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gaming ace

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Everything posted by gaming ace

  1. Ah, my bad imageshack is down. It should be working now.
  2. Yes, I'm so glad. A new and improved Lostica with maybe even more classes would be killer.
  3. Haha, yup. Thanks guys. I was aiming for dark cliffs with a river running through it. One main problem I saw was the since of depth or distance.
  4. Alright, after looking through amazing pixel art a few hours ago, I figured I had to give this stuff a go. So, I did and here's what I came up with. Do you guys like it? Criticism? Rating? [![](http://img379.imageshack.us/img379/7805/pixelcliffriverzf5.png)](http://www.imagehosting.com/)
  5. Wowzers Kevin its picture-perfect. Exactly what I had in mine and it looks great. Thanks a million.
  6. Well, I honestly was never a fan of games where you can't _see_ the action, and where text narrates your story for you. But, having said that, this game sure has made me much more interested in these types of games. It actually was pretty fun. And, for me to say that to this type of game is a pretty big accomplishment. Great job ;)
  7. Don't give up hope yet. Try going to your screen's properties (like where u change your background). Then go all the way to the right tab called settings. Change the color quality to 16-bit if its on 32-bit. You may notice some icon quality loss, but see if it works then. This is howw I fixed my magiknights error.
  8. 1\. I really like that blue foggy style on your example. Make it have something to do with the sky though. Night sky, day sky, sunrise. Also, a **floating island** would be really awesome. 2\. Sky Pirates
  9. **My to official favorites of all time are:** -Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning -Halo 3 -Fable
  10. Well, I really like these Reiner's Tiles, so I'm a fan of this map. As Anna mentioned, I like the feel, and it gives the game some originality and a unique feel. As for the water, its alright…I like everything else. It could be much better if you added some sort of transition from the grass into the water.
  11. Mine was a long WIP of my first project: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,25173.msg210090.html#msg210090
  12. Looks great, I'm keeping an eye on this one as well as Kreator's Zelda game.
  13. Cool, I'm Destruction on Belchfaun or something like that. I just made my guy, so he's a lvl6 squig herder now
  14. Alrighty, so I got Warhammer Online, and I was extremely excited. I made my first guy, and he was alright, but too much like a rogue from wow. I'd been playing a rogue in wow so I wanted something new and cool. I made another class, wasn't my style. Then, I tried out the Shadow Warrior for bows and range attacks. I kinda liked him. I ended up trying two other classes, and by now I wasn't loving Warhammer, but I thought it was pretty fun. I thought, _Should I go back to Wow?_ Until yesterday… I made a Destruction Squig Herder and I feel in love with the game and am now addicted. So, thats that scoop, but I was curious if anyone here has Warhammer. I heard Marsh did the beta. Anyone?
  15. Holy crap Elder, I love them. Kratos is amazing 10/10\. I'm not as much of a fan as the last as the first two, but lemme tell ya I think the first ones are awesome ;)
