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Everything posted by dg1423

  1. just kidnap her. It's what I do occasionally. "I'm kidnapping you tomorrow, so screw your damn schedule"
  2. Mindless Self Indulgence ColdPlay Styles & Breeze Korn Killswitch Engage Stabilo just what was on my commuting playlist this morning, I change it up every day xD
  3. try it anyways, I was using it on 64-bit XP, and I've used it on Vista. I don't really see a problem, even though it said BOTH times that it wouldn't work. Microsoft constantly contradicts itself.
  4. that's because it shows on screen coordinates, not map coordinates xD
  5. Call TextBubble(Index, BubbleIndex, Message, MapNum, x, Y, Color) Use That xDD
  6. notice all your directional checks? throw em all away and for example change this sub: ``` sub attackanimation(index, animation) dim map dim playerx dim playery dim dir map = getplayermap(index) playerx = getplayerx(index) playery = getplayery(index) dir = getplayerdir(index) if dir = 0 then call spellanim(animation, map, playerx, playery - 1) elseif dir = 1 then call spellanim(animation, map, playerx, playery + 1) elseif dir = 2 then call spellanim(animation, map, playerx - 1, playery) else call spellanim(animation, map, playerx + 1, playery) end if end sub ``` to this: ``` sub attackanimation(index, animation) Call SpellAnim(Animation, GetPlayerMap(index), GetPlayerDirX(index), GetPlayerDirY(index)) end sub ``` see how much of a difference that makes? XD
  7. just so you know, this is a horrible way to do directional checks. I can reduce this script to 1/5 of it's size. xDD
  8. no, Warconn, FP has his vars right. And you can do it FP!! Just think about it! a couple notes: 1) Take a look at the first 'if' in Sub Buildup, is there something missing? 2) Make sure that if you use a function by itself in a place that requires a string (i.e. get/putvar, playermsg) you use quotes in front. f.e. : GetVar("Fight.ini", "CHARS", "" & GetPlayerName(index)) And you're gonna need to rethink the spell still. xD
  9. Nope, that still won't really do anything you want it to.
  10. But if I do it for him, he won't learn anything. I guess I should at least be a little more specific though. There's a syntax error in Sub Buildup, and you're gonna have to re-write your spell, cuz the way you have it, it won't do anything right now.
  11. ok, I know I've heard this on TV before, but I can't remember where. The song is awesome though, here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x52w8txtiQs&feature=related
  12. wooo, I hope you come up with something!
  13. getting closer, but there are still a few problems! xDD
  14. Try to play with my logo for a bit. xD here's a larger one if you need it: ![](http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj309/dg1423/endless.png)
  15. ELDAH!!!! 'Tis I!!! Can you guess who?
  16. yeap. xDD here's another sketch which I haven't inked yet: ![](http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj309/dg1423/Raj.jpg)
  17. Me and a couple buddies are working on a project we're calling Serengeti Street Corner. It's based in a big city full of animal people, the main character's name is Melvin, his dad is the leader of the mafia in the city and it's about all the little adventures he has and all the strange characters in the city. I wanna get some feedback on the art style, it's drawn by a friend of mine, then inked and colored by me. Here's a sample of our character Thaddeus, he's Melvin's dad, the mafia boss. ![](http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj309/dg1423/thaddeus.jpg)
  18. dg1423


    Holy Ducking Shit!! This is the weirdest thing I have ever seen, my friend showed it to me on his ipod touch (there's an app of it) and I listened to the dose "First Love." I somehow had a completely opposite reaction than intended, normally the frequencies are supposed to make you feel happy, but I felt an EXTREMELY strong sensation of impending death, all my blood rushed to my legs and I felt like I was somewhere else, running and screaming for my life. I'm now torrenting the full PC version because I wanna see if any of the actual full length ones give cool effects. BUT SERIOUSLY THIS WAS THE MOST OUT OF BODY/MIND EXPERIENCE I HAVE EVER HAD. http://i-doser.com/
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