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  1. im seriously impressed. good job dude, the tile set looks great! and the maps look like u would find in any sprited game. The house does look a little bit too open, but add a few little things and it would be perfect. keep up the good work.
  2. nah it didn't help it. one again I really appreciate all of your input. both of you.
  3. well "Or" is to add another condition to the if then statement. the " _" is a sentence concatenator for code. you can continue code on a different line.
  4. The entire thing? anyway, I think I know what it might be. its looking for the player dir, but if the index = 0 then it will get a syntax error, becasue there is no index. so. i'll try that and see if it works. Thank you very much for your input, I appreciate it. Edit: It still does not work.
  5. no. TN stands for Target Name. once again nice try though. I aprreciate it. I'll take any ideas you have.
  6. no it needs quotations because of getvar. it gets a string variable. I really appreciate the attempt though.
  7. hey people of eclipse. I need some help. I made a script that is basically a regular attack script. the script will get whoevever you attacking's index and then attack them. basically the same as the standard ctrl attack. but without the animation. so yeah here it is, see if you can find anything wrong: ``` Sub RegularAttack(Index, High, Low, HitAnim, MissAnim, CritAnim, RevAnim, HitSound, MissSound, CritSound, RevSound) Dim TR Dim I Dim TI Dim Dmg Dim M Dim PX Dim PY Dim TX Dim TY Dim CH Dim HT I = Index TR = TargetReverse(I) TI = TargetIndex(I) Dmg = Rand(High, Low) M = GetPlayerMap(I) PX = GetPlayerX(I) PY = GetPlayerY(I) TX = GetPlayerX(TI) TY = GetPLayerY(TI) CH = IsCriticalHit(I) HT = HitType(I) If HT = 2 Then Call SpellAnim(CritAnim, M, TX, TY) Call DamagePlayer(TI, Dmg + 12) Call PlaySoundToMap(I, CritSound) ElseIf HT = 1 Then If TR = 1 Then Call DamagePlayer(I, Dmg) Call SpellAnim(RevAnim, M, PX, PY) Call PlaySoundToMap(I, RevSound) Else Call SpellAnim(HitAnim, M, TX, TY) Call DamagePlayer(TI, Dmg) Call PlaySoundToMap(I, HitSound) End If Else If Dir = 0 Then Call SpellAnim(MissAnim, M, PX, PY - 1) ElseIf Dir = 1 Then Call SpellAnim(CritAnim, M, PX, PY + 1) ElseIf Dir = 2 Then Call SpellAnim(CritAnim, M, PX - 1, PY) Else Call SpellAnim(CritAnim, M, PX + 1, PY) End If Call PlaySoundToMap(I, MissSound) End If End Sub Function TargetIndex(Index) Dim Count Dim I Dim Map Dim Players Dim Dir Dim PX Dim PY Dim T Dim TX Dim TY I = Index Map = GetPlayerMap(I) Players = GetPlayersOnMap(Map) Dir = GetPlayerDir(I) PX = GetPlayerX(I) PY = GetPlayerY(I) TX = GetPlayerX(Count) TY = GetPlayerY(Count) TargetIndex = 0 For Count = 0 to Players Select Case Dir Case 0 If PX = TX And PY = TY + 1 Then TargetIndex = Count Exit Function End If Case 1 If PX = TX And PY = TY - 1 Then TargetIndex = Count Exit Function End If Case 2 If PX = TX + 1 And PY = TY Then TargetIndex = Count Exit Function End If Case Else If PX = TX - 1 And PY = TY Then TargetIndex = Count Exit Function End If End Select Next End Function Function IsCriticalHit(Index) Dim PD Dim TD Dim I Dim TI I = Index TI = TargetIndex(I) PD = GetPlayerDir(I) TD = GetPlayerDir(TI) IsCriticalHit = 0 If PD = 0 And TD = 0 Or _ PD = 1 And TD = 1 Or _ PD = 2 And TD = 2 Or _ PD = 3 And TD = 3 Then IsCriticalHit = 1 End If End Function Function HitType(Index) Dim TI Dim CH TI = TargetIndex(Index) CH = IsCriticalHit(Index) If TI > 0 Then If CH = 1 Then HitType = 2 Else HitType = 1 End If Else HitType = 0 End If End Function Function TargetReverse(Index) Dim I Dim TI Dim TN Dim TR I = Index TI = TargetIndex(I) TN = GetPlayerName(TI) TR = GetVar("Reverse.ini", "REVERSE", TN) If TR = "1" Then TargetReverse = 1 End If End Function ``` thank you for whoever tries to help me, or to whoever even looks at this post.
  8. wow seriously? wow thank you sooo much. I should have looked at sadscript commands first. sorry for wasting your time guys.
  9. yeah ive decided im going to have quests and npcs to fight. also, Im making a zelda like reverse add-on. its gunna be like the gannondorf fight from OOT. u can reverse a reverse attack.
  10. hey guys, how are u? I need a source edit. I've heard it's not too hard but I am incompetent when it comes to client editing. Anyway, I need a command to be made that will temporeraly stop all possible movement, such as attacking and moving. I want it to work on both npc's and players. However, I scripted my own player attack system, so attacking will only have to be done for NPC's. Also, I would like a Time limit Argument in the sub. You input a value in miliseconds(probably) and it will stun the target for that amount of time. If anyone has the time to do this, I would greatly appreciate it, as this is really the only thing holding my game back. Thank you for your time. Peace everyone! :D BTW. Thanks in advance for whoever helps me.
  11. uhh yeah, I didn't know where to put questions for source edits so I put it here. sorry if it's in wrong place. but I need help with calling a form from client.vbp through sadscript. I also want this form to only show up on the person's screen that activated it. My goal is to make a npc talk box, a box that will show what the npc is saying, such as giving you quests and what not. but yeah if you can help me, thankyou.
  12. I have finally decided the direction my game is going. ok here it goes: Basically, it is ALL pvp, and if needed through trial and error,a little bit of pve. Also you cannot level up at all and there is no character advancement.(Sounds horrible right?) well. I am going a little "hardcore" if you will. Players will move with wasd, interact with CTRL, and do attacks with the hotscripts. The battle system will work like this: There will be seperate battle screens. so you walk up to players and press CTRL. this causes you to go into a battle screen where u will fight the player u wanted to fight, or the player that wanted to fight you. The game will be 100% skill based. The controls are as follows: WASD = Move Home = Light attack End = Heavy Attack Delete = reverse Attacks(Turn damage around on players. think dead or alive series) Page Down = Super attack(Think marvel vs. capcom, big 20 hit combos that have to be charged up.) Page up = Taunt(As of now the narrator says "YOU SUCK!" at the player ur taunting. lol) All Players will have 100 hp and will be fully healed after each battle. There will be narration such as "K.O." and "PERFECT" and stuff like that. Also, my band will make most of the music, recorded in a studio and such. it will be pumping probably rock or funk music. so yeah. that's pretty much it. So the question is: WOULD YOU PLAY THIS GAME? ps. if you are interested in helping graphically, such as sprite and maps and etc. pm me if you are interested.
  13. can u just post it here please. I know how to make it in source. I just dont know how to interact the prjclient with main.txt. ty for your help btw
  14. you can also static the counter. just replace dim with static. I think you can do that with sadscript. basically a static is a variable that does not reset when the sub is called. u would have to take out "Count = 0".
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