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Everything posted by kris_hole

  1. My friends 18th last week. I needed a costume. >! ![](http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/310610_10150282003769779_657959778_7793463_2857327_n.jpg) >! ![](http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/294257_10150282002359779_657959778_7793445_5844701_n.jpg)
  2. I can teamviewer you if you want to help you with it?
  3. I hope we're sane. we did build an igloo
  4. so we decided to make a video about it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21yVaANJRR0&feature=mh_lolz&list=LLUVHjPGywnx4
  5. 1\. no you don't. MSDN is a help documentation, nothing more. 2.Either try the tutorial section, find some vb6 tutorials online, or if you have a programmers mind (mathematics etc) try reading through other peoples work (source code) jsut read through it and see if you can understand what each line is doing. (it's how i learnt) 3\. That means you have an error in the code. it should highlight a line, make a new topic asking for help on this. OR post it in a comment
  6. i already know that… i just thought it may be an okay-way of getting a little extra...
  7. Kris' Portrait Shop Before anyone says, this isn't related to eclipse so it belongs in here :P I'm just posting to say I'm starting drawing people's portraits to earn a little extra income. I don't set a price, it's up to you to decide how much you want to pay. My drawings aren't that good so i wouldn't expect much. I wouldn't be offended if it was just £1 (GBP). Anything helps towards paying the rent. i'm better at drawing Females rather than males. I don't know why, i just am. >! >! ![](http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/200248_10150110170498725_790928724_6556720_933313_n.jpg) >! >! ![](http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/254255_10150212493593725_790928724_7346789_3555882_n.jpg) >! >! ![](http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/262629_10150216853368725_790928724_7390619_2442235_n.jpg) >! >! ![](http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/262129_10150242332203725_790928724_7568273_6145959_n.jpg) >! >! ![](http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/183443_10150107599188725_790928724_6528911_4703123_n.jpg) if anyone would like a picture of them drawing post a reply (replies aren't limited to requests, i like criticism.) and i'll PM you when i get round to your request to arrange the image you'd like drawing. If you would like the original copy you will need to pay the post and packaging costs, i'll go down to the post office and find out the prices to your address, i'd like all payments to be made via pay pal if possible or a direct bank deposit (if available). thanks for reading and i hope i get some feedback :) Note: Drawings may take up to 2 days to be completed. Depending on my free time. Best Regards, [THE-KRIS] Kweh! Entertainment! Inc. 2011
  8. i'm assuming EO still has the Rand function Use this, ``` Npc(EditorIndex).DropItemValue = rand(1 , scrlValue.Value) ``` Rand(min, max) Where min is the lowest possible number to choose from and max is the highest.
  9. kris_hole

    Right click

    I don't use EO so…
  10. kris_hole

    Right click

    You need to start off by editing the packet that searches where the mouse is clicked and edit it to also run during a right click, if it's a right click to send a packet to the client telling it to open the menu with the data required.
  11. Nice first post :P Thanks Anna :) How you holding up nowadays? I think we're gunna start doing this every saturday now :')
  12. This is right. Just confirming.
  13. heh ;D I wouldn't necessarily call us punks… :P
  14. ilutoeg9p I like undergarments tasting of eggy goodness. 9 pairs.
  15. Yes… In England everything is in sepia tone...
  16. So me and a lot of my younger crowd (i was actually the oldest there -.-) got together the other week and made our urban drum kit… And this was the outcome :') (excuse me putting a stick down whilst finishing my smoke) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTfPZ3PvB2o
  17. ![](http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/35977_416823083431_572018431_4660988_1276125_n.jpg) Yes, that is indeed my right testicle prodding in the suit… :')
  18. if eclipse had a wage i'd quite happily put myself down as one of it's dedicated programmers. Sadly i just don't have the time as most of it's spent on trying to get the money to pay rent etc -.-
  19. Alright, so i need to get 50 responses from this survey by 2 days time… Think you guys could do it for me? it'll take like 20 seconds to do... http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/GDGGRPG Cheers to anyone that does
  20. @Azebu, everyone is entitled to make their choice of which version to use. ANd please type properly… last time i checked the English dictionary would spell that What (lolwut), Problems, like, that and die. @Danielson183 1\. on their stats screen a small plus symbol should appear next to their stat, you click that to add a point (i think) 2\. You have to make some source edits to that, it's only set to be so big. either that or use a smaller items sheet. 3\. You have to source that one in yourself.
  21. Seriously… Get someone to film this :P
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