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Anna Comnena

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Everything posted by Anna Comnena

  1. Hey, I miss your old avatar with the cat in the beanie tapping its paw. Nice to see you again! :D
  2. Video Games board. This is an alright game, I generally don't do well on these sort of games though because I hate sacrificing characters. So I wind up making the game a million times harder than it needs to be.
  3. What skills do you need to work on? Who are the programs going to help?
  4. I don't remember the beer, I think it might have been one of the more prominent ones up in Fort Collins area though.
  5. Your favourite childhood console NES or SNES Your favourite childhood game(s) StarTropics, River City Ransom, Final Fantasy II (4) Your favourite console as a teen SNES and PC Your favourite game(s) as a teen TIE Fighter, Dark Forces/Jedi Knight, Max Payne, Civilization 2, Secret of Mana, Sim City 2000, Operation Flashpoint: Resistance Your favourite console nowadays None / PC Your favorite game(s) nowadays Whatever is fun and runs on my computer at the time.
  6. It was just some aboriginal older man nude except for a basic penis sheath. Nothing anyone who's looked in a National Geographic or have taken a high school anthropology course hasn't seen before.
  7. >dos equis >good Whatever. Have you seen that microbrew commercial, where some blue collar schmuck says "I drink beer all the time, and when I do, I drink good beer."?
  8. 6 years in July. At the end of the green board era.
  9. Well it's about how flouride is put into public water supplies as a means of mind control or something. Tinfoil hat type of stuff. Tompwnage was an old Eclipse member about my age who was a bit on the crazy side.
  10. @DrNova: > The older generations have trouble really fully intergrating into the general mixing pot ideology we have nowadays (for the most part). Just hardwired from their childhoods, in my opinion. Even when they THINK they are open and unbiased, they still have leftover tendancies from their era. From what I've seen anyways No, they don't. Back in the old days integration was organic and about INDIVIDUALS bettering themselves. Cultural biases aside, individual work ethic and merits overcome such things. Now adays, the leftists are the ones that are racist; their entire social policies are built up around all this bullshit cultural context. Respect individuals and their rights and actions, return focus to personal responsibility, and evaluate people on their own merits, not the context of the culture, gender, or race they were born into. Forced integration is no different than forced segregation. Leftists are giant hypocrites.
  11. crzy, have you ever been to Applejack liquors? It's in west Wheat Ridge (or White Ridge as my friends like to call it lol). It's pretty easy to get too cuz it's right off I-70; at the 32nd Ave. / Youngfield St. exit. You can find some interesting stuff that that you usually can't at your local liquor store. @renzo: Tequila is for plebs with no taste. It's an interesting flavor in mixed drinks, but by itself it's the worst (except maybe gin).
  12. One thing I think is lame about Empire Earth is the endgame. Nuclear weapons are retarded in that they have absolutely no environmental consequences about them. Considering there are gameplay mechanics for plagues and pestilence, it's inexcusable that there is no gameplay consideration for radiation or fallout. It makes nukes so easy to turtle with (enemy invasion force penetrate your cities? No problem, just nuke the core of it then rebuild!); citizens shouldn't be able to rebuild in nuked zones so quickly with no consequence. That, and the fact that most cybers and helicopter type aircraft are generally useless and specific. Empire Earth is still a top-tier RTS game during it's depiction of time periods from prehistory up to the Industrial Revolution, though. But no consideration for radiation or other environmental effects of atomics, and no consideration of oil, fuel or energy resources, makes post industrial ages sort of silly in my opinion.
  13. Bottled water is garbage. Of course growing up in Colorado I'm fucking spoiled for the most part. Although plains towns and eastern front range suburbs have pretty bad water, western cities near the mountains have great water. Fort Collins probably has the best tap water I've ever had. Best water in general was this one public water hand-pump at a recreation area up in the mountains; wonderful water from that. One thing I don't like about most bottled water, is it has some wierd aftertaste to me, that makes me want to drink more water. I don't know if I'm imagining it or not. As far as alcohol, I don't drink too much anymore, but I prefer rich colored alcohols. Especially rum and scotch, for different reasons. A good scotch has woodsy smooth warmth to it that is nice to sip on over time. A nice rum has a lot of richness and sweet flavor. Bacardi Ron 8 Anos is a bit pricey but that is some epic rum. That rum is too good to waste adding Coca-Cola to it, even. Delicious sipping liquor. An always useful go-to if you want to get hammered with little fuss, is Bacardi 151 and Coca-Cola.
  14. Seriously Jungle… posting a QWERTY typewriter in a Dvorak thread. That's a paddlin.
  15. @DrNova: > "Stoner Olympics". Basically we went out in a feild near my house and did a bunch of random mini games, like "who could throw a tire the farthest" and "hackysack baseball"(awesome game we invented) Awesome! :D
  16. Good for them, I don't care about competition I want large scales and diversity. If I wanted small and tiny I'd go play AoE or RoN instead. Empire Earth's greatest strength was it's potential for epic scales; it's stunted by its shitty camera and relatively low unit cap. Edit: or better yet, for REAL tactical level gameplay, I'd play Homeworld.
  17. Oh thanks for being the gameplay police. I don't whore units, I only play on gigantic maps where you have multiple cities and fronts to fight on. Otherwise the game is just another RTS boring piece of micromanagy shit. 1200 units / 8 factions = worthless.
  18. Hey Keebler Elf, if you don't use anything, what is your max Unit Cap for games? Only 1200? That's bs. It was 2400 with the save-ee patch, I'm assuming. I reinstalled once again to make sure its a clean clean install, its back to 2.00.3466; I've noticed the unit cap is only 1200 now. Stupid limit, if there is no way to increase that I'm just gonna go back to the save-ee patch anyway.
  19. No, you need to cut out half the stuff in your GUI and make it more contextually based. Most of that information is not needed for the player at all times.
  20. Civilization isn't that great multiplayer, though. Also you might as well make a new thread about it as they aren't the same genre. For something more similar to Empire Earth, Rise Of Nations is interesting too. Anyway, I'm doing a clean reinstall of Empire Earth (original retail CD, 1.04 patch, and 2.0 patch). See how it works out. Edit: ok well I did both of those and now my game version is 2.00.3466
  21. Did you make those sprites? If so they are very good, reminiscent of Ragnarok Online sprites.
  22. Because the majority of your posts are spam, or generally contrarian to the thread, and have no constructive use at all. Don't act like it's my problem because I took 5 seconds to call you out on it.
  23. Well I wouldn't know about that. Do you play with the difficulty settings and multiplayer lobby add-on patch (2.0)? It seems to be hard to syncronize individual client versions from that point, on.
  24. Aeri, stop being a contrarian piece of shit. They were obviously referring to the 20th of April, even if it wasn't that point for some time zones at the time of their post. Seriously I don't know why you aren't banned yet.
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