scripting section of the forum. Yes if you give him the access level then he can work on your game. Of course your can edit your game when it's online… I'm not sure about how to put music on the main menu myself.
  18. Maybe, but we wouldn't want to loose this one. This would help out a lot of people.
  19. This is a brilliant tutorial, surely it must be stickied.. Very nice work robin.
  20. I made this topic so i can give direct answers for any questions you may have and hopfully other people can see if there question is already answered. Questions Answered: Q1 Question: Where would i find a paperdoll template? Answer: Q2 Question: How would I make a currency? Answer: Simple, just create an item called coins, gold, silver or whatever you want. (preferably in item slot one)
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