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  1. Looks like he's having an orgasm.
  2. Braiton

    So sexy

    What the fuck did I just watch?
  3. Braiton


  4. Not to be an ass but it sounds awfully boring. Not to mention Sytrus sucks donkey balls and that's not a guitar. Oh and that kick sucks too. Get better Vsts. Say, Techno music is suppoused to pump the Shit out of you. Your creation sounds more like a 30 second clip being looped for 3 minutes, without generating any intresting at all in the Listener. Keep that in mind and make good music.
  5. @Chakkra: > I'm just grateful I don't live in say.. Africa. Or south America. You've never been to South America. Have you? ;D
  6. Count me in. I need motivation. I was writing a concept album but lack of time stopped in the middle of it. And now I can't get my lazy ass to it T_T Anyway, I don't see what's wrong with UG??? I'm confused.
  7. My vocal chords hurt from watching that. But it's not fair, they're used to it. If you know what I mean *cough*. I hear things.
  8. Braiton


    Do something useful and sell it. IE: Make music, graphics, etc. and finde someone willing to pay for it to use it. Or be a stripper on hot Cam nights.
  9. Get a Frontman and combine it with a Zoom G2 (they're cheap). Contrary to popular belief, Marshalls suck most of the times.
  10. To resume everything: If you are just starting out get the Frontman.
  11. @Rithy58: > I swear, I don't get that game. I paid $1 for a useless app. > It's like….so dumb. It was fun for 2 seconds. > > Sincerely, > Rithy You did? I could swear to god 90% of the people that have that game just got it illegaly. Sorry but I don't believe you payed for it. If you did, then allow me to laugh :D
  12. @Xlithan: > Exactly. The problem with most people here is that they're all too fast to say something smart, not realising they're contradictory to their own opinions. Oh no no. I just like being an asshole to strangers in Internet forums.
  13. I'd help you, but seeing as I'm an employee and you're a cheap bastard I can't.
  14. Yes, I do happen to live near a coke mine…oh wait...you mean coal mine? Oh. Sorry, can't help you.
  15. Only game I played was Runescape and quit later in my life. You can't expect much from a computer that can't even run Fallout 1\. The only thing decent in my PC is it's sound card. So yeah, I only use the PC for Audio (includes music recording).
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