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Everything posted by zade_o

  1. only problem is this, (i think i didn't read through your thing fully) but warconn and i realized that using the app.path thing in the client code will put the ini in the client folder instead of the server so we realized we have to use packets…I'm not messing with that just yet =) Actually I can probably do some work around so that the new ini just gets the info from the other ini in the server but whenever you read the ini for real data you would use the one from the server, but for display purposes, read the onee from the client.
  2. cant you just put a timer at the end of the do while loop? and remove the timer at the beginning? ….
  3. alright. i'll go download it real fast. add [email protected]
  4. the 32x64 one does actually have some really nice stuff I've never seen before. great find man!
  5. zade_o

    Boss sprites

    There's the BigSprites sheet…. other than that you pretty much should custom make them.
  6. Ok sooo This is what I'm trying to do. Instead of using the level up from killing stuff and using points on your stats, you get xp based on your damage and depending on how you're fighting (like RS) so I need a way for the player to see how much xp he has and how much the next level in that stat is. I have an ini file with all the levels and their xp values. What I want is for the player to click the icon for that skill and then the EXP bar that's under the HP bar will change to show that skills experience data. But I don't know how to change the label in the VB project to display information from an ini file
  7. The only real dupe hack was right after item lending came out and it lasted for 2 hours…. everything else is more like a dupe scam.
  8. hmm well I use the 3frame movement thing too and it works fine (sort of) for me. Like i said it shows the sword under the shield when you're walking down. But I guess if you get a fresh copy of the two subs you'll have to recopy the 3frame movement into it
  9. naw i meant that it posted "jew couldn't hurt you" about 4000 times lmfao. Well i got that fixed. I changed the 12000 to 33 and it works (i changed to 100 and it posted 3 times so i divided 100 by 3) But now this leaves me with yet 1 mroe problem which I feel will be the last. It adds the lines perfectly, but when it surpasses the height of the box, the focus stays at the top of the box while the list of combat text gets longer. How can I make it jump to the last line everytime? EDIT- Nevermind got that just now. alrighty, all good. ProblemS solved. lol.
  10. actually i got a new problem with it. I get a helluva lot of the same lines in game. this is what i changed the section of code to ``` If BattlePMsg(i).Index > 0 Then If BattlePMsg(i).Time + 12000 > GetTickCount Then 'Call DrawText(TexthDC, 1 + sx, BattlePMsg(i).y + frmMirage.picScreen.Height - 15 + sx, Dim s As String s = Trim$(BattlePMsg(i).Msg) frmMirage.txtCmb.Text = frmMirage.txtCmb.Text & s & vbNewLine Else BattlePMsg(i).Done = 0 End If End If If BattleMMsg(i).Index > 0 Then If BattleMMsg(i).Time + 12000 > GetTickCount Then 'Call DrawText(TexthDC, (frmMirage.picScreen.Width - (Len(BattleMMsg(i).Msg) * 8)) + sx, BattleMMsg(i).y + frmMirage.picScreen.Height - 15 + sx, Trim$(BattleMMsg(i).Msg), QBColor(BattleMMsg(i).color)) s = Trim$(BattleMMsg(i).Msg) frmMirage.txtCmb.Text = frmMirage.txtCmb.Text & s & vbNewLine Else BattleMMsg(i).Done = 0 End If End If ```
  11. yeah i figured it out. only problem now is what is the command to put text on a new line? is it /n like java? EDIT- Nevermind got it.
  12. Sooo I completely rearranged the GUI and I put in a new text box for BattleMsgs isntead of showing them on the game screen. Only problem is no matter what I do, the new client won't compile… any suggestions? like, how exactly do I add text to the text box? cus the way i thought you did it isn't working............
  13. hmm. are you sure you changed everything the exact same in each sub? If you changed it all the exact same ( or at least, think you did) then I would get a fresh copy of those 2 subs and try again.
  14. Yeah I realized after I said this and equipped a longer sword that when i moved down the sword showed under the shield. I forgot to take into account the directions. ah well. but yeah you can probably just copy that chunk of code and check the direction before doing anything
  15. Naw he's right they made a little slip up when they did paperdolling with 2.7\. Adrian, it's an easy fix. I always wanted to do the same thing and when I read this thread you inspired me to check it out lol. Basically, go to the BltPlayer and BltPlayerTop subs in the modGameLogic of the client source. There's like 2 spots in each where the weapon is handled after the shield is. Just move the weapon section so that it comes before the shield. It worked for me. Took like 10 seconds to figure out.
  16. yeah nevermind i meant the one in givecurrency. sorry about that.
  17. zade_o


    Yeah I've tried it and it doesn't work. The only way to get 96x96 is to actually change the source yourself. Trust me. I did it.
  18. Ah well I don't really have the time go through and pick out that kind of stuff >.<
  19. I know i didn't mean less bold. I had it backwards. There needed to be a separation between the white lines and the colorful background like a black outline. And I like that new little logo =)
  20. Oh yeah, the extra "&" in the first globalmsg might have been causing it…
  21. No it's like…too much so. I guess what I said didn't express what I meant. I think there needs to be like a black outline on the white boxes/words or something
  22. God dayum! lol…. ummm comment out the currency statement just for debugging and see if it works without it.
  23. Oh many this is really starting to stump me….. Could be that the bottom GlobalMsg is spelled wrong? You have Gobal not Global?... Try that.
  24. Yeah basically it would boil down like this - -player hits ctrl next to an enemy then: - player's x, y, and map number are saved to ini - npc index is saved to ini - find a "reserved map" that's empty - place the tiles for the backdrop according to what the original map number was (mountains, forest, underwater etc.) - let them fight (however you wanna do that…..) - everytime someone makes a move, check the hp of npc #1 on the new map and if it's less than or equal to 0, then do the same things in reverse basically.
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