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Everything posted by shadowwulf

  1. shadowwulf


    in the playerrec in both client and server add a last item of ``` VIP as byte ``` In the client search for the /commands. Mimic one for /VIP and have it send the command with two variable. The target's Index and the value(0 or 1) In the server have the packet run a command such as: ``` sub HandleVIP(Index, Value) player(Index).VIP = Value end sub ``` in the sub addchar() add a line near the bottom to set the default(I assume 0) There is alot you would need to learn to do this but If you try hard enough you will learn how this is all done.
  2. yes they work on EO. I already setup this collection for use in FS:CG until we hire a pixel artist.
  3. are you sure you have the input/output folders right?
  4. Or learn to do batch actions in photoshop
  5. yeah i knew tons of them must exists…
  6. yeah… problem is i suck at coding... rofl. I have learned my way around a handful of game engines enough to make some decent things... but making that would take longer than just renaming the files for me.
  7. Anyone ever see/make a small program that takes files in a given folder and just renames them? I would love to just open it up and say… Lets rename these files 50.extension and up...
  8. yes it is possible. You would need to source a special NPC(as a ticket salesperson) or tile. this NPC will teleport them to their desired location by whichever method you choose. You can make a list they pick from and it loads the variables saved by the location name.
  9. shadowwulf


    server folder. look at class.ini it will say malesprite and have numbers… correct the numbers to show the ones you want
  10. shadowwulf

    NPC location

    hence why i didnt even consider that… lol
  11. shadowwulf

    NPC location

    i believe its npc('use target to get npcnum').X and same for Y
  12. you set a variable in npc editor for shopnum. then in the sub that checks the npc you are attacking add a couple lines: if shopkeeper then open shop exit sub end if
  13. Just stating to prevent confusion. i didnt make this. just found it..
  14. Easiest(most likely not best) system would be to make a tile called Chest. When the tile is placed, it makes an .ini file that is named by its location. Example: Tile map(4), X(10), Y(31) would reference Chest41031.ini. Open a custom window(similar to the shop window) and load the invspots based on what is saved in the .ini Go a step further and make it where you can place items in the shop window from your inventory and save to ini. First step I would do is the tile, references .ini, loads a shop like window. You can then try having it make the .ini on placement/delete on removal… Then move on to adding items and removing them from ini via window. You could also just make Chest1.ini, with specific items. Tile equires key to activate window for chest 1 or whichever was specified.
  15. Not sure if this one was ever posted. http://chara.krobiz.com/chara.php It works pretty nicely. Needs to be converted to work in EO.
  16. least you didnt spent 8 hours before realizing you forgot to out in the last line saying to make your variable equal something…
  17. if it isnt named "picQuests" then yes… that would cause an error.. When writing the line "picQuests." it should pop up a dropdown with all the options in it and 'Visible' should be there.
  18. and picQuests exists and has a field for true/false?
  19. DOH! Been adding code for 8 hours now… rofls. Can't concentrate. THanks
  20. In the main game screen you see your stats and points with labels AGI:, STR:, & PNTS: How do you change them? I don't see anything in frmMain that is printing it on screen.
  21. yeah thats what i figured. Sent him notice that if they don't have internet access and we can reach them by phone, we can just reset password and do it for them.
  22. hmm. k ill check up on commands. I swear my Boss asked me this last year and I found that they have to log into the OWA and set it up there.
  23. Anyone know if you can make an out of office notice for someone right in exchange server 2007? I know they can make it in the office assistant.
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