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Everything posted by Dark_Marine_123

  1. Im fairly sure Sadscript CANNOT access anything outside the game, and the only internet functions it has is Call LoadInternet(Index, "URL")
  2. AdminMsg? Make sure you have enough access to see such a message as well, and make sure the NPC is using the correct script
  3. A wise man showed me this link, and then out of nowhere…SOUND http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=37323.0;attach=6371
  4. Wow thats not just personal feelings, it looks more like a selfish attack D;
  5. Send in the marines! [![](http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/4466/theinfantrymd3.jpg)](http://imageshack.us)
  6. Im about to give you my Ingame script editor and hop on your game and make this work xD http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php?topic=36801.0 Go go
  7. Ok Im starting to wonder whats up with it now D: It looks right..
  8. Then this sir is your problem ^_^ ``` Call playermsg(index, GetVar("Words.ini", "Words", ""& Words &""), 14) ```Should look like ``` Call playermsg(index, GetVar("Words.ini", "Words", "param" & Words), 14) ```
  9. Few checks need to be made A. Is the Ini located in the directory with Server.exe? B. Did you write all 100 replies or just some? (Which may cause the message or blank to appear) C. Does your Words.ini look like this ``` 1=Hi Im some dude talking to you about a quest 2=Hi Im lonley 3=Riney is sexy 4=Meow ... 100=Phew thats a lotta text ``` I ask this because from the looks of it you may have named each variable in the ini Words1 Words2 and this is making it look for 1 and 2 without anything else (Ive done it before :P) D. Did the server blow up (To figure out if it did just try another command that you know works, if it does its your script, if it doesnt work, server esploded)
  10. Select Case is only a convience to scripters/programmers so you dont have to type If Rawr = 1 Then W/e End If If Rawr = 2 Then W/e End If If Rawr = 3 Then W/e End If Make quest guy 1 appear when selecting scripts? Elaborate
  11. @Broken_Paladin: > Thank you guys for such a fast response (Sorry went afk for min), I did get the main from a friend, he must have deleted the npc part because I had the items/spells/tiles. Thank you again for the help. What I tell ya…anyway Your welcome :P (^ Hes so tryin to steal mah credit) Part of being a good scripter is knowing whats missing and thinking outside normal bounds a lot. New ideas come to me daily and I guess things come to me quick ;o
  12. I dun think it even works, you can clikc it all you want, it just does nothing ;o
  13. @Sigait: > 1st-its imposible to put scripts for scripted NPC''s in other sections > 2nd-there is a section for scripted NPC's in all Eclipse version's > 3rd-all scripts go to the Main noone excluded > > Sigait. Now lets consider for a second that he got the server from a friend who modified his main, or he accidently deleted it himself. Its not ALWAYS going to be there, unless you download it straight from here :P
  14. To created a Scripted NPC you just gotta do /editnpc and give it the scripted property, however if you mean to make one preform actions well, there SHOULD be a scripted NPC command, try ctrl f'ing for it "Sub ScriptedNPC", if you dont find anything well, here ya go ``` Sub ScriptedNPC(Index, Script) Select Case Script Case 0 Call PlayerMsg(Index, "NPC: Hi I'm a scripted NPC", YELLOW) Case Else Call PlayerMsg(Index, "NPC: I dont have a script yet >:(", YELLOW) End Select Exit Sub ```
  15. IF you're drawing a random dungeon with only one map it never hurt to tell the players what room their in
  16. @NekoNagato: > Thanks! It really helped, I am completely lost but you are the light in this dark online world xD Id like to think myself of something like that too xD
  17. Are you expecting someone to write a script for you every time? If so you need to post in Script request and not help, this forum is for people who have at least some knowledge of sad script AND probably a snippet of what they have and what they need to know to fix it or make it work more functually
  18. Make a file called Main.mid in your music folder and itll play for you :D
  19. I actually think theres a way to do it with Sub OnArrowHit and the Call FireArrow or w/e command, that might NOT be a source mod. :o
  20. Well first you'll need to make a timer (Obvous right?) then make a scripted spell. Now you'll need two things, the spell which Call SetPlayerStr(Index, GetPlayerStr(Index) + X) where X = what ever you want, and sets the timer, OR if the timer is already set, remake the timer so you can reuse your skill on the other players. You'll also need a script that identifies when the timer is over, and Call SetPlayerStr(Index, GetPlayerStr(Index) - X) Where x is what ever you set back there, as well as removing the timer. You'll probably need to add a few things to ini files to make sure you dont have mutliple instances of the spell on, etc.
  21. Well to make it fade out, if you're willing to make a scripted spell look like the NPC fading out you can, but hte lazy mans way would be to make it so it doesnt respawn unless a script tells it to, then damage the npc for all of its hp and play a scripted spell on top of it while it dies off.
  22. Lookie here, see if it helps :o http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php?topic=12254.0
  23. Im under the impression that a bugged VBMP is in these new library files, everyone Ive sent them to I had to send this fix as well.
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