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Everything posted by zade_o

  1. Um. just the hair. the highlights don't seem to fit the style. the highlights make it seem like it's just silk or something. Idk how to describe it
  2. I have like 16m if you include items. I've lost like 20m cus of their stupid system of dying. They base if off the general store price even though they could just as easily use street price. So i've lost armadyl chest plate twice (cus of lag) and that's 10m a pop. At least it was when i lost it. Idc though, I can easily make it back.
  3. I'm pretty sure you can even make 3d games in BASIC.
  4. @[SB: > Cheatah link=topic=40914.msg404542#msg404542 date=1237731017] > and a waste of cash it's only a waste if you're broke. If you have a decent amount of money and you wanna get a slayer task done fast… it's useful.
  5. dwarf cannon sucks balls. It's only good for slayer and only if you're training in a world where nobody is. Otherwise, it's rude.
  6. Dang tyr, that's a lot better than the one you show'd me haha. I really like that (as much as I can like 16x16…) but it doesn't go well at all with a non-16-bit sword lol
  7. Yeah the new wood texture looks incredible. a ton better than the old ones..
  8. Oh but can't you use SetPlayerX()/SetNpcX() or something? Because if you warp the player then it reloads the map which could cause a bit of issues with PVP plus, there's that glitch where sometimes a player freezes up when they try to load a map so they could have to quit the game if you warp them.
  9. Um… Isn't that what Devo's been working on for like 3 months or so? a star wars game? lol
  10. Do you mean could a player use it on an NPC? I think it would. Of course you'd have to have an if statement to determine if the target is an NPC or a Player. Because the commands would be different accordingly. I think it's something like ``` if GetTargetIndex(Index)
  11. 1\. I don't think that's enough. It might be enough to deter people from stealing your graphics etc. But I don't think it's enough to actually take legal matters if someone does steal your stuff. I think you have to register your company or something. I could be wrong though. 2\. Yes. As long as everything you did was made by you or free-to-use/open source.
  12. Would it be possible with the current TileBlting system to do something along the lines of this for fringe tiles? (this is pseudocode btw) if a player exists at tileY + 1 BltTile Blt the Player directly below else BltTile or would that be throw off by the fact that there's other players on the map? See, this way, my sprite will show up ontop of the fringe tiles only if it's infront of them. Cus I have 96x96 sprites so when they walk up to a block, take for instance a tree trunk, then part of the trunk still shows over his head just cus tiles are 32x32 and i can't seem to find the balance.
  13. zade_o

    Animated Arrows

    I've had it before. Basically you just make a new item variable that determines whether or not the item is animated. Then, you put a new option on the ItemEditor window that toggles the animated option. Then in the sections where you Blt the player/playertop you wanna check for each piece of armor and if it's animated advance a variable by one and add that variable to the item that you paperdoll. I can't really explain any better without giving the code which I don't want to do. But that would work because the arrow would change as well as long as each of the copies of the bow weapon have a different frame of the animated arrow.
  14. zade_o

    Animated Arrows

    Make animated Items and just made 4 bows and each bow uses one frame of the animated arrow. That should work.
  15. zade_o

    Bragging :P

    No. Andrew made a game that they revamped and made Runescape (which turned into Runescape Classic when they made Runescape 2)
  16. zade_o

    Bragging :P

    ah yeh. My bad. the game they made before RS was 1998 (that's what i was thinking of) then they rewrote it for runescape and released a beta in 2001
  17. And since we wouldn't give you our hard earned money…
  18. zade_o

    Bragging :P

    RSC is from like 1996 or something. I've been playing since 2003.
  19. zade_o

    Bragging :P

    I'm comparing to his screen shot now. Ok, yep, it's real. That matches the screen I have when I use the bank at top of lumby. Only thing that could disprove this is when he took the screenie. Oh, and just cus you're lvl 3 with high firemaking doesn't mean you can't merchant… tons of people are rich off merchanting.
  20. zade_o

    Bragging :P

    @[SB: > Chakkra link=topic=40599.msg402536#msg402536 date=1237579083] > If your grammar made any sence, i could knwo what you just said. don't comment peoples' grammar or spelling when you have 2 typos in your comment. anyways, I think adammack proved it's fake. You wouldn't see the 2 men on the screen unless you were on the 2nd story and there's no bank on the 2nd story. I guess this explains why the mini map is missing =)
  21. Sounds like there's basically no need for it. I think the world is set with the current languages.
  22. Function procedures are used to return a value. Sub procedures are used to do something… i.e. you can do this dim a a=SomeFunction() but with a procedure you would have to do dim a Call SomeSub(); and let the Sub change a.
  23. zade_o

    Bragging :P

    Tipsta, that's not what he's saying. He's saying his bank account is fake. Just because he really does have an account with 67 or w/e firemaking doesn't mean his bank account is true. But, adammack, it's not the bottom floor of lumby, a while back they updated it so that if you're on the top floor of something you can still see some of the stuff below it. Not NPCs or anything, but still grass etc. Still, it does make me question why he had to take off the mini map on the first one.
  24. Ah. Ok. I remember now. Cus i changed the color on one of my old projects so I knew it was easy. All you had to do is search the project for "lstOnline.BackColor" and it takes you right to the problem… ``` frmMirage.lstOnline.BackColor = RGB(R1, G1, B1) ```It's in sub LoadColors in modGeneral. Just comment that out and it'll let you change the color manually.
  25. zade_o


    I was talking about directdraw I believe. Unfortunately though, I'm putting this off for now. For me to do it, I'd have to put new calculations in the way NPCs and Players are drawn + the tiles. I don't really have that much time.
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