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Everything posted by dg1423

  1. sadscripting this is kinda sad though, as you can't actually move npcs, only warp them. Unless you make them have no attack power and force them to target the player. xD Either way, I'd wait for a more NPC coding friendly version of Eclipse (hint, hint (maybe 3.0?))
  2. For loops don't work right in SS, use Do Loops.
  3. dg1423

    2.5 - 2.7 converter

    Fixed it, whoops. And I made a TE/1.0 to 2.7 converter, but iono if it works. Anyone wanna test?
  4. use this code: ``` if GetPlayerTarget(index) > 0 And GetPlayerTarget(index) index then Call SetTimer("MakeAttackP " & index & "," & damage & "," & Target & "," & Attacks, 200) else Call SetTimer("MakeAttackN " & index & "," & damage & "," & Target & "," & Attacks, 200) end if ``` and use these subs: ``` Sub MakeAttackP(Index, Damage, Target, Attacks) Call RemoveTimer("MakeAttackP " & index & "," & Damage & "," & Target & "," & Attacks) Attacks = Attacks - 1 Call DamagePlayer(Index, Target, Damage) Call SpellAnim(4, GetPlayerMap(Target), GetPlayerX(Target), GetPlayerY(Target)) if Attacks > 0 then Call SetTimer("MakeAttackP " & index & "," & Damage & "," & Target & "," & Attacks, 200) end if End Sub Sub MakeAttackN(Index, Damage, Target, Attacks) Call RemoveTimer("MakeAttackN " & index & "," & Damage & "," & Target & "," & Attacks) Attacks = Attacks - 1 Call DamageNPC(Index, Target, Damage) Call SpellAnim(4, GetPlayerMap(index), GetNPCX(GetPlayerMap(index), Target), GetNPCY(GetPlayerMap(index), Target)) if Attacks > 0 then Call SetTimer("MakeAttackN " & index & "," & Damage & "," & Target & "," & Attacks, 200) end if End Sub ``` should work o_O
  5. nothing, but 3.0 is epic.
  6. dg1423


    lol, the Onion. Gotta love it.
  7. lol, this is awesome http://www.mspaintadventures.com
  8. dg1423

    2.5 - 2.7 converter

    this isn't for 2.6\. it's for 2.5\. Do you have scrolling enabled?
  9. dg1423

    2.5 - 2.7 converter

    yup, the way I set up the source was to make it easily swappable with the modTypes from other versions. plus TE and 1.0 are basically the same, so 1 converter would work for both. O.o
  10. dg1423

    2.5 - 2.7 converter

    lol, np Marsh. It would take me all of about 30 seconds to convert my converter into a TE/1.0 - 2.7 converter. Should I do it?
  11. dg1423

    2.5 - 2.7 converter

    you sure you ran all the converters? RTE7 usually happens if you don't convert something and it tries to load it. Just pop the converter.exe in your 2.5 server folder, then run it and click on all the buttons. it's easy. xD
  12. dg1423

    2.5 - 2.7 converter

    Meh, I found an old backup of my 2.5-2.7 converter and decided to put it up. HEre it is, just stick in your server folder and run it. EDIT: Fixed YOU'RE WELCOME
  13. I found this thingy, it's actually pretty cool. Make one of yourself and post it!! http://www.faceyourmanga.it/faceyourmanga.php?lang=eng mine: ![](http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj309/dg1423/aveh.jpg)
  14. that's ingame, though. Kinda takes the thoughts away from character creation if you've already created a character, plus custom menus usually end up all fugly unless you know how to do em right. (Which I do, just a lot of people here can't grasp the concept for some reason)
  15. source edit. otherwise just use MaleSprite and FemaleSprite in the class.ini file, they can't "choose" the sprite, but meh?
  16. no, bone, you should be kidding. This is in the wrong section. 1) SCRIPT SPELLS!!! They work fine if you script them, it's not a big deal and you'll get a better knowledge and control. 2) It's seriously not that much of a problem. 3) If you're too lazy to script them, get VB6 and apply the fix in the source section of the forums.
  17. can't say I didn't try to help.. :'[
  18. 1) wrong section. 2) in order to post in the recruiting center, READ THE STICKY AND POST GAME INFO!!
  19. @Bone: > also, go talk to DG, he is pure own fair nuff… I'd behappy to answer any questions as long as it has nothing to do with fangames (especially pokemon) and isn't a completely retarded question, we get enough of those in the questions section.
  20. is bored, will help out if you get on that MSN account right now. XD
  21. move Din Target to before Select Case Script. Should be Sub ScriptedSpell(Index, Script) Dim Target Select Case Script
  22. lol, you didn't put Call, try Call SetMapNpcHP(3,1,newhp) Call SendNPC(3,5)
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