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  1. Wow, you hit the nail on the head as the saying goes. I've felt largely the same way during my time in college.
  2. KrakaKrucifix


    No, I'm not going to do it for you because a) its not something thats difficult to figure out and b) you need to figure it out for yourself. This way, you'll become familiar with editing the .bmp files and will be able to overcome future problems. ;)
  3. KrakaKrucifix


    I'm not going to do it for you, but I believe all you have to do is edit the .bmp file. I use paint.net but just about any drawing software will work. You'll have to play around with it some to figure out exactly how to move/edit the shield so that it appears on the correct hand. Usually, it involves just moving the pic over but occasionally can require swapping between the different frames.
  4. I believe you are referring to paperdoll. Go into the Data.ini file and look for where it says Paperdoll="#" and if you put a 0 there, then armor and other equipment will not show on your character and if you put a 1 there then it will show. Hope this helps. kk
  5. So, I decided I don't want a set amount of HP and MP added each level based on the stats gained. Instead I am making it so that the amount of HP and MP earned each level goes up in brackets. For example, less than 50 Def gets 5 HP a level (+10 for leveling), and 50-124 Def gets 7 HP a level (+10 for leveling) and so on. My issue is occuring with my SetPlayerMaxHP and SetPlayerMaxMP subs. **Server Side** I have added the following code to both the clsCommand and the ModDatabase ``` Sub SetPlayerMaxHP(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Num As Long) Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).MAXHP = GetPlayerMaxHP(Index) + Num End Sub Sub SetPlayerMaxMP(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Num As Long) Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).MAXMP = GetPlayerMaxMP(Index) + Num End Sub ``` **Client Side** I added the following code to the modDatabase ``` Sub SetPlayerMaxHP(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Num As Long) Player(Index).MaxHp = GetPlayerMaxHP(Index) + Num End Sub Sub SetPlayerMaxMP(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Num As Long) Player(Index).MaxMP = GetPlayerMaxMP(Index) + Num End Sub ``` When used in my script the subs do not appear to function as designed. I am only getting the 10 HP for leveling. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Ok, I have dimmed them and set them = 0. Here is the code I have for that section ``` ' If SubWis > 0 Then ' frmMirage.lblWis.Caption = Val(parse(8)) - SubWis & " (+" & SubWis & ")" ' Else ' frmMirage.lblWis.Caption = Val(parse(8)) ' End If ' If SubDex > 0 Then ' frmMirage.lblDex.Caption = Val(parse(9)) - SubDex & " (+" & SubDex & ")" ' Else ' frmMirage.lblDex.Caption = Val(parse(9)) ' End If ``` It is currently commented out because if not, my game crashes upon entering with my character.
  7. Sorry, meant to say I'd done a ton of stuff server sided. In fact the stats seem to work completely… the only issue is getting the number to display on the character portion of the screen (when you click the character button). Where it should say Dexterity : # it says Dexterity : Dexterity because of the code I had to comment out so the game wouldn't crash. As for adding a message, I understand how to implement adding a message, but I'm not sure how that would help my situation. I know that the stats transfer properly, when I do a /info it shows me my Dex and Wisdom like it should and I can add stat points to it and everything. All my scripts and functions that use the stats work as well. The only issue is with getting the label that should show the amount of Dex and Wisdom that I have to show that amount. And the reason I'm not sure how to implement a message in such a way that it will help me is because if I uncomment out the code that makes it so that the amount of wisdom and dex I should have is shown, I can no longer get into the game to see any message anyway.
  8. When you fall asleep at the keyboard and wake up to new functions! Bye Pyrex!
  9. When attempting to do that I get a Runtime Error 6 Overflow message and the client crashes. Its directly when I press the - key though so it could be because of the isNumber check perhaps? I'll test this. Edit: So I took out the sub that checks to make sure that what I put in the text box is a number (by key press) but upon pressing the - key I get Runtime Error '13' Type mismatch. Prior to this, the changes I made I got Runtime Error '6' Overflow. So at least its a change XD
  10. Yes, but your responses are what I was asking you to expand on. As far as setting the scroll bar min to negatives, I've already changed it over to text boxes… do I need to change it back to scroll bars if I want negatives? As for what Umbra suggested, I think I just figured out what he means. I believe he was referring to moving my checks so that they check when I save the item. I have converted almost all of my scroll bars over to text boxes at this point. There is probably 3 or 4 I didn't change on the NPCEditor because they are short ones (I don't plan to have more than 10 classes in the end, things like that) and I believe I only have like 2 scroll bars in the ItemEditor the Exp percentage being one of them because it was giving an error and I have enough topics opened at the moment asking for help :P
  11. > I haven't noticed any issues with the changes to the NPC editor except that the error about it not being a number pops up when I press backspace. However, when using the Item Editor I'd like to be able to use negative numbers if possible and I'm not sure how to implement that. Also, it has an issue that when I highlight the number within the text box and press delete (this doesn't happen with the NPC Editor) the client crashes with a Run-time error '13' type mismatch. The errors mainly refer to using backspace with the NPCEditor and using delete or backspace with the ItemEditor. The middle item, though not an issue, would help me out a bunch and I really have no clue how to go about implementing it. I'm primarily a C++ programmer and Have only had a couple classes of that in college and actually haven't had to use it for anything serious in .. a year I think so I'm quite rusty. I'm kind of learning as I go and I tend to learn best by example, despite what people say about teaching themselves. Thanks again, KK
  12. Hmm, do I know how to code… that would depend on the context. Comparing to most of you guys who answer my questions... No... no I don't. In comparison, what I do is bang my head against the keyboard until something that seems like it might be logical pops up. Then I compile and run and see what it does. In most situations, it crashes my game or my server. At which time, I usually delete whatever I banged out and start the process over again. As a side note, my hp and mp bars appear to work perfectly now. There was another place where I needed to change 150 to 100 for each of them. Could any of you elaborate on your suggestions as to how to fix my Item Editor? Or the minor flaw in the NPC Editor?
  13. I did a lot of stuff client side, basically followed what the tutorial at the top said to do, but I don't think anything I had to do dealt with parsing. That could very be the issue. I'm not sure how making messages in this situation would help me because I know that if a uncomment out the bolded text above, I can't even play the game. It crashes as soon as I try to load a character. But I'll check the server side for parsing that needs to be done. hadn't thought of that. If you could further explain what to do with the messages (i understand how it would help, i often use cout to help me find errors while coding in C++, but in this situation I can't even uncomment the code without crashing), I'd appreciate it.
  14. Yeah it worked, I think there is something I need to change, probably under when the sever loads or when someone first logs in because when they first log in, the width is off again, once they get hit, its perfect. As a side note, if either of you look at this again. I am working on changing my scroll bars on my NPC Editor and my Item Editor into text boxes so I'm not limited by the integer limits placed on scroll bars. Here is the link: [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,31706.0.html](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,31706.0.html) I haven't noticed any issues with the changes to the NPC editor except that the error about it not being a number pops up when I press backspace. However, when using the Item Editor I'd like to be able to use negative numbers if possible and I'm not sure how to implement that. Also, it has an issue that when I highlight the number within the text box and press delete (this doesn't happen with the NPC Editor) the client crashes with a Run-time error '13' type mismatch. As per my usual, any help would be greatly appreciated.
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