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Everything posted by ewcreator

  1. @Bob: > Endless Online. >.> Lol same here
  2. I think it for the progress (am I right?)
  3. I the have (Complete)Source for Updater [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?mmdoxz2nyzn](http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?mmdoxz2nyzn)
  4. ewcreator


    U mean Guild Block?
  5. Lol you need to Install Eli/ Library Btw are u running on vista
  6. ewcreator

    Cy engine

    lol i was about to post a link for it .
  7. ok I found out that dim is not working correct . because I put a 0 instead of HB .
  8. it a simply transform scripted ( save the player/head/body/leg before transform ) It will be much easy if use sprite but have make with customchar
  9. Dim HB HB = GetPlayerleg(index) Call PutVar("PDD\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini", "Player", "Head", HB)
  10. ewcreator

    If you has a Ps3

    Any of you guys closed beta for Playstation home ( am a closed beta)
  11. Should it it be Call SetPlayerBody(Index,2)
  12. ewcreator

    If you has a Ps3

    lol right ( how long do u play your ps3?) my OnyxTeddy
  13. lol Anyways. .. @Enig(big)mac: > voting is an illusion, rich billionairs who run this country make the decisions not the American > peopleā€¦ so as long as the grand illusion called "voting" keeps order it works, now on the > other hand if they caught onto this farce the anarchy would rule but the chances of that > is slim considering that people will always except the unknowing truth in front of their eyes. Wow that deep. I hope that not true about this country
  14. lol that Why Dave chappell wanted to be second black president (AM rich ***)
  15. That nice you working on forums (better not be ads annoy crap xD) p.s isuis island hmm eh not catchy but am going send a mess to you.
  16. for some reason this modified Quest scripted doesn't take away items so anybody know what wrong with with it?????????? If GetFlagHeight(index, 2) = 1 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "I don't see the item.", 10) End If If GetFlagHeight(index, 2) = 2 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "Hmmm seem that u got the item.", 10) If FindItemSlot(index, 1) = 2 Then Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, SLOT, 0) Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, SLOT, 0) Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, SLOT) Else If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, SLOT) = 2 Then Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, SLOT, 0) Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, SLOT, 0) Else Call GiveItem(index, 1, 100) Call PlayerMsg(index, "Here is your reward. ", 14) Call RaiseFlag(index, 2, 1) Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(Index) & " has complete a quest " & "!", YELLOW) End If End If End If
  17. having trouble calling the Sub. I try two different way first way Case 1 Call Sub Shell(index) or Case 1 Call Shell(index) so what is the right way to call the sub
  18. ewcreator


    Is EE2.5 main compatible with 2.7 and if so all my scripted current not working on 2.7 for some reason.? :confused:
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