  16. I'll be praying for her, you can count on it.
  17. Wow, ur a life saver I can't believe I didn't see that. Works fine now, thanks a bunch again ;)
  18. Alrighty, I know I'm a complete nub at this but I've tried everything to fix this bug here. I deleted all the ByVal HeadC, etc. Then while compiling is give me Compile Errors: _Case Without Select Case_. Here's the sub if you need a look. It highlights the Case MENU_STATE_DELCHAR, when it says Case without Select Case. Thanks again for all this help, I would never be able to do this without ya. At the beginning it says Select Menu State, and I've tried several things to fix, it but…yea lol ``` Sub MenuState(ByVal State As Long) Connected = True frmSendGetData.Visible = True Call SetStatus("Connecting to Server...") Select Case State Case MENU_STATE_NEWACCOUNT frmNewAccount.Visible = False If ConnectToServer Then Call SetStatus("Connected! Creating Account...") If Not frmNewAccount.txtEmail.Visible Then Call SendNewAccount(frmNewAccount.txtName.Text, frmNewAccount.txtPassword.Text, "NOMAIL") Else Call SendNewAccount(frmNewAccount.txtName.Text, frmNewAccount.txtPassword.Text, frmNewAccount.txtEmail.Text) End If End If Case MENU_STATE_DELACCOUNT frmDeleteAccount.Visible = False If ConnectToServer Then Call SetStatus("Connected. Deleting Account...") Call SendDelAccount(frmDeleteAccount.txtName.Text, frmDeleteAccount.txtPassword.Text) End If Case MENU_STATE_LOGIN frmLogin.Visible = False If ConnectToServer Then Call SetStatus("Connected. Logging In...") Call SendLogin(frmLogin.txtName.Text, frmLogin.txtPassword.Text) End If Case MENU_STATE_AUTO_LOGIN frmMainMenu.Visible = False If ConnectToServer Then Call SetStatus("Connected. Logging In...") Call SendLogin(frmLogin.txtName.Text, frmLogin.txtPassword.Text) End If Case MENU_STATE_NEWCHAR frmChars.Visible = False If ConnectToServer Then Call SetStatus("Connected. Receiving Classes...") If SpriteSize = 1 Then frmNewChar.Picture4.Top = frmNewChar.Picture4.Top - 32 frmNewChar.Picture4.Height = 69 frmNewChar.picPic.Height = 65 End If Call SendGetClasses End If Case MENU_STATE_ADDCHAR frmNewChar.Visible = False If ConnectToServer Then Call SetStatus("Connected. Creating Character...") If frmNewChar.optMale.Value Then Call SendAddChar(frmNewChar.txtName, 0, frmNewChar.cmbClass.ListIndex, frmChars.lstChars.ListIndex + 1) Else Call SendAddChar(frmNewChar.txtName, 1, frmNewChar.cmbClass.ListIndex, frmChars.lstChars.ListIndex + 1) End If Case MENU_STATE_DELCHAR frmChars.Visible = False If ConnectToServer Then Call SetStatus("Connected. Deleting Character...") Call SendDelChar(frmChars.lstChars.ListIndex + 1) End If Case MENU_STATE_USECHAR frmChars.Visible = False If ConnectToServer Then Call SetStatus("Connected. Entering " & GAME_NAME & "...") Call SendUseChar(frmChars.lstChars.ListIndex + 1) End If If Not IsConnected And Connected = True Then frmSendGetData.Visible = False frmMainMenu.Visible = True Call MsgBox("The game server is currently offline. Please try to reconnect in a few minutes or visit sky-pirates.co.nr. We apologize for the inconvenience.") End If End Sub ```
  19. Okay, thanks for helping here is the sendaddchar sub. My bad, I just got vb6, so my skills are a work in progress. So, should there not be all of these LegCs and HeadCs? ``` Sub SendAddChar(ByVal Name As String, ByVal Sex As Long, ByVal ClassNum As Long, ByVal slot As Long, ByVal HeadC As Long, ByVal BodyC As Long, ByVal LegC As Long) Call SendData("addchar" & SEP_CHAR & Trim$(Name) & SEP_CHAR & Sex & SEP_CHAR & ClassNum & SEP_CHAR & slot & SEP_CHAR & HeadC & SEP_CHAR & BodyC & SEP_CHAR & LegC & END_CHAR) End Sub ```
  20. Almighty so I made a source edit where I got rid of the scrolling head, body, legs, on the NewChar.frm where you change the sprites look. Then I deleted all the HS Scroll code segments I could find. However, when I compile the new client I get the error: _Argument Not Optional_ on this segment of code, and the compiler closes. Any help? Case MENU_STATE_ADDCHAR frmNewChar.Visible = False If ConnectToServer Then Call SetStatus("Connected. Creating Character…") If frmNewChar.optMale.Value Then Call SendAddChar(frmNewChar.txtName, 0, frmNewChar.cmbClass.ListIndex, frmChars.lstChars.ListIndex + 1) Else Call SendAddChar(frmNewChar.txtName, 1, frmNewChar.cmbClass.ListIndex, frmChars.lstChars.ListIndex + 1) End If
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