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Everything posted by Robin

  1. @Lamborghiniz: > Yeah, John/Liz/Emily Was..But lost the code so we're back at square one, minus graphics, ideas, and team :p It feels like 2007 all over again!
  2. Some of the corners aren't done correctly.
  3. Robin

    Font change?

    @Erwin: > Search for this in modConstants: > ``` > ' Font variables > Public Const FONT_NAME As String = "Georgia" > Public Const FONT_SIZE As Byte = 14 > ``` > But I highly recommend doing this tutorial first: > http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,71691.0.html More like that tutorial is required. Fonts aren't supported in the latest release of EO.
  4. @S.J.R.: > Either you are sending simple SOAP-requests that offer no flexibility what-so-ever, or you are using one of the native APIs. > > Yours faithfully, > Stephan. Pfft. Classic mistake there Stephan! Never assume I know what the hell I'm doing. Because I don't.
  5. You could just re-name the file. You don't need it to be INI.
  6. @S.J.R.: > You do know UPnP requires a SOAP-interface (and SOAP-interfaces are a pain in the arse to use) that is accessed through HTTP requests using UDP broadcasts (from what I remember)? Most people wouldn't be able to implement a UPnP-interface by themselves, in my case, it's still on my TODO-list (as UPnP is actually broken by design, and I generally want to avoid it like the plague). Since the time of writing a UPnP feature has been created for my engines.
  7. That's the width of the monitor. You want the width of the game screen. (MaxMapX + 1) / 2 Or just picScreen.width. Or wherever you store the screen width.
  8. [Best resource site around.](http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Google)
  9. @vincent329: > that's not really helping since you didn't really say anything about what i asked No, we said something about how you asked it. Support is a two-way deal. You need to help us help you.
  10. Forum rules still applie in the games forum. Stop being an idiot.
  11. Common sense isn't actually that common. ;]
  12. @Batman: > Robin's kicking himself because all his bumboys can't suck his d ick in this thread. ![](http://i.imgur.com/Yc51r.jpg)
  13. Single-resolution systems are pointless when there are so many monitor sizes. Let the user decide.
  14. @Azkanan: > There's not much humour you can divulge from "No one cares. Go top yourself.", not even me. > > These kind of unthought-out jokes are why so many people are at odds with you. :| Banter != Jokes.
  15. lul. Don't confuse banter with srs face.
  16. It's called punctuation.
  17. Robin

    [FIX] Slide

    @Azkanan: > **duck you and your warning**, I was giving constructive criticism to this fellow from the point of view of somebody who can't read the code he has placed, so that his future source edits would be clearer for the majority of Eclipse users. If you don't know what this is then you don't need to find out what it is. Simple.
  18. No one cares. Go top yourself.
  19. Robin

    [FIX] Slide

    @Azkanan: > The description is terrible. > > 1\. Define "Your slide". Do I slide my screen? My character? > 2\. I can't work out the rest of what you said. Is English even your first language? Stop being such a dick. The slide tile is a default Origins system which was never enabled.
  20. Robin


    You seem to be severely confused by technology and you also keep pulling completely nonsensical things from other threads. Stop assuming people know what went on in a thread 3 days ago. You bumped up an old topic about a problem that wasn't even related to yours. You followed some dodgy advice from someone who had no idea what they were talking about. Your RTE9 problem was an issue with resources. Simply delete the 1 map which was erroring and you're fine. If you were stupid enough to completely replace your existing server then you can simply replace the maps in the server folder with those in the client folder. I personally suggest you delete everything, re-download the engine, start again and not to make assumptions when asking questions on here.
  21. @DrNova: > My underlying point is the mass amount of single post "offtopics". In a habitual sense, warning make some measure of sense, however in a forum, of any kind, its the occasional quirks, one liners, ect that make the place fun. > > I dont think my post there was that much an issue. It was related to the thread, if not the topic, and I had been active in said thread "ontopic" anyways. Thats why I think it was a silly warning and I chose to disregard it. I'm all for appropriate applications, but not ones such as this. > > And it wont deter me from making related posts in the future, both because its not like I have an "issue" with spamming all over the place, and because it was relevant to the thread in its own way, if not the topic itself Then stop making such a big deal about it and get on with your life like everyone else.
  22. @Kinjiru: > Too "american" for you? No. It's just a shit series.
  23. @Fluffy: > Sorry, im really not getting this. I click on my Client folder and it has data files and stuff. but i do not see a server in the client folder. how do i update my server in the client folder if i dont have a server in the client folder? my only server is in the server folder… Your problem is in no way related to this. Go make your own thread.
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