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Everything posted by DrNova

  1. I'm aware its fake. The guy is funny though XD Good punchline
  2. Watch these in order XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTTwcCVajAc&feature=fvwp&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ih4g2Qphttw&context=C2d304ADOEgsToPDskLEupiPmCZvfQKgDPX0fL4K
  3. [http://echostorms.net/Resources/Tiles/RMXP%20Tilesets/](http://echostorms.net/Resources/Tiles/RMXP%20Tilesets/)
  4. Its a wonder we made it to several billion already without blowing ourselves up.
  5. First, this "user agreement" is just silly and immature. Having admin beat a character in game as part of the punishment is "A FUCKING BAD AND STUPID idea. Not only is it lame, but it gives WAY to much oppertunity for misuse. Stick to mutes and temp bans, drop the retarded assault. The child predator clause, the racism clause, those are just uneccesary and look silly. ONE general "dont be a dick to people in the extreme" rule is all you need. And dont go Nazi about it either, in an mmo people fight, people chase down an opponent and harass him for a few kills, thats part of gaming. Dont be an uber strict admin, let players solve their problems naturally. Third. As for how to add it, learn to code. Just add a simple form between the main log in and the create a char screen. Shouldnt be to hard. But please, make your user agreement more professional and less…. silly
  6. > 23:27:52 - YOU: hey man > 23:27:52 - BOT: Fuck off. > 23:28:01 - YOU: jeez, holy shit that wasn't very nice. lmao. In the logs. Awesome start to a convo XD
  7. DrNova

    Dead Island

    Well thats unfortunate. It happens though.
  8. DrNova

    Dead Island

    :( Now you guys are making me not even want to put any more time into it at all XD
  9. The jet part did leave much to be desired. I didnt understand why they added it at all. Felt like I was in a stroller, couldnt really do anything.
  10. [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,14994.0.html](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,14994.0.html) Link to previous project, should showcase my writing-organizational abilities at least somewhat. Un fortunatley all the screenshots that WERE there died long ago, still trying to find examples somewhere of my old stuff
  11. @NamelessSoul: > Well, other than that, the sprite is really good-looking. Also, I can notice you have it as your avatar. glad you pointed that out, saved me from following a link XD
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lK4cX5xGiQ&ob=av3e
  13. I'd like to apply. I've a long road of work to do getting better at spriting and doing custom tiles before I even am able to work on my project, and if I just sprite the whole time I will get bored and quit. I nee dto use the engine to stay refreshed and inspired. I dont have any maps, but I'm a talented mapper, I've recieved posative feedback on most of my work before. I understand general engine usage, and have been around for a while and worked on a number of projects. I'm a good idea guy, I enjoy getting deeper into development then just mapping. Quest idea's, mobs, items, balancing, ect. Just enjoy development in general. I cant code however, just fyi. But would like to get involved
  14. I can see it now. I get halfway through my tilesets, and I'll have gotten decent enough to the point my old half looks like shit to me, and I am compelled to redo them all XD
  15. DrNova

    Dead Island

    Well I suppose time will tell then. L4D is an awesome zombie game, I still play that one alot. Suprisingly there is a decently healthy online population even on the first left for dead game, as I dont have the second one.
  16. lol no they are not. And really Kusy? The single player campaign on BF3 is actually really fun, and so far a good story. Most story modes on shooters bore me, I only really buy FPS's for the multiplayer (outside of like gears of war, something unique), but I've actually been going back to BF3 campaign a number of times.
  17. DrNova


    If they brought me frost salts I wouldnt mind. We'd both get high off them
  18. Thats not ironic, its just neccesary. Social media is neccesary to help sustain their cause. Sometimes you have to use the system to beat the system
  19. Out of curiosity. Do you know how to code? And do you have, are you going to get custom gfx? (neccesary basically if you hope to make money off of you rproject)
  20. DrNova

    Dead Island

    I dont know if it has a topic yet, but its a pretty fun game.Nothing shockingly new or original about the game, but it is a good solid time with zombies. I advise against playing online except with friends who are willing to cooperate, or you at least know, but its a great game
  21. Marsh, accept my damned friend request!
  22. assets.minecraft.net/11w48a/minecraft.jar
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