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Everything posted by Braiton

  1. Try installing again. If it fails, consider buying a real copy.
  2. @Kim: > Hello! Well i looking for a partner that wanna make a make with me… before i tryed too make one myself but i... Umm….make a make with you? How does that work?
  3. Open Server.vbp and on the right you should see the Project Manager, expand the Modules section and open ModGameLogic.
  4. No, VB6 Portable wont do either.
  5. Copy the source files into your game's folder. Anyway, using VB 08 wont work. You'll see sooner or later.
  6. No, you need visual basic 6 (not portable edition) to edit the source. You can buy it from Ebay.
  7. In ModGameLogic, server side, under the AttackPlayer Sub, search for "has been deemed a player killer!". Thats the part that that sets your PK status so find ``` Call SetPlayerPK(Attacker, YES) ``` and change it to ``` Call SetPlayerPK(Attacker, NO) ```
  8. There are 2 alternatives. You can either change the color to Brown when a player kills, but the player would still be considered a pker. The other way is to set the players PK status when he kills to None. Maybe something like this: ``` If GetPlayerPK(Victim) = NO Then If GetPlayerPK(Attacker) = NO Then Call SetPlayerPK(Attacker, NO) Call SendPlayerData(Attacker) End If Else Call SetPlayerPK(Victim, NO) Call SendPlayerData(Victim) End If ```
  9. Braiton

    A map thing.

    Its caused by a Music or SFX file missing. ``` Public Sub PlayBGM(Song As String) If ReadINI("CONFIG", "Music", App.path & "\config.ini") = 1 Then If FileExists("\Music\" & Song) Then If Not LenB(Song) = 0 Then If Not Left$(Song, 7) = "http://" Then Call frmMirage.MusicPlayer.PlayMedia(App.path & "\Music\" & Song, True) CurrentSong = Song Else Call frmMirage.MusicPlayer.PlayMedia(Song, True) CurrentSong = Song End If End If Else Call AddText(Song & " does not exist!", BRIGHTRED) End If End If End Sub Public Sub PlaySound(Sound As String) If ReadINI("CONFIG", "Sound", App.path & "\config.ini") = 1 Then If FileExists("\SFX\" & Sound) Then Call frmMirage.SoundPlayer.PlayMedia(App.path & "\SFX\" & Sound, False) Else Call AddText(Sound & " does not exist!", BRIGHTRED) End If End If End Sub Public Sub PlayBGS(Sound As String) If ReadINI("CONFIG", "Sound", App.path & "\config.ini") = 1 Then If FileExists("\SFX\" & Sound) Then Call frmMirage.BGSPlayer.PlayMedia(App.path & "\BGS\" & Sound, True) Else Call AddText(Sound & " does not exist!", BRIGHTRED) End If End If End Sub ``` So because maps are set by default to having no music it will return ``` Call AddText(Song & " does not exist!", BRIGHTRED) ```and because the song has no name it will only return does not exist. So from what ive seen, it does confuse some people and make them think its a serious error lol.
  10. Braiton

    A map thing.

    I was looking into the source earlier, and if i looked right, i believe its to some sfx or music file missing. I think it was when maps are not set to having any music, so it will try to search for the non existant music file and it will return "does note exist". Try giving your map music and see if it goes away. If you dont want to give your map music, edit the source.
  11. @Desiderium: > Don't even _joke_ about that. Dont worry, i _wont_. *wink wink*
  12. Suicide. Its good. Na joking. You should really find what you like to do and do it. No matter what people say, dont give up. Like a failing musician, if you give up, your screwed.
  13. Are you using VB6 Portable edition?
  14. You gotta do it client side too. I haven't really looked into the code, nor the tutorial you used because im short on time but, try this: Get on skill as a template, say Defence, and then just search for everything that involves the Defence skill (except the part that calculates the hits, etc.) and copy it over and rename it.
  15. Just add your own labels to the picCharStatus window in frmMirage, make the + label and then do it like the rest of them ``` Private Sub AddWhateverthelabeliscalled_Click() Call SendUseStatPoint(X) End Sub ``` where X is the stat number.
  16. @☹: > The error tells you that the module is missing, which means that DirectX 7 is not accessable/unavailable. > > Regards, > Godlord. Oh, righty. Had another thing in mind. Apparently i need glasses. Silly me.
  17. Question: Did you, by any chance, modify or edit (this includes changing file extension or replacing, for example: a tileset with another tileset) any of the graphic files lately?
  18. Braiton

    Script Simple?

    Make new cases inside that sound case Like ``` Case "attackwithsword" Call PlaySound("sword.wav") ``` and server side (find the correct packet, like the Attack Packet or the ArrowHit packet) and call the sound like ``` Call SendDataToMap(GetPlayerMap(index), "sound" & SEP_CHAR & "attackwithsword" & END_CHAR) ``` If you want to call it from the client side just use the Call PlaySound command.
  19. ``` Private Sub lblMenuQuit_Click() For I = 0 To 9 If GetTickCount > NPCDmgTime(I) + 10000 And GetTickCount > DmgTime(I) + 10000 And GetTickCount > Player(MyIndex).AttackTimer + 10000 Then InGame = False Else Call AddText("You need to wait 10 seconds after last fight to log out", BRIGHTRED) End If End Sub ``` Try like that
  20. A type mismatch error is usually caused by the wrong variable type… for example the class is expecting a long integer and you're sending it a string. Did you install any other scripts that modified anything?
  21. I tried it. It works fine. Theres nothing wrong with it. And its very simple to install, nothing from the other world. Care to tell us whats the error?
  22. Just click on your exit boutton in frmMirage and replace the code with the one above.
  23. Do you need all that stuff? It really consumes a lot of space :p My advise would be to get rid of some. Bank Space is valuable, you cant just waste it :p
  24. @Balliztik1: > And yes, I've not had lag problems in RS. Hilarious, I know. I'm ROFLMAO too. In the 3 years i played Runescape, i never lagged, and im on a shitty pc. I dont know who made that crap up.
  25. @Xeonpt: > Sherwood's graphics are good, and it is played on a browser. lolwut? Are you high or something? Anyway: My final thoughts about this thread: Its lame. This hypocrital, bs thread has turned into a ducking battle between fan boys. Seriously if you don't like Runescape go duck yourself and play WoW. Don't waste 20 hours of your life trying to tell us why Runescape Sucks. If you think WoW sucks then go duck yourself and go play Runescape. I dont fucking care. /rant
